1st Shift

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I stood at the end of my bed looking at my CFD uniform. My stomach was in knots and I was second guessing my decision to be a firefighter again. I hear my bathroom door open and Kelly stepped out with a towel wrapped around his lower half. I could see beads of water going down his toned chest.

"You like what you see?" Kelly's voice brings me out of thoughts and I shake my head.

"Maybe." I say in teasing tone and wink at him.

Kelly laughs as he walks over to the bed and starts to get dressed. "We need to get going. you don't want to be late on your first day."

"Well I'm sleeping with my lieutenant so I think I'll be okay." I smile mischievously and wink.

Kelly laughs and throws my duffel bag at me. "Come on babe. We gotta go." I catch my bag just before it hits me in the face.

"Fine." I stick out my bottom lip to show I was pouting. I place my CFD uniform in my bag and anything else I thought I might need at the firehouse.

"We should probably take separate cars. Since it's your first day and all." Kelly is standing by my bedroom door with his duffel bag on his shoulder.

"Yeah you're probably right." I sling my shoulder on my shoulder and make my way over to Kelly. "It is going to be so hard to not kiss you while at the firehouse." I place my hand on his chest.

Kelly instantly grabs my hand and places a kiss on it. "We will get through this. Together."

The word together made me smile even bigger than I thought I ever could. Kelly really was one of the most amazing guys I had ever met. He knew exactly what to say to make me feel better. He knew when I needed someone to talk to. He knew when I needed a hug. He knew so much about me on such a short amount of time.

"Come on babe, I'll walk you to your car at least." I nod my head and the two of us head to the garage.

As we walk into the garage Kelly hits the opener for door in front of the super snake. I open my drivers door and toss my bag in the back. Kelly walks over to me and stands right in front of me. "See you at the firehouse." Kelly placed a sweet kiss to my lips.

"See you at the firehouse." I slip into the drivers seat and Kelly closes my door for me. I push the start button and the sound of the engine filled the garage. I pulled out and Kelly walked out just behind me.

As I drove down the street I watched Kelly get into his mustang and start following me to the firehouse. The good thing is everyone at 51 already knows me so at least Kelly and I don't have to act like we are strangers.


After we got changed and Chief did my introduction,  Kelly and I walked out onto the apparatus floor to take a seat at the squad table. Cruz, Capp, and Tony were already out there.

Kelly offered me his seat and Capp's eyes darted between us. "Severide never lets anyone have his seat."

"Face it Capp your just not as pretty as I am." I blow him a kiss and everyone laughs.

"So Lane you were a lieutenant down in Houston right?"

I turn my attention to Cruz. "That's correct squad lieutenant."

Cruz raised his eyebrows as he asked "Think you'll become a lieutenant again?"

"Honestly being the boss is nice and all but it's a lot of paperwork and politics. I don't know if I feel like putting up with all that again."

Squad 3 Truck 81 Ambo 61 Engine 51 House fire 9612 Marsh ave

We all jump up from the table and get our gear on. Tony and Severide were up front, Capp was behind Tony, Cruz was behind Severide and I sat in front of Cruz.

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