You're Still Breathing

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On the way over to Chicago med I had fallen unconscious from the blood lose and pain. When I woke up I was staring up at white ceiling and could hear a faint sound of someone snoring.

I turn my head to the side and see Kelly sleeping in a chair next to my bed. The way he was laying looked uncomfortable but he was sound asleep. I looked around the room trying to see if Scotty was there.

When my eyes didn't find him I felt my heart stop. I reached over and grabbed one of Kelly's hands and squeezed it. I had to squeeze and shake his hand a couple times before he finally woke up.

"Where's Scotty?"

My distressed voice bringing him fully out of his sleepy state. Kelly sat up straighter and smiled. "He is fine. Cindy and Hermann took him back to their place."

I felt tears of relief slid down my face as I could not lose anyone else. My heart could not take another lose. "so he's okay?"

"A few bruises but otherwise he is perfectly fine. You shielded him from the blast."

I lay my head back into my pillow and began to take a few deep breaths, trying to control my tears. No one should have to go through this much pain. No one should have to go through this much lose.

"It's over Kat."

My head snaps back towards Kelly. Not understanding exactly what he meant. My brain immediately going to worse case scenario and thinking Kelly was done. Done with me.

"Alyssa'a dead." My body immediately felt lighter. I felt like I could breath and not look over my shoulder any longer. "Jay is the one who shot her. They quickly tracked her down when they noticed it was the flower arrangements that had the explosives in them. She had been working there under a different name for the past 3 months."

I want to scream from the mountain tops but then flashes from after the explosion flash before my eyes. "Is everyone else okay?" A flash of watching Brett and Dawson working on Otis comes forward.

Kelly didn't answer.

"Is Otis okay Kelly?!"

Kelly looked down at the floor and then back up at me. That's when I finally notice how red and puffy his eyes are. "He's gone."

I look away from Kelly feeling guilty. Guilty for being so happy just a few moments ago. Guilty that I put innocent people in harms way. Guilty that someone else died because of me. "I should of stayed away. I should of left Chicago a long time ago. I never should of brought any of this here."

I felt a sudden chill as Kelly had moved my blanket. When I look at him he was motioning for me to move over. I quickly obliged. He laid down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me down onto his chest.

He covers us up and I being to listen to his heartbeat. The sound soothing my racing mind. "It should of been me." I choke back a sob.

"Shhh don't say that. Alyssa was a psychopath. She wouldn't of stopped even if it had been you instead of Otis." Kelly tightened his hold on me as I began to cry into his chest.

I knew Kelly was right. Alyssa wouldn't of stopped even if I was the one killed. She would of gone after my family at 51 and Scotty.

That night I fell asleep in Kelly's arms dreaming of a better tomorrow. Dreaming of the life I wanted to live. Dreaming of the family I wanted.


1 Year Later

I stared at my reflection in the full length mirror in front of me. I run my hands down the front of my white lace dress, tears threatening to escape my eyes. I can't believe Kelly and I had made it to this point.

There was a light knock and then the doorknob slowly turned. "Kat?"

I looked in the mirror and could see Sylvie and Gabby standing in the doorway. "It's time." I nodded my head and picked up my bouquet of flowers. I followed the girls to the entrance of the church where Boden, Casey and Cruz were waiting.

We all lined up, Gabby and Matt first. Then Cruz and Sylvie, and last Boden and me. Today was the day.

The day I said I Do to Kelly Severide and start our new life together. The music began and the church doors came open.

I stepped through the door. I stepped into the next chapter of my life. I stepped into my ending.

My happy ending with Kelly and Scotty.

The End.

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