Slow Down

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Kat's POV

I was laying down in the guest room in Mike's house. I should be getting up so I can make my flight back to Chicago. But I was so torn on going back. Being back in the firehouse felt so right. It felt like home.

As I stare up at the ceiling, I hear little feet running down the hallway. I wipe my tears away before the bedroom burst open. When it does little Scott comes running into the room and jumps up on my bed.

"Auntie Kat!!!"

"Scotty!!!" I open my arms for the little guy to come give me a hug. "How are you?"

"Good. Mom told me to wake you up." His little voice warms my heart. How I wish I could go back to being a kid. Being so innocent and having no real problems sounds great.

"Alright. Tell her I'm getting up and I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay!!" He jumps off the bed and goes running back down the hallway. I can't help but laugh. I pull the covers back so I could get up and make sure I had everything packed.

Just as I am heading downstairs my phone buzzes. I pull it out of my pocket and see that it's Kelly.

Kelly: Can't wait to see you.

Me: Just a few hours till I get to see your face!

I put my phone in my pocket and head downstairs. I leave my bags by the door and make my way to the kitchen. I can smell the pancakes and bacon that Denise was making.

"Something smells good." I say as I am walking into the kitchen. I see Scott sitting at his little table eating his breakfast.

"You better eat quick if you want to make your flight." Denise spoke as she placed a plate of food on the counter for me.

"Yes mom." I watch as Denise turns around and glares at me. Her expression makes me laugh. I grab the plate and take a seat at the table with Mike.

"You ready to go back to Chicago?"

"I guess." I start to butter my pancakes and pour syrup over them.

"What do you mean you guess?"

I take a quick bite before responding to Mike. "Just being back here brings all the memories back and it feels good. Being back in the firehouse felt like I had my family back." I look down at my plate and pick and at my food.

"Kat, that just means you have healed. You're ready for the next chapter of your life. You're ready for whatever Chicago has to offer you."

I look up at Mike and smile. "When did you become so wise?"

"It comes with age."

I furrow my eyebrows "Dude your only like a year older than me."

"I know." Mike smiles this goofy smile and goes back to reading the paper. I roll my eyes and go back to my food.

Once I was done eating we all packed up into Mike's truck and headed for the airport.


Mike was unloading my bags as I said goodbye to Denise and Scott.

"When will I see you again Auntie Kat?" The sad look on his face broke my heart.

I bend down to his level. "Soon I promise." I place a kiss to the side of his head trying not to cry.

Mike walks around the truck and hands me my bags. He opens his arms for a hug. I stand up and move closer to him so I could wrap my arms around him.

"Thanks for everything Mike."

"Always." He squeezed me tight. "You better get going."

We release each other and I take a couple steps back. "See you guys soon."

"See you soon Kat." I start to head inside when I hear Mike call my name again. I turn around to look back at him.

"Give Kelly a chance. I think he could be really good for you."

I smile. "I'll think about it." I waved goodbye and then head inside the airport. I check my bags and then make my way through security.

Once I find my gate I take a seat and pull out my phone to text Kelly.

Me: Waiting to board.

Kelly: Just a few more hours till your back in Chicago.

Me: Can't wait to be home.

Kelly: I can't wait to see you.

Me: I'll be there before you know it. Gotta go. Starting to board.

Kelly: See you soon.

Me: See you soon.

I shove my phone into my pocket and make my way onto the plane. I find my seat, place my bag into the overhead bin and then I take a seat.

Goodbye Houston. I'll miss you.

Before I knew it the plane was up in the air and I was on my way back to Chicago.


The plane I am on starts it's decent from the sky to land at the Chicago airport. I suddenly start feeling nervous about seeing Kelly. My hands are becoming sweaty and my leg is shaking. Why was I being like this? Kelly is just a guy.

Once I hear that we can pull our cell phones out, I quickly grab mine and turn it back on. Once it had loaded I get a text from Kelly.

Kelly: Waiting for you at your gate

Me: See you soon. Plane just landed.

I couldn't help the smile I felt come across my face. The plane finally pulls into the gate and we are told we can disembark the plane. I grab my bag from the overhead bin and then rush off the plane.

As I am walking up the ramp I can feel my heart beating faster. I try to move a little quicker as to see Kelly sooner and hope this feeling goes away.

I'm finally in the airport and start to make my way past the gate and all the people. It takes me a second but I finally spot Kelly and he's holding a bouquet of roses.

I find my self almost running to him. "Kelly!"

He finally sees me and almost run towards me. Before I know it I am in his arms and he is holding me tight. I take in his scent and instantly felt calm. All my nerves had disappeared.

I feel him place a kiss to the top of my head. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." We pulled apart just enough so I could look up at him. His blue eyes staring back at me was making me melt.

I moved up and pressed my lips to his. I felt him squeeze me even tighter towards him. I thought I wanted to move back to Houston but being in Kelly's arms felt like home.

I don't understand how this guy has taken over so much of my heart so fast. We hadn't even said we were boyfriend and girlfriend yet. But I don't care.

Kelly Severide felt like home and I loved it. Maybe I should listen to Mike and give Kelly a chance.

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