Chicago or Houston

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I tore myself away from Kelly and ran over to Scotty. Seeing his brown eyes open brought tears to my eyes. "Hey buddy." I leaned down and hugged him.

"Where am I?" he looked around the room trying to figure it out.

"You're in the hospital. There was a fire at home." I was bracing myself because I knew he was going to ask about his parents and I absolutely hated that I was going to have to tell him.

"Where's my mom and dad?"

I never thought I could feel my heart shatter the way it did. His sweet little voice stabbing into every single broken piece. I try to contain my tears. "They are gone Scotty." I could tell he didn't understand. I sucked in a shaky breath. "They are with Nicholas."

I could see him realizing what I was saying and watched as the tears formed in his eyes. I wanted so badly to take away his pain but I couldn't. I move him over slightly so I can lay down next to him and hold him as he cry's .

"We will see them again one day. I promise." I run my fingers through his hair and let my own tears fall from my eyes.

I looked over at Tony and Kelly who were both also crying. Telling a child that he lost both of his parents was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

"What happens now?" his sweet little voice carrie's up to my ear.

"You are going to live with me. I am going to take care of you I promise." I held onto him a little tighter.

"Where are we going to live?"

I pull back slightly so I can look down at him. "Do you want to stay in Houston or move to Chicago? I'll go wherever you want."

I look over and could see Kelly was bracing himself afraid that Scotty would want to stay in Houston. But who could blame the kid, it was his home. It's where his friends are.

"Can I go see what Chicago is like?"

I smiled. "Of course you can. And if you decide you don't like it we can always come back to Houston." I held onto Scotty and he soon fell asleep in my arms. I was just so happy that he was awake.


Scotty had to stay in the hospital for a couple days after he woke up but then he was discharged. I bought plane tickets and we were all on our way back to Chicago. Kelly was with us since his full week wasn't up yet.

The whole plane ride back to Chicago I was stressing about how I had nothing for Scotty at my house. I had lost all of Nicholas stuff in the fire. One night while Scotty was sleeping I was up talking to Kelly about it and he said we would just go shopping once we got back to Chicago.

Our flights went pretty quick and before I knew it we were in my car and headed back to my house. I planned for us to live at my current house while I did some renovations on the new one.

Kelly pulls onto our street and it seems a bit more crowded than normal. Kelly pulls into the garage and we all get out of the car exhausted from travel. The plan was to go inside and rest for a minute and then head out.

"I'll get the bags. You two head inside."

I nodded and led Scotty inside. We enter into the kitchen and then make our way to the living room. I flip on the lights and there was all of 51 saying welcome home.

I about jumped out of my skin as I wasn't expecting them to be there and then I looked around the room. There was all kinds of kids toys, clothes, books, and stuffed animals. They also had a banner saying welcome home Scotty.

I couldn't help but tear up. "You guys." Kelly came up behind me and wrapped an arm around me from behind. I leaned back against him. "Did you do this?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." He kissed my cheek and then grabbed Scotty taking him over to look at everything and introduce him to the 51 family. I couldn't help but laugh.

Matt walked over and stood next to me. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. You are part of the 51 family and that makes Scotty part of it as well. We do anything for family." I wrap my arms around Matt and gave him a hug. "I also went ahead and placed locks on anything that contained alcohol." He held up a set of keys.

"Thank you." I took the keys and watched at how wonderful Kelly was with Scotty and they were looking at all of his toy's. "Kelly is so wonderful with him."

"That is one thing Kelly has always wanted. Was to be a father. He had an ex trick him into thinking the baby she was carrying was his."

I snapped my head over to look at Matt. "Why would she do that?"

"Because she had a one night stand in Madrid and realized how much she messed up when she left. Kelly was completely crushed when he found out."

"That just makes me so angry. Why do that to Kelly? He is so sweet and amazing. I can very much see that he may of raised that child had she been honest with him in the beginning."

"Probably would have. He loved her but that lie ruined everything for them."

Scotty came running over showing me a new fire truck toy Boden had gotten him He then dragged me over to look at all his new stuff. In this moment I had forgotten about Alyssa. I forgot about all the pain I had felt in the last couple months.

This moment right here was all that mattered. Scotty was in Chicago with me and happy.

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