Over My Shoulder

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Kat's POV

I sat outside Kelly's gate waiting for his plane to land. I was so grateful he was coming back to Houston to take a look at Denise and Allen's house fire.

Buzz Buzz

Kelly: Just hit the runway. See you in a few.

Kat: See you in a few

I stood up to watch Kelly's plane pull into the gate and allow passengers to get off the plane. It took a few minutes but I soon spotted Kelly. Once we lock eyes we move quickly towards each other, smiles across both of our faces.

Kelly wraps his arms around me and held onto me tight. "I missed you." The warmth of his hug. The smell of his cologne made everything so much better. I was so happy he was here.

"I miss you too." We exchange a quick kiss before heading out to my car. Kelly puts his bag in the backseat and we headed towards Denise and Allen's place.

"So how long did Boden give you?"

"I've got a week. So I want to hit the ground running."

"Do you think you can find something?"

"I don't hun. I have to look. Lewis and Sam could be right and there is nothing but I can't not try." I appreciated his honesty and how he would still try.

I sneak a look and smile at him. "Thank you for this Kelly."

"Anything for you." Kelly grabbed my free hand and placed a kiss to the top of it.

We pull up to Denise and Allen's old place. I noticed another car was parked out front. I thought it was just supposed to be Kelly and me. But when we stepped out I saw Lewis and Sam exit their vehicle. "You guys didn't have to come."

They both walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Yes we did. If we missed something we want to know what and how to see it next time."

Kelly shook both of their hands. "I'm not saying you guys did anything wrong but I'd just like to look myself."

"We understand. Fire is tough and sometimes unfortunately things do get missed."

I was staring up at the house taking in all the damage you could see on the outside. The windows were blown out, paint was peeling, and there was black marks everywhere.


I turned to look at Kelly. "Hm?"

"You can go back to the hospital. I can handle this with Lewis and Sam." I knew what Kelly was trying to do. He was trying to protect me from whatever he may or may not find.

I thought about it for a moment but then decided this was something I had to do. "I... I need to do this."

I could tell Kelly didn't like my response but he wasn't going to argue with me. "Alright but if it's too much you don't have to stay." I nodded my head.

"Shall we?"

Kelly and I followed Lewis and Sam into the house. I stepped over the threshold and felt my breathing get caught in my throat. The house that was once so much full of life and warmth, was now dark and dead.

I looked around and could see Scotty running around the living room with Nicholas. Luke, Denise, Allen, and I would be sitting on the couch laughing. Life can change so fast and none of this felt real. I wiped a stray tear away before Lewis spoke.

"Follow us. We believe the fire started in the master bedroom."

We headed upstairs to the master bedroom. When we walked in my heart stopped, the room was completely black and destroyed.

Kelly was looking around the room. "What did you guys think was the cause?"

"Faulty wiring." Lewis led Kelly over to an outlet that was right by their closet.

Sam and I began to push through some of the debris. Trying to see if anything was missed. "So Kat, Kellys cute."

I chuckled. "Yeah he is." I looked over at Lewis and Kelly as they examined the outlet.

"He must really care about you to do this."

I wasn't paying much attention to what Sam was saying as I found something. "that's not right."

"What? I don't know many guys who..." I cut Sam off.

"No Sam. Look." I pick up a space heater. "Denise hated space heaters. Why is this here?"

Sam walked over to look at the charred up space heater. "Maybe she had one for if she got cold?"

"One this is Houston, very rarely does it get that cold. Two Denise's childhood home burned down because of a space heater. Her parents left one plugged in when they headed out to work and school one day."

"Your sure?" Sam shined a flashlight over the heater trying to see if she. priced anything.

I snapped. "Yes I'm sure! Denise was one of my best friends!"

Sam held up her hands in surrender. "Alright Kat. I didn't mean to upset you."

"Well maybe if you listened to me when I say something I mean it!"

Kelly and Lewis came over to us to see what was going on. "Kat, everything okay?"

I turn to look at Kelly. "No everything is not okay!" I held up the space heater and tears began to flow down my face. "This is out of place! Denise hated these things and Sam over here is questioning me about it!"

"Alright alright." Kelly walked closer and  took the space heater handing it to Lewis. He then embraced me in a hug. "It's going to be okay. We will figure this out."

I pushed myself away from Kelly and the look of hurt on his face should of broken me but it didn't. "How is everything going to be okay?! I have a psychopath after me and will stop at nothing! She didn't think twice about setting this fire! Mike and I are the only ones left!"

"Kat why don't you go see Scotty?"

I looked at the three of them and felt like I was losing my mind. I had to look over my shoulder at all times, watching for Alyssa. "She won't stop till we are all dead." My voice cracked as I felt more tears.

Kelly walked closer to me and grabbed my hands. "And we won't stop till she is captured. I promise." Kelly pressed his forehead against mine. "I love you, Kat."

I closed my eyes as the feeling of Kelly's hands squeezing mine brought a since of calm. "I love you too, Kelly."

Kelly placed a kiss to my forehead before embracing me in another hug. I wrapped my arms around him and held onto him as if he may slip away.

"Go see Scotty. I'll handle this." I didn't want to leave but maybe it was for the best.

"We will drop him off at the hospital once we are done here."

I nodded my head and shared one more kiss with Kelly. "I'll see you later."

"See you later." I walked out of the house and went to sit in my car. I thought I could handle all of this but it was becoming a bit much.

How does one live while constantly looking over their shoulder?

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