Open Your Heart

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Kelly's POV

Kat was fast asleep against my chest. She had this death grip on my shirt as if she thought I would disappear. She has been through so much and I admire that but hopefully one day she will fully open up to me.

There was a knock at Kat's hospital room door and then the door slowly opened. In stepped Josh, Mike, and Bill.

"Hey guys." I tried to whisper as not too wake Kat. I could see the looks they were all giving me wondering why I was holding Kat.

Josh's face softened when he spoke. "How is she?"

"She's doing the best she can." I fell Kat starting to stir next to me. I look down and see her eyes are open. "Hey sleepy head."

Her lips formed a crooked smile. "Hey Kelly." I felt her snuggles further into me.

"Kat you've got a couple visitors." She started to move so she could sit up. I got up from her bed giving her some room to stretch.

Kat got her bearings before focusing in on her Huston firehouse family. "Hey guys." Kat smiled at them but they looked pissed off.

"Kitty Kat what were you thinking?" Josh crossed his arms across his chest and glared at her.

I watched as Kat's smile faded and any joy she was feeling disappeared instantly. She started playing with her hands and trying not to look at them. I had to do something.

"Kat?" She turned her head so she could look at me. "It is okay. Everything is going to be fine." I watched as she nodded and a couple tears fell from her eyes.

"Don't tell her that!"

I was caught off guard by someone yelling and instantly turned around. "Excuse me?"

I watched Mike take a step forward. "She fucked up again. She's already done 2 stints in rehab. Now she's about to do a 3rd one." Mikes tone was harsh and full of anger.

"It's been less than a week of me using! I don't need to go to rehab!" Kat yelled at them from her hospital bed.

Josh opened his mouth and said "You're going Kat end of discussion."

I stepped forward towards Josh. "She's not going."

"Excuse me."

"You heard me Josh. She is not going!"

"Look her squad boy." Josh walked closer to me. "I did some checking about you. You are a player and don't care who you hurt. The trail of women behind you is longer than a wedding dress train! So why don't you do us all a favor and just leave!"

Josh and I were toe to toe both of us fuming

"Josh stop it!!" I turned to look at Kat. She looked so upset and was crying. I instantly felt terrible for getting in Josh's face.

"I just don't want you getting hurt Kat."

"Josh I promise I can handle myself. I'll be okay." Kat's eyes were pleasing with Josh to back down. I think when he saw how upset she was, he knew he fucked up.

"I still want you to go to rehab."

"Josh, I've been where she is and I can help her kick the habit. It won't be to difficult since the using time frame is small."

I watched all three men look me up and down. I wasn't sure if they were trying to decided if they were going to fight me or not. But then their faces all softened.

Josh walked to Kat's bedside and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Kat?" Josh took hold of one of her hands. "We just worry about you. We don't want to see you being lowered into the ground."

"I know." Kat sniffled and a few tears fell down her face. I watched as Josh wiped a couple away. I suddenly felt my anger rise a little. Was I jealous? I tried to shake it off.

"I need to step out for a minute, are you guys staying for a while?"

"Yeah we got her go do what you need to do."

I nodded and walked out into the hospital hallway full of nurses and doctors. I found a quite place and pulled out my phone. While Kat was asleep her phone buzzed and it was her insurance guy, so I wrote the number down.

I pressed the keys on my phone and the phone soon began to ring. A couple rings and someone answered.

"Hello this is John with farmers insurance." I'm pretty this was the happiest man I have ever heard on the phone.

"Hey John. This is Kelly Severide. I'm a friend of Kat's"

"Hi Kelly. Have you heard from Kat. I've been trying to call her."

I stopped for a second to think of what to say. "She's in the hospital."

"Is she okay?"

"She'll be fine. But hey I wanted to talk to you about Kat's totaled mustang."

"What about it?"

"I want to buy it and restore it for her."

"I think I can make that work. Text me the address where you want the car delivered too."

"Perfect. Thank you."

I hung up the phone and headed back to Kat's room.


Kat's POV

I watched Kelly leave and all I wanted was to yell for him to come back. I knew Josh, Mike, and Bill were pissed off and I can't blame them.

"Kat what's going on?" I looked into Josh's green eyes feeling like a helpless child.

"I feel so alone!" I felt the tears streaming down my face.

"But your not. Kelly seems to really like you. And I'm 99% positive you like him too." Josh got this smirk on his face.

"I do but it's too soon." I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. "It's been a year and 3 months since Luke died. It's to early for me to fall for someone else."

Mike walked closer and sat down in the chair next to my bed. "Katherine life isn't going to stop just because you want it too."

I glared at Mike. "Not fair. Using my own lines against me."

Mike smiled "Well that line is what made me finally ask Denise out and now we are married and have a 2 year old little boy."

Hearing Mike talk about Scott made my heart feel a little warm. I love that little boy and would do anything for him.

Josh grabbed one of my hands and gave it a light squeeze "You gotta let your guard down a little bit for Kelly. I think he could be wonderful for you."

"You think so?"

"I do Kitty Kat."

I wrapped my arms around Josh and hug him. After our hug I ask "How long you guys staying?"

"About 3 days."

"Hopefully I'll be out of here soon."

"You will do whatever your doctor says." I stick my tongue out at Mike's comment. The three of them start laughing.

There was a light knock at my door and then I saw Kelly walk through it. "Hey Kelly." I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey. How you feeling?"

"Better ready to go home."

"I'll see if April can get Dr. Rhodes and see if you are good to go home."

"Thank you Kelly."

And there it was that amazing smile that makes me melt every time I see it. "You're welcome."

Kelly leaves my room and the guys catch me up on things going on down in Houston.

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