Stopped Spinning

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"What happened?"

"Kat just get on the next flight you can. I'll explain when you get here." I could hear the pain in Tony's voice I knew it wasn't good.

I sobered up real fast when I realized he was being completely serious and wasn't going to tell me anything. "Okay let me close my tab out and I'll get to the airport."

"Text me your flight details when you have them."

"I will." We said goodbye and I headed back into Molly's to retrieve my clutch and say bye to everyone.

I headed for the table that Matt, Gabby, and Kelly were sitting at. "Kat what's wrong?" Gabby was the first to spot me.

Kelly turned around and saw how much my facial expression had changed. 5 minutes ago we were laughing and happy. "Kat?" The concern in Kellys voice was making this situation more real.

I kept thinking please let this be a dream. I kept trying to force myself awake as if this wasn't real. I wasn't ready for anymore heartbreak.

I took in a shaky breath. "Uh that was Tony... I need to get to Houston as soon as possible. So I'm headed to the airport." I tried my best to rain in my emotions. But I could feel the tears welling up in the corners of my eyes.

"Something happen?" Gabby asked the question that everyone want to know the answer too. I wanted to know myself.

"Tony wouldn't tell me." A few tears slipped down my face. "It can't be good." I tried to distract myself by getting on my phone and ordering an uber. Hermann had taken both mine and Kellys keys over an hour ago.

"Kat." Kelly placed a comforting hand on my arm. I looked into Kellys blue eyes and felt myself crumble. Kelly immediately wrapped his arms around me as I began to cry.

"I can't take much more sadness." The words left my mouth between sobs. Kelly's shirt was becoming wet with my tears.

"I'm going with you. You're not doing this alone." Kelly tighten his grip as I felt myself completely fall apart. Around Kelly I didn't have to be strong. I could be as vulnerable as I wanted and I knew he would hold me up.

After Kelly let me go I got on my phone and booked us two flights to Houston. We had several hours till the flight left but we headed straight for the airport from Mollys. We didn't stop at home to get anything we just went.

I texted Tony that we would be landing in Houston around 3pm. These next 15 hours was going to be agonizing wondering what was so bad that Tony wouldn't even tell me over the phone.

Kelly had arranged for Matt and Gabby to get our cars from Mollys since we would be unable too. All that was left was for Kelly and I to sit in the Chicago airport waiting for our flight.

Kelly and I found a seat near our gate and began to wait. I let out a yawn and curl closer into Kelly.

"Get some sleep Kat. I'll wake you when it's time to board." I nodded my head and then laid down down with my head in his lap. Kelly began to stoke my hair in a comforting sense and I soon fell asleep.


When Kelly and I disembarked the plane in Houston I pulled out my phone and called Tony. He told me where he was waiting and we headed his way.

We exited the Houston airport and spotted Tony standing next to his car. "Hey Tony." We exchanged a hug.

"Kelly this is Uncle Tony and Uncle Tony this is my boyfriend Kelly." The two men shook hands.

"Get in. I need to show you something." I got into the passenger seat of Tony's car and Kelly climbed into the back. Tony left the airport and began to drive. "I'm here now tell me what's going on Tony."

"You'll see here soon." Tony didn't want to be the one who had to break my heart but it was going to happen.

After 45 minutes of driving we turned onto Denise and Allen's street. I felt my heart drop to my stomach, then I saw it. I let out a cry that sounded like a scream.

Tony pulled up to their house and I immediately exited the vehicle. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The once beautiful and bright blue house was now turned black and depressed.

My hand came up to cover my mouth as I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I felt Kelly wrap an arm around my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

After I took everything in turn around and look at Tony. "Where are they?" Tony's face dropped and I knew immediately they had died in the fire.

I felt my knees give out and come crashing down on the concrete. I began to scream and cry. How could this of happened? Why them?

Kelly sat down in the driveway and pulled me into his lap as I continued to scream and cry. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and we just sat there.

After about 10 minutes I am able to control my crying and Kelly and I both stood back up. I turned to look at Tony and that's when I notice the dark circles under eyes, his black hair untamed, and his 5 O'clock shadow was more noticeable.

"There's one more thing I need to show you." I nodded my head and walked back to his car.

Kelly opened the passenger door and I climbed inside. Tony and Kelly took their seats and we headed out of Denise and Allen's neighborhood.

I watched out the window as Tony drives. The world feeling like it had stopped and had no intentions of going again. Am I ever going to wake up from this nightmare?

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