Moving Day (Kellys POV)

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I had woken up in the middle of the night and noticed Kat's side of the bed was empty. I reached over and notice it was also cold. I sat up and headed downstair to check on the women who had stolen my heart.

I began to rub the sleepers out my eyes as I hit the bottom step. I see Kat wide awake and sitting on the couch. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah just to excited to sleep."

I headed over and sat down next to her on the couch. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my lap. "I know babe but we all know what happens when you don't sleep."

I immediately regretted what I had just said but I'm half asleep still. But it was too late to take it back. "Oh and what exactly happens Kelly Severide?"

I felt instant panic as I saw the look of hurt displayed across her face. I tried to come up with something to say but decided honesty was probably the best. "Well...uh...uh you... you become a little irritable." I give her this pleading look asking for her to not be mad.

But then I saw it. Her mouth faulted a little and I could see she was trying to contain a laugh. Trying to contain a smile. But she cracks. "Oh is that all?"She begins to bash her eyelashes at me and I can't help but chuckle.

"yep that's all." I display a tight lipped smile. "Come on let's go to bed. Big day tomorrow."

"Alright I guess." She stands up allowing me to get up so we can head upstairs. As we reach the bottom of the stairs I decide to be spontaneous. I quickly swear her off of her feet, throwing her over my shoulder causing her to start laughing.

"Shhhh don't wake Scotty."

"If he wakes up it's all your fault, Kelly Severide."

I carry her into our room and push the door closed with my foot before dropping Kat onto the bed. I then crawl on top of her, pinning her hands above her head.

I stare down into Kat's beautiful eyes and become lost. She became my sun when I felt my world was turning to black. She became the reason I got up and started living again. I had to resist to urge of asking her to marry me right then. But I had a whole plan laid out and it was going to be wonderful.

"I love you, Kelly."

I couldn't help but give her one of my charming smiles. "I love you too, Kat." I then lowered my face down closer to hers, making our lips connect in the most loving kiss that we had ever shared.

We spent the rest of night tangled in each other's arms.


Beep Beep.

I try to to ignore the alarm that was sounding in our room. I wasn't ready to get up but I knew I had too.

"Kelly?" I can feel Kat trying to wake me gently.


"It's time to get up lots to do." I opened my eyes trying to bring our room into focus. "Busy day ahead of us."

I pull Kat closer to me a place a kiss to her forehead. "That it is."

"I'm going to go shower."

"Alright babe. I'll get Scotty up and make sure he is packed for the Hermann's."

"Thanks babe." She kissed my cheek and then got up and headed for the bathroom. I grab my phone and see a few texts from Hermann about coming to pickup Scotty.


Scotty and I were sitting down in the living room playing wait for Hermann to arrive. The doorbell rang and Scotty sprinted to the door and opened it. "Uncle Hermann!"

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