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I felt someone shaking me awake. "Kat get up. Shifts over." I groaned and sat up. It felt like we had just gotten back from our 2am call that was a car accident. I tried to rub the sleepers out of my eyes.

I looked around to see Kelly had already changed out of his work uniform. "Thanks." I rolled out of his bunk and headed for the locker room. Things between Kelly and me still felt awkward.

Kelly was a few steps behind me, I opened my locker and he sat down on the bench. I pulled out my clothes and began to change.

I slid my shirt on and then my eyes caught a glimpse of something or someone. I looked across the aisle and sure enough there was Stella Kidd, shift had been over for 10 minutes, so why was she still here?

I looked away to change out of my work pants and boots. I had just put my jeans on when Stella approached us. "Hey Kelly?"

Was this girl for real? Doesn't say hi to me but says hi to Kelly. She acts like I am not even here. I know Kelly and I's relationship was a secret but still. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

"Hmm?" By the look on Kellys face he hadn't realized anyone else was in the locker room. I had to try and hide my smile.

"Would you want to go grab breakfast this morning?" I had to control myself because all I wanted to do was turn around and tell her off. Instead I sat down on the bench right next to Kelly, to put on my tennis shoes.

"Sorry Kidd I can't. I drove Kat in and need to take her home. And then I need to get some sleep." The look on her face when Kelly used her last name but used my first was priceless. She did her best to hide her disappointment but I saw it. I had hold in another laugh.

"Oh okay. Maybe another time?"

"Yeah maybe."

"Well see you next shift." Kelly said bye and then she left the locker room. Now it was only Kelly and I in the locker room.

"Well she's bold." I finish tying my shoes and we both stood up.

"What do you mean? It's not like she knows we are together."

I grabbed my bag and put my dirty work clothes in it and closed my locker. "One she didn't even acknowledge me. Two She asked Gabby if there was anything between us. Gabby told her no of course. But I can tell she still thinks there is something between us."

"Well you're the only one for me." Kelly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I couldn't help the smile I got when Kelly laid on his charm.

I looked into his blue eyes. "So we're not fighting anymore?"

"We never were. I had to just remind myself that your a bit like me when it comes to the job, especially when it involves a kid. Just promise me you won't do it again?"

"I promise. This whole Alyssa thing just has me so worked up and I didn't think clearly. You were right for telling me off. I would of done the same thing if the roles were reversed."

We shared a quick kiss before heading out to Kellys car. He had his arm draped over my shoulder and when we got to his car he grabbed my bag and threw it in the back for me.

As I got in I looked across the street and saw Stella was watching us. Kelly climbed into the drivers seat. "I think you have a stalker now."

"what?" I nod my head towards Stella. Kelly looks and sighs. "Maybe she's on the phone and doesn't want to drive and talk."

"Yeah maybe." I didn't believe what Kelly said at all. She was watching us trying to figure us out. Kelly started his car and we headed home.


Kelly parked in my driveway and it got me thinking how we needed more room. I have my super snake, GT500, and the Jeep track hawk. And Kelly pretty much never leaves my house so his car is always in my driveway.

"Kat you coming?"

"huh?" I was so lost in thought I hadn't realized Kelly was already out of the car holding both our bags. "Oh right sorry." I got out of Kelly's car and we headed inside.

Kelly placed our bags by the door and we headed upstairs. We both changed into something more comfortable and laid down. We were facing one another and I couldn't help but smile.

"What?" Kelly said as he push a strand of hair to behind my ear.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to have found you. Someone who will call me out when I do something stupid on a call."

"You can return the favor one day." We both laughed.

I closed my eyes only to see Alyssa in my mind. Last I checked Erin nor Jay had called me. "Kelly, did Erin or Jay tell you if they found video proof Alyssa was at that call yesterday? I haven't heard anything."

Kelly's facial expression changed and I knew he knew something. It must not be good if he didn't tell me. "Kat"

I cut Kelly off. "They didn't find anything did they?" Kelly just shook his head no. "Am I seeing things then? Is this whole situation making me go crazy?"

I felt myself starting to panic and shake. So Kelly grabbed both of my hands and squeezed. "Hey babe calm down. They are going to keep looking." Kelly brought my hands up his lips and placed a caring kiss. "It's possible she was there and she didn't get caught by a camera. I'm right here and I've got you. You're not going crazy."

Kelly pulled me into his arms and held me close. I had thought maybe this was over since she showed up. But somehow there's no proof she was there. Kelly held me close until I fell into a deep sleep.

Was this ever going to be over?


I woke up later that day around 4pm and noticed Kelly was still asleep. I quietly slipped out of my bed to go take a shower. Even after my shower Kelly was still sound asleep, so I got dressed and headed downstairs.

I grabbed a bottle of wine, a wine glass, bottle opener and my laptop before moving to the living room. I popped the cork on my wine and poured myself a generous glass.

Then the search began for a bigger place. It would suck not being across the street from Matt and Gabby but I love my cars. And there's a few more I want to buy once we have the room.

Maybe if we move Alyssa won't know where we live and I can feel safe in my own home again.

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