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Kat's POV

Detective Lindsay and Halstead had just come to ask me question and all I could say was I don't know. They told me to call them if I think of anything.

I was curled up with Gabby when Matt and Kelly walked back into the house. I lifted my head a little to look at Kelly. "What do we know?"

Kelly sighed. "It's definitely arson. Intelligence is try to figure out how they got into your house." Kelly motions for Gabby to trade him places. I get comfortable next to Kelly and try not to let my mind wonder.

"Maybe you guys should stay over here for a bit. At least until intelligence can figure out how they got in."

"Thanks Matt." I don't move from Kelly's arms. Now that my adrenaline had worn off I was able to think more clearly. Then it hit me. My body began to shake as the sobs escaped my lips.

"Hey Kat calm down. It's all going to be okay." Kelly tightened his grip around me even more.

Once I am finally able to speak I pull slight back from Kelly but still in his arms. "That coffee table... Uh..." I choke back a sob.

"What is it Kat?" Everyone was staring at me and I was trying to keep myself from having a panic attack.

"Luke made me that table as my wedding present." I watch as all three of them exchange a look and Kelly pulls tightly against his chest. That table somehow managed to stay untouched by the fire.

It was magical trying to figure out how fire works and why somethings make it and somethings don't.

"I'll let Jay know."

"Thanks Matt."

"You two go lay down. We will come get you if they have any information." I nod my head and Kelly leads me to his room so we can lay down. I couldn't sleep so I tried going through my past searching for who would do this?

I shoot a text off to Denise not expecting a response as it was late.

Denise: Kat you okay?

Kat: Someone got into my house and set my coffee table on fire.

Denise: I'm so sorry.

Kat: I'm trying to think back to who might hate me enough to do this. But I'm coming up empty.

Denise: What about Josh?

Kat: Son of a bitch! Why didn't I think of him.

Denise: Your mind is trying to protect you.

Kat: Thanks D. I gotta go. Need to tell intelligence.

Denise: Stay safe kitty kat

I lay my phone on the nightstand before I sit up. I look back at Kelly and he is sound asleep. I slip my pants on and head back over to my house to see if intelligence was there.

I approached a cop who was standing behind the yellow crime scene tape. "Excuse me I need to speak to intelligence."

"They are busy right now."

I look at officer's name tag. "Please Officer Burges. This is my house and I may have useful information."

I watch as she thought about it for minute but then she got on radio asked for someone from intelligence to come up front. Two officers came walking upfront and I realize it was Erin and Jay who came over earlier to get my side of the story.

"What can we do for you Ms. Lane?"

"I may have a person of interest."I paused for a second and realized they were waiting on me. "Josh Anderson. When I went back to houston he made a move on me and I denied him. Things got physical but then the fire chief came into the room. Josh was fired and escorted out of the firehouse."

"Does he have any family?"

"Josh became close with a few people from when he was in foster care but I don't know their names. He was closes with my late husband Luke."

"Alright thank you. We will look into him." I nodded my head and head back over to Matt and Gabby's. I made my way back to Kelly's room. He was still sound asleep. I slide back into bed and curl up next to him.


The next day I was in the kitchen with Gabby making lunch. There was a knock on the door but one of the guys got it. A minute later Kelly, Matt, Jay, and Erin came walking into the kitchen.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Kat can we talk to you?"

The look on Jay's face made my stomach turn. Something wasn't right. "Go ahead I have no secrets with these three."

"You at least may want to sit down."

My heart dropped to my stomach. Kelly led me into the living because I felt like I couldn't move. We all sat down. Kelly and me on the loveseat, Erin in a chair with Jay sitting on the arm, and last was Gabby and Matt sitting on the couch.

"What is it?" I brace myself for whatever news they were about to deliver to me.

"It's about Josh." My heart stopped for a second and then it fell into my stomach. "He committed suicide right after he was walked out of the firehouse. They found him yesterday when a neighbor complained about a smell."

My world stopped, I couldn't hear anyone or see anyone. All I saw was black and could only hear my own heartbeat. Josh was dead but then who would do this?

My world finally lightens up and I can hear what's going on around me. I looked directly at detective Lindsay. "Are you sure?"

"Finger prints and dental records confirmed it this morning. Can you think of anyone else who would do this?"

"No Josh was the only person I could think off."

"Think Kat. There has to be someone."

"Erin she just told you she can't think of anyone." Kelly was going into protective mode. His tone of voice and how tightly he was holding onto me told me that.

"Kelly I have to ask these questions. I need her to dig deep and think. The smallest detail could help."

Kelly backs down but doesn't stop staring at Erin and maintaining his tight grip on me.

Jay's phone went off and he took a look and then walked over to me, showing me his phone. I look at the picture and it's of Luke, Josh, Me, and someone who was burned out.

"Do you recognize this photo?"

"It looks familiar."

"Any ideas who that maybe standing next to Josh?" I look a little closer and shake my head. "That's okay but if you think of anyone call us. I'll let you know they are able to save any of the other photos."

"Thanks." Erin and Jay leave.

After I hear the door close I put my head into my hands. Why was this happening to me? Was I not allowed to be happy?

"Kat." I look up to meet Kelly's comforting blue eyes. "Go lay down. I'll help Gabby finish making lunch."

I nod my head as I still couldn't find my voice. I head to Kelly's bedroom and collapse down onto the bed. I curl up under the blanket and begin to cry. When I thought I knew who did it I felt safe.

But now I feel completely vulnerable.

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