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Kat's POV

Dr. Halstead had brought me my discharge paperwork and pain medication telling me to take it easy for a couple days. What is it with Chicago and all these hot guys? Like is there something in the water?

I was sitting on my hospital bed when Kelly walked in. "Hey Kelly." I smiled. He was wearing denim jeans, a blue v-neck shirt and a black leather jacket. 

"Hey Kat. You ready to go?"

"Yep I'm all set." I held up my paperwork and meds. "Dr. Halstead said I need to take it easy for the next couple days."

"And that's where I come in."

Not only did his eyes make you want to curl into him but his smile was just as contagious.

"I appreciate this Kelly. I really do."

"You're welcome. Now let's get you home." He held out his hand to me. I gladly took it and he pulled me to my feet. As we walked out of the hospital I could feel his hand on the small part of my back.

He walked me to his car and opened the passenger side door. "Thank you." I slipped into the seat and Kelly closes my door to head to the drivers side.

Once he is settled in he starts his 1968 blue mustang. "Your car is amazing."

"It is pretty sweet."

"I'm sure my mustang is totaled." That car was my pride and joy. I can remember Nicholas sitting in the back singing at the top of his lungs and Luke sitting in the passenger seat singing right along with him.

I tried to wipe my tears away before Kelly had noticed but I guess I wasn't quick enough because I saw him looking at me concerned.

"I'm sorry Kat from what I saw it is totaled."

I fell silent for the rest of the drive trying my hardest not to break down. My heart hurt knowing I was starting to lose little pieces that reminded me of Luke and Nicholas.

Kelly pulled into my driveway and parked his car. He turned off the engine but instead of getting out he turned to face me. "You don't have to put on a brave face for me. If you need to cry then cry. I won't judge you."

It felt as if that was all I needed to hear. The dam that had been holding my tears in burst and I broke down right there in the front seat of Kelly's car.

Kelly must of leaned over because before I knew it I was being pulled across the bench seat and onto his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and cried as he wrapped his arms around me.

After I had stopped crying we sat there in silence for a bit. Then Kelly asked me "You want to go inside?"

"Yeah I would like to change clothes." I hadn't yet moved off his lap.

"Hey Kat?"


"As much as I love sitting here and holding you if you want to go inside your going to need to move off my lap."

I could feel my cheeks starting to become warm from blushing. "Right. Sorry." I scouted off his lap and back to the passenger side of the car.

"Kat you never have to be sorry. I understand you are hurting and have not yet healed from losing your husband and your son."

Kelly Severide was seriously the second most sweetest guy I had ever met, Luke being the first. "Thank you Kelly."

"You're Welcome."

I opened the passenger door and got out of his car and then we headed inside. I headed up the stairs and I could feel Kelly following close behind me. We got to my room and I stopped to look at the picture of Luke and Nicholas.

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