I'll Catch You

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Kelly's POV

I watched as Mike drove away to head back to Houston with Kat. Once they were out of sight I locked up Kat's house and made my way across the street to Matt and Gabby's.

They were on their way out when I reached the door. "Hey Kelly. Want us to wait for you?"

"Thanks Gabby but I'm not going to make you guys late as well."

"I'll let Chief know."

"Thanks Matt."

I head inside to get ready for work.


I'm sitting at the squad table texting Kat and seeing how the drive was going so far.
But then a call came in.

Me: On a call. Text you when we are done.

I ran over to squad to get my gear on and then I hopped up into the passenger seat. I felt my phone buzz and I quickly looked at it.

Kat: Be safe.

Her telling me to be safe brought a smile to my face. I was really starting to fall for this girl.

"Lieutenant you good?"

I look over to my left and see all 3 of my guys staring at me. "I'm good. Hit it Tony."

Tony flipped on our lights and sirens before exiting the apparatus floor. We headed towards the house fire and I kept replaying Kat's Be safe text in my mind.

Normally I would do almost anything on a call to make sure everyone was safe. Even if I put my own life at risk. I always pushed the limits and went off book. But maybe that was because I never had anyone to go home too.

But now I feel like that maybe changing. I want to make sure I come home. Come home to Kat.


That night I was in my quarters writing up today's reports when I heard my phone buzz. I quickly grabbed it, hoping it was Kat. We had been so busy that I wasn't able to talk to her much through out the day. I smiled when I saw her name.

Kat: Made it to Houston.

Me: Good. I miss you.

I really did miss her. But maybe I shouldn't of said that because she didn't respond right away. I stared at my phone screen hoping she would say something back. Then those 3 little dots appeared. My heart was beating so fast with anticipation of what she might say.

Kat: I miss you too.

I think I literally felt my heart become warmer, seeing that she missed me too. I put my phone down and got back to writing my report with a smile on my face.


Next Day

I was walking out of the firehouse with Matt and Gabby when my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen hoping it was Kat but it was Mike. I felt my heart drop to my stomach as I answered the call.


Matt and Gabby both stopped when they noticed I almost seemed panicked.

"Hey Kelly. It's Mike."

"Hey Mike. Is everything okay?" I was preparing myself for what Mike might say next. I worried that something was wrong with Kat or that she wasn't going to come back to Chicago.

"Now don't freak out." This couldn't be good was all I was thinking. "but Josh assaulted Kat."

The feeling of dread that I was feeling just a second ago was soon replaced by rage. "Is she okay?"

"Allen is checking her out now but she seems to be doing alright. I'm escorting Josh out of the firehouse now. Our Chief fired him."

"Good." I paused for a second to think. "Do I need to come down there?"

I heard Mike sigh "That's not my decision to make. That is between Kat and you."

"Alright I'll text her."

I said good bye to Mike and sent a quick text to Kat asking if she was alright.

"Kelly is everything alright?"

I had completely forgot Matt and Gabby were still standing there. "Josh assaulted Kat."

Matt and Gabby exchanged a terrified look. "What? Is she okay?"

"Mike says she is fine but I want to hear it from her." I then tried calling her but she didn't answer. I sent her another text before shoving my phone into my pocket.

"I'll see you two later. I need to head over to Jason's garage. I'm suppose to be starting the work on her mustang."

"See you at home Kelly."

I walked away from Gabby and Matt to go climb into my car and head to the garage. I was parking my car when I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly pulled it out, my heart once again beating with anticipation. It was Kat responding saying she was alright.

I start to text her back but then I decided to just call her. She answered on the first ring.

"Hey Kelly." Hearing her voice made me smile and sad at the same time. I could hear it in her tone that she had been crying.

"Hey Kat. How are you doing?" She was silent. "You can tell me anything Kat. Tell me how you truly are doing. You don't have to be brave for me. I'll catch you."

I heard her sniff in a sob breaking my heart. "My body hurts. Not just from him hitting me but it's my whole body. Having Josh in my life felt like I still had a piece of Luke in my life. Now that is all gone."

I listened as she started to sob into the phone. All I wanted more than anything was to be there and wrap my arms around her so she knew she was safe. "I'm so sorry Kat."

"I just want to come home to Chicago. I don't want to be here anymore."

"Just tell me when your flight lands and I'll be there to get you. No matter what."

Her voice was a little more cheerful when she started talking again. "It's in two days. 5pm."

"I'll be there. I promise."

"Thank you Kelly." I could hear someone calling her name. "I have to go. Mike called Denise and she is here to pick me up."

"Alright. Well you call me if you need anything. I don't care what time it is."

"I will. Thanks again Kelly. See you in a couple days."

"See you in a couple days Kat."

We both said goodbye and then I put my phone back into my pocket. I rub my hands over my face. I had 2 days to fix her mustang. I didn't know how I was going to finish it in time but I knew I had too.

I had too for her. For Kat.

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