I'm Sorry

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Kelly, Matt, and Gabby arrive home and walk across the street to check on Kat. Kelly rings the doorbell and knocks several times but there was no answer. Matt had also tried texting and calling her with no response.

"Matt you mind fixing her door?" Kelly asked curiously.

Matt looked at Kelly confused but then realized what he meant. "Do it."

Kelly put his back towards the door lifting his foot and swinging it into Kat's front door. The door came open cracking the wood trim and the door.

Kelly pushed the door open and entered Kat's home, Matt and Gabby following close behind. "Kat!" Kelly called out to her but got no response.

As they walked further in Kelly saw the coffee table was covered in empty wine and beer bottles. Matt had spotted a couple empty pill bottles and picked them up. When Matt looked at the label it didn't have Kat's name on it.

"Not hers." Matt shows Kelly the bottle. Kelly instantly becomes more concerned.

Kelly runs upstairs to Kat's bedroom and flings the door open. "Katherine!!" Kelly looked to her bed and it was empty. He walked across the room to her bathroom and opened the door.

Kelly's eyes went wide as he saw Katherine body laying in her bath tub. "Kat!" No response. "Matt call for help!" Kelly ran over to the tub and felt for a pulse.

Matt and Gabby ran in to see Kelly checking Kat for a pulse. "She still has a pulse." Matt was on the phone with dispatch trying to get an ambulance there quickly.

Kelly felt the water in the tub and it was ice cold. She had to of been in the tub since last night. "Matt help me get her out!"

Matt handed Gabby his phone so he could go over and help Kelly. They lifted Katherine out of the bathtub, laying her on the bathroom floor. Kelly grabbed a couple towels to cover up her wet naked body.

"Katherine if you can hear me please open your eyes." Kelly asked and waited for a response.

But he never got one.

The paramedics soon arrived and loaded her up to be taken to Chicago med. Kelly, Matt, and Gabby loaded up into Kelly's car and head towards med.

Matt called Josh to tell him what was going on. Josh picked up on the first ring.

"How is she, Kelly?"

"Hey this is Matt. Kelly is currently driving so that's why I am calling." Matt waited for a response.

"what happened?"

Matt took a deep breath before speaking. "We found her passed out in her bath tub. The water was ice cold and she barely had a pulse. Her living room was covered in wine and beer bottles. I also found pill bottles that didn't have her name on them."

Matt could hear Josh punch something due to how angry he was. "Chicago was suppose to be a fresh start for her!" Josh took a deep breath trying to control his rage. "Please stay with her till we get there. We have about 7 hours left till we are there."

"We can do that. See you soon."

"See you soon."

Matt and Josh hung up the phone and Kelly kept speeding towards med.


Kat's POV

I open my eyes and blink a couple times because the room is so bright. Once I am able to bring everything into focus I look at my hand and notice an IV pumping fluids and medicine into me. Great.

I look around the room and notice Kelly sitting in a chair next to my bed fast asleep. I can't help but smile. "Kelly?"

No response.

"Kelly." I speak a little louder. He begins to stir. "Kelly wake up." I watched as his eyes came open and revealed his ocean blue eyes that made me melt.

Kelly looked at me and look of relief was on his face. "Oh thank god." Kelly grabbed my hand and placed a kiss to the back of it. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish his lips were on mine instead of my hand. Kelly let go of my hand and I tried to remember what happened.

"what happened? The last thing I remember was taking a bath."

Kelly's face turned to a very serious expression. "Josh called. He said some of the messages you were sending were very concerning. So he called me and I said I'd check on you. Matt, Gabby, and I found you passed out in your bath tub."

"Oh..." I began to nervously play with my hands. I knew I had taken too many pills and had to much to drink. I looked down at my hands.

"Katherine." I immediately looked up at Kelly. "Why didn't you call me? If you were struggling I would of more than happily come over and helped you through whatever it is you are going through."

I felt the tears starting to sting the corners of my eyes. I couldn't tell him the whole truth. Part of my issue was how quickly I was falling for someone after losing my husband and son. But I had to tell him something.

"My mustang is a total loss." I choked back a sob. "It was the last car Luke and Nicholas rode in. It's hard knowing that I'll never be able to look in my rearview mirror and remember Nicholas sitting in the back all smiles."

Kelly took a hold of my hand to stop me from shaking. "I'm so sorry Kat. It will all be okay. I promise." I saw the sincere look on his face.

How could he make such a promise? How was everything going to be okay? I felt a force come over me and I pulled Kelly towards me. He stood up and I moved over so he could lay next to me. We both laid on our sides facing each other. Kelly had one arm laying over my waist and the other was under his head.

"I'm sorry about the other day."

Kelly stared into my eyes "You have nothing to be sorry for Kat. You have been through a lot and you're learning how to cope with your new reality."

A smile came across my face. I then snuggled into his chest and listened to his heart beat. The sound was soothing and I soon fell back asleep.

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