Up In Smoke

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Before I could answer Kelly there was a loud blast. I grabbed Scotty and held him close to protect him. Another blast and I felt myself being thrown forward. I held onto Scotty as I felt myself hit the ground and my world went black.


When I opened my eyes I was sitting on a couch. I look around and realize I'm sitting in my house in Houston. How was this even possible?

I look over as I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I couldn't believe who I was seeing. "Luke? Nicholas?" There were so many emotions running through my mind right now. I was having trouble processing what I was seeing.

They both stopped and looked at me in disbelief. "Kitten?"

"mommy!" Nick runs over and jumps on the couch to hug me.

"Hey baby." I hold my boy in my arms and start to cry.

Luke comes over and sits on the other side of me. "Kitten how are you here?"

I keep a hold of Nick and turn my head to look at Luke. "I don't know. But I don't really care."

Luke placed his hand against my cheek and the warmth of his hand brought me comfort. "It's not your time Kitten."

"I don't want to leave you guys." My heart begins to break as I can feel myself being pulled away.

"We are always with you Kitten. But Scotty needs you and you deserve to be happy with Kelly."

I rest my head against Luke's hand and hold Nick tighter against me. "I love you guys."

"And we love you." Luke places a kiss to my forehead. "Always and forever."

I close my eyes and everything goes black.


The ringing in my ears was the first thing I noticed while I was in the dark. It was taking over all of my senses. What had happened? One minute Kelly was purposing to me and the next everything was black.

"Katherine?!" I could hear someone calling my name but they sounded so far away. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to take in my surroundings. All I could see were bits of red and black. I blinked my eyes a few times and was able to bring everything into focus.

That's when I realized the red was fire and the black was smoke. The ringing in my ears finally started to go away but then the painful screams set in. I almost wish I could just hear the ringing instead.

I look around and see everyone scrambling to help anyone who was on the ground. Casey and Gabby were doing compressions on Otis. My eyes dart around and I see Boden helping Donna away from the chaos. What had happened?


Kelly was bending down next to me trying to get my attention. "Kelly?"

"You need to get up." I take in Kelly's appearance and notice he has a nice gash on his forehead and black soot all over his face

The horror of what was happening finally sets in and I begin to panic "Where's Scotty?!"

"Stella has him and taking him to safety. Now come on we need to get you up."

Kelly tries to help me stand but I fall right back down. I scream out in pain as I look down at my leg and can see part of my bone sticking out. "I can't walk Kelly."

Kelly looks down and sees my leg. "I've got you." He picks me up bridal style and begins to carry me away from the fires. Every step he takes I try not to scream out in pain.

As Kelly is carrying me I noticed the fires all seem to have started from the flower arrangements. The vases are all blown apart and scattered across the back yard. I look back and see the archway had also been blown apart.

Before I can take in anymore of the damage my eyes slowly close as the pain and blood loss become to much.


Kelly's POV

As I am carrying Kat out of the backyard I can feel her shaking. The blast was mostly on her side and instinctively she covered Scotty's body. I was blown backwards before I could help.

I look down and see Kat's eyes slowly close and I feel the panic set in. I move as quickly as I can to the front of the house. As I reach the front the CFD was arriving.

I see Anna jump out of ambulance 34 and rush towards us. "Severide what happened?!"

"There was an explosion. Lots of injuries." Anna's partner was pulling out the stretcher and I laid Kat down.

"How long has she been out?" Anna opens Kat's eyes and flashes her light.

"Maybe 5 minutes. She took the blunt of the blast." I take in Kat's injuries and notice she has cuts all over her body. I felt so numb and didn't know what to do. Seeing Katherine like this absolutely broke me.

"....Kelly you coming?!" I look up and see Anna standing at the open ambulance door. I nod my head and jump in. I take one last look at the house I can see the smoke from the backyard and flames starting to take over the house.

Tonight was supposed to be the start to our new lives and now it was going up in flames. I shut the ambulance door and we head off to Chicago med. Praying that everyone was okay.

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