One Call Away

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We make it back to Chicago and I open my garage so Matt and I both can park my cars inside. I close the garage doors as we exit the vehicles.

"Thanks for driving my Jeep back, Matt."

"You're welcome." I grab the keys from him.

"So Matt and I were going to go grab dinner. Either of you want to join?"

The last thing I wanted was to spend more time with Kelly after that awkward drive home.

"Thanks for the invite but I'm beat. Muscles are starting to stiffen up from my accident. But you three should go."

I saw Matt and Gabby exchange a look. "Another time then."


"Give me 5 minutes guys need to grab my stuff."

Matt and Gabby nodded and then left out the side door in the garage to head home. I walk over to the fridge in my garage and pull out an unopened bottle of wine.

Kelly followed me inside to my kitchen so I could find my bottle opener.

"Kat can we talk?"

"There's nothing for us to talk about Kelly."

I begin to open my wine when Kelly came around the island and stood next to me. "Kat please."

I stopped turning the corkscrew for a moment. "Thank you for everything Kelly. But I'd like to head to bed." I finished opening the bottle and was about to grab a glass when I just decided to drink out of the bottle.

I headed upstairs to my room with Kelly following close behind me. We entered my bedroom and Kelly grabbed his bag. "You have my number. Goodnight Kat."

I had my back turned towards Kelly but I heard him leave and then my front door slam close. The sound immediately bringing tears to my eyes. I lifted the bottle to my lips and took my first sip of many that night.

I walked to my bathroom and didn't even hesitate. I grabbed my pain medication and took 3 little white pills out slamming them into my mouth. I used the wine to wash them down. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I just didn't care.

I was truly alone.


No Ones POV

Kelly walked back across the street and headed inside the house he shared with Gabby and Matt. Both of them were sitting on the couch waiting for him.

"Everything alright Kelly?"

"No. Kat did get jealous over that Monica chick and I made a remark along the lines of "it's not like we are together." Kelly could see they both were about to tell him how much he fucked up. "Please don't guys. I don't need a lecture."

"Just want to order pizza?"

"Sure." Gabby excused herself so she could place the order.


Kat's POV

I woke up the next morning a bit hung over and groggy. I tried to shake the feeling and went to take a shower. I felt the warm water wash over my body trying to soothe every sore muscle.

I heard my phone starting to ring but I just ignored it not wanting to get out of the shower.

About 30 minutes later when I finally stepped out of the shower, I picked up my phone and saw it was my insurance agent that called me. I listen to the voicemail.

"Hello Mrs. Lane. This is John from farmers insurance. I have scheduled a time for us to go look at your car and make a determination if it is a total loss or can be fixed. It is at 11. I will text you the address. Have a good day."

I lower the phone from my ear and see it is already 10:30am. I quickly get dress and run out the door. I make it to the tow yard right at 11am.

I exit my vehicle and see John standing by his company issued sedan.

"Mrs. Lane so nice to see you."

"You too John." We exchange a hug.

"Shall we?" He motions towards the door and I nod my head. We head inside to go find my mustang. I felt like my heart was going to beat right out of my chest.

Nicki at the front desk takes us back into the yard and shows us where my car was. Each step I took felt like my heartbeat was getting louder and louder inside my ears.

As soon as my mustang comes into sight my heart drops to my stomach and tears begin to fall from my eyes. I knew it was a total loss before John even spoke.

"I'm so sorry Kat."

I quickly wipe the tears from my eyes. "Just cut me a check. There is no fixing that."

I didn't look at John but I knew he had this look of pity on his face. "Kat take a couple days to think about it. We can always have a shop look and see how much it'll cost to fix."


That was the only word I could get out before turning around and walking back to my car. I left John to handle things with the tow yard and I drove back home.

The second I was inside I grabbed a bottle of wine and went straight upstairs to take a couple pills and try to forget about my sadness.


3 days later

No Ones POV

Kelly, Matt, and Gabby were on shift and talking in Kelly's office when he received a phone call from a number he didn't recognize.


"Kelly Severide?" A males voice came over the ear piece.

"Yes. Who is this?" The three of them were all exchanging looks.

"This is Josh. Kat's friend." Josh almost sounded panicked.

Kelly was surprised by who it was. "Oh hey Josh. What's up?"

"When's the last time you talked to Kat?"

"About 3 days ago. Why? Is something wrong?"

"She's been sending a lot of us cryptic text messages and won't answer any of our calls. Some of her messages I can tell she is either drunk or popping pills again."

Kelly's head fell. He knew the hospital would of given her some heavy painkillers after her accident. "It's pain killers. She got some after her accident."

Josh was silent. "What accident?"

Kelly, Gabby, and Matt all exchange another look. They thought Kat would of called him. "She helped rescue a teenage girl the other day and come to find out the girl had fentanyl on her. Kat didn't know and she ended up wrecking her mustang."

Kelly could hear Josh sigh on the other end of the phone. "Can you guys go check on her? We are on our way up but it'll be later tonight."

"Yeah we can do that. We are actually off now so we will head right over."

"Awesome. Thank you Kelly. Let me know how it goes."

"Will do." Kelly hung up the phone.

The three of them headed towards the locker room and got changed. Once they were all changed they loaded up into Matt's truck and headed home to check on Kat.

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