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Kat's POV

The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes being made downstairs. I open my eyes and Kelly's face comes into view sound asleep.

I smile as I lay one of my hands on his cheek. I run my thumb over his lips and wonder if this was going somewhere or was I just fooling myself.

I laid there for a while longer watching Kelly sleep, my hand still on his cheek. I see his eyelids start to twitch before they finally open reveling his ocean blue eyes.

"Good morning." His husky voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Good morning." I can't help the smile that forms on my face.

We lay there staring at one another for what feels like an eternity but in reality was maybe only a few minutes. My lips become dry causing my tongue to dart out.

Kelly's eyes flash down to see what my mouth was doing. "Kat?"


Kelly didn't respond with words, instead he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. That kiss sent a wave of warmth through my body. Kelly must of felt something too because that kiss quickly turned into something hot and heavy.

Kelly rolled over so he was hover overtop of me. Our lips parted for a minute as we stared into each other's eyes, searching for an approval to keep going.

I wrap my arms around Kelly's neck and pull him down so our lips could meet once again. We engage in another passionate make out session. This morning was the first time I had been this close with anyone else since before Luke.


Kelly and I make our way down stairs after we both took a shower together. I am laughing and smiling as we enter the kitchen. Josh, Mike, and Bill were all sitting at the island having coffee.

"Morning boys."

They all three stop whatever it was they were doing when we walked in. "Uh morning?" I walk over and start to make my coffee.

"Your awfully smilie this morning."

I turn around to face everyone coffee cup in hand. "Just in a good mood this morning. What's wrong with that?"

"Because the only times I've seen you this smilie is after coming out of Luke's office..." Mike trails off as he realizes why I'm smiling so much. Mike's eyes then dart between Kelly and me. I couldn't help but laugh.

Josh was eying Kelly, Mike and me trying to piece together what was going on and then it hits him. "Seriously Kat?!"

I was a bit taken aback by Josh's comment. "What?"

"Are you just going to open your legs to any man that walks into your life?!" Mike and Allen's jaws dropped while Kelly's tightened.

"What the hell Josh?! Seriously?!" I was fighting back the tears that so desperately wanted to flow down my face.

Josh jumped off his seat while he continued to yell at me. "You barely know this guy and you've already slept with him! It hasn't even been that long since Luke and Nick died!"

I slammed my coffee mug down onto the counter causing coffee and pieces of mug to fly everywhere. "DO NOT TELL ME HOW LONG ITS BEEN!! I KNOW!!! I LIVE WITH IT EVERY SINGLE DAY!!"

"DON'T BE A WHORE THEN!!" I watch as Mike and Allen both grabbed Kelly before he could lung at Josh.

I was beyond pissed. "YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS! JUST LIKE WHEN I CHOSE LUKE OVER YOU!!" I started to walk around the counter towards Josh."YOU'RE STILL JEALOUS I CHOSE YOUR BROTHER OVER YOU!!!"

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