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After the call Kelly had Tony swing by the house so he could talk to Kat. When they arrive Kelly didn't see Kat's mustang. Maybe she had put it in her garage. "I'll be right back." Kelly jumped out of the rig and headed inside.

The house was eerily quiet when he entered. "Kat?" There was no response. Kelly headed to their bedroom where he saw the door was slightly open. "Kat?"

Kelly pushed the door open and found an empty room. He looked at the dresser and the drawers with her stuff in them were open. Kelly quickly ran out of the house and across the street.

His fellow squad members watched and knew something was wrong but waited for their lieutenant.

Kelly punched in the garage code and as the door lifted up he slipped inside. His heart sank. No mustang. He then headed inside. "Kat?!"

Kelly called her name through out the house as he made his way to her bedroom. He opens the door and saw that it was also empty. He notices her closet door is open, he walks in and sees her suitcases are gone. "Damnit!" Kelly kicks the closet door sending it smashing into the wall behind it. 

Kelly walked over to her bed and sat down holding his head in his hands. Would things be different if he would of just said those three little words? Would those powerful three words of kept Kat from going to Houston? Kelly's mind was racing with questions of what if's.

"Lieutenant everything okay?" Cruz's voice came over the radio.

Kelly sighed but then responded "All clear. Be out in a second." Kelly left Kat's bedroom to head back to the squad truck.

Kelly hopped back into the squad truck after he closed the garage. "Everything alright Lieutenant?"

"Kat's gone."

The three other members of squad exchanged a look. "What do you mean gone?"

Kelly snapped his head around to look at Cruz and Capp. "What do you think I mean cruz?"

"Lieutenant I..."

"Save it Cruz. Her luggage and one of her cars is gone. You do the math." Kelly turned back around and stared out the front windshield.  Tony started the rig back up and they headed back to 51.


Kat's POV

I pulled into my driveway and opened the garage door, parking my car inside. As I make my way inside I grabbed a bottle of wine and pour myself a glass.

I made my way upstairs with the bottle and my glass of wine. I stood in the middle of my room looking around at my things. Was Chicago really the place I should be?

I finish off my glass and go to pour another but, I just set the glass down and drink right from the bottle. Truth be told I was scared to death of who was after me. What if they went after the people I loved? What if the came after Kelly?

I finished off my bottle of wine and grabbed my suitcases from my closet. I couldn't live life in fear. I began just throwing items into my bags not even really paying attention to what I was grabbing. I needed to go back to Houston. I needed to find out who was after me.

Chicago wouldn't help me find these answers. Clearly it was someone from my past that was after me. I head back downstairs to my mustang and load of my bags into the trunk. I grab the other and head across the street.

I gather my items from the bedroom I shared with Kelly. The pain of what I was leaving broke my heart. I felt a few tears slip down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away and suck in a shaky breath.

"I Love You Kelly Severide." I knew Kelly wasn't there but saying it felt right. And hopefully he would feel it when shift ended and he came home.

I grab my bag and head back out into the living room. I got to the door to leave but then I stop. I see a note pad sitting on the coffee table. Should I write a note? If I don't say something I know Kelly will come looking for me.

I couldn't put Kelly in harms way so yes I needed to leave him a note. I sat down and quickly scribbled a note. I tore the paper from the pad and folded it up, writing Kelly's name on the front.

I place the note on kitchen island before heading out. I make sure to lock up both houses and place my other bag in my trunk. I probably shouldn't of had that bottle of wine but I needed something to take the edge off.

I hop in my mustang and make the long drive to Houston to figure this out. I wasn't going to lose anyone because of this. I couldn't lose anyone else.

As I am heading out of Chicago I find the contact of a detective I knew in Houston to help me.

"This is Tony." A man with an Italian accent came over my car speakers.

"Tony, It's Katherine Lane. I need your help."

"Tell me everything."

I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see it. I start giving him the information I had and told him about intelligence who was working the case in Chicago.

"Alright dear. I got it all down. I will call intelligence and have them send over their files. I'll contact the Houston Arson investigation team and see if there were any similar fires. I'll see you when you get here. Drive safe."

"Thank you Tony."

"Anything for you Kat. We will catch this guy. I promise. See you soon."

"See you soon." I ended the phone call and begin to focus on the drive back to Houston.

"Please Kelly understand why I am doing this please." I focus on the road in front of me and try to think of any potential suspects.

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