Stella Kidd

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AN: I really appreciate the comments! I love hearing what people think of my stories.

After my shower I got dressed and sat down in front of my locker. I had to find a way for this Alyssa thing to not bother me at work. It was going to get me hurt or killed. I could also be putting one of the other squad members at risk.

I put my hair up into a bun, closed my locker and headed out to the squad table. The guys were playing poker. Kelly didn't even look at me when I sat down.

"Lane you want in?"

"I'm okay. Thanks for asking Cruz."

Cruz nodded his head and they went back to playing their card game. I pulled up one of my ebooks and began to read, trying to distract my mind.

I was brought out of my book when I heard Gabby say the weirdest thing. "I can't work with her." I saw gabby had her arms crossed and genuinely looked upset.

I looked in the direction Gabby was. I saw a tall skinny girl with black hair standing there. She also looked disgusted to see Gabby.

But then they both started cracking up and I realize it was a joke. They hugged each other and then walked over to the squad table.

Gabby began to introduce her to everyone but I noticed a look Kelly and the new girl were sharing. Was this an old flame?

"and guys this is Stella Kidd." We all said hello and the two of them disappeared into the firehouse. I went back to reading and the guys went back to their game.

Squad 3 Truck 81 Ambulance 61 Engine 51 house fire. 678 locust st.

We all put down what we were doing and got into the rigs to head for the fire. I sat quietly trying to get my mind to focus on the task at hand. I tried to push Alyssa to the back of my mind.

We reached the house and we all hopped down and wait for Kelly to give his instructions.

"Squad we are taking the upstairs. Capp, Cruz, Tony with me. Lane stay here in case we need something." It would be wrong if I said I was shocked Kelly told me to stay outside.

After the last call who could blame him? It still hurt though but I knew arguing with him would do no good. I nodded my head and watched as the rest of squad headed into the house.

I stayed by the rig and started to survey the crowed. My eyes landed on a women who was hiding behind a group of people. She looked suspicious and like she was up to something. I moved closer and we locked eyes. It was Alyssa. She smiled and devilish smile.

I felt my heart beating faster as the panic set in. I moved towards her as she put her sunglasses on and started to walk away.

"Alyssa!!" I picked up my pace and so did she. I saw her hop into a black sedan with no plates and took off. I stood there staring down the street, all the noise around me faded. She was back in Chicago.

I was brought out of my trance when I felt a hand clasp my shoulder. I looked over and saw Kelly standing there, he looked disappointed, probably because I didn't stay by the rig.

"Alyssa was here."

Kelly's eyes grew wide. "Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure! She took off in a black sedan with no plates!"

"Alright Kat. Calm down. We will call intelligence." Kelly wrapped an arm around my shoulders and guided me over to the rig. He opened the door and I got inside.

Kelly pulled out his phone and called Erin letting her know what happened. They were only a few blocks away so we waited.

I was sitting in the back of squad 3 trying to get my brain to calm down. The door came open and I jumped out of my skin.

"Woah Kat it's just Jay and Me."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry." The Erin and Jay hopped up into the truck and closed the door. "Kelly tells us you think you saw Alyssa?"

It sounds like they already don't believe me. "I don't Think! I know it was her. She got to her car before I could reach her."

"What was she driving?"

"A black sedan with no plates." I watched as Jay and Erin exchanged a look and I felt a bitterness in my heart. "I know it's going to be impossible to find a black sedan with no plates in Chicago!"

"It's okay Kat. We will walk around the neighborhood and see if we can find some cameras that may of caught her." I nod my head and the two of them got out of the rig. A few minutes later the rest of squad 3 climbed into there seats.

Once we were back at 51, I headed to my bunk so I could lay down. Was she really there? Or was my mind playing tricks on me? I curled up into a ball and cried. I was starting to feel like I was going crazy.

I don't know if he could hear my sniffles and me crying, but I felt myself being picked up. I didn't need to look and see who it was. The smell of his cologne filled my nose. It was Kelly.

He carried me into his office and laid me down on his bunk. I then heard him go close the door. He came back over to lay down with me. I felt his body wrap around mine bringing a sense of calm and safety to my heart.


No ones POV

Kidd had just entered the bunk room when Kelly had picked Kat up and carried her to his office. She backed out of the bunk room and almost ran right into Gabby.

"Woah girl."

"Sorry Gabby."

"What's wrong? You look disappointed."

"Is there something going on between Lane and Severide?" Kidd's words were filled with bitterness.

Gabby knew she couldn't say anything about them being together because that was against CFD guidelines. "Kat has a stalker and Kelly's been helping her with it."

Kidd raised an eyebrow. "So their not together?"

"No I don't think so. Why? You got a thing for Severide?" Gabby raised an eyebrow.

Stella sighed. "He was at the academy when I was doing some training and there was something between us. But I was married to Grant and now that is over I thought about asking Severide out."

Gabby's face went blank. She hadn't expected that response from Kidd. She quickly had to think on her feet to try discourage Kidd. "Stella, Kelly doesn't date. He does one nightstands and that's it."

"Maybe things would be different for us."

Ambulances 61 person down for unknown causes.

"Be careful around Severide." Gabby took off to 61 to go on their call.

Stella walked back into the bunk room and laid down thinking about Kelly.

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