Whatever It Takes

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Squad 3 pulled back onto the apparatus floor. Tony had barely gotten the truck to a stop before Kelly was jumping out and changing out of his gear. Kelly then headed inside.

Casey and Dawson happened to be on the apparatus floor when squad pulled in and they could sense the tension. "Cruz what's up with Severide?"

"Kat's gone. Her suitcases and car were missing from her house." Both Matt and Gabby exchanged a look before going to look for Kelly.


Kelly headed straight to his office to retrieve his phone from on top his desk. As soon as he had his phone he called Kat. It rang a couple times but then went to voicemail.

"damnit!" Kelly tossed his phone onto his desk. Then took a seat on his bunk, not even noticing Casey and Dawson were standing there.

"Severide?" Kelly looked up at Dawson and all she saw was pain. This was a Kelly Severide Dawson hadn't ever seen. Normally these type of things didn't bother him and he would move on.

"She's gone." Kelly took a shaky breath. "Her suitcases are gone, her Mustang GT is gone, and she got her items from our... my room."

Gabby walked into Kelly's office and took a seat next to him. "I'm sure she is just fine Kelly. She may of just needed some space. I don't see Kat as the type to ghost you."

"I hope your right, Gabby."

Another call came in, so it was time to get back to work.


Kat's POV

I was a few hours into my drive back to Houston and thinking about Kelly. Part of me wishes I would of had him come with me but I wanted him to stay in Chicago where he would hopefully be safe.

The music in my car turned off and then I see Kelly's name appear on the screen. My finger hoover's over the accept button. I bite my lip and stopped myself. I sent him to voicemail instead because I knew if I answered I would turn around and go back to Chicago.

This was something I needed to do. Something I had to do.


Kelly had tried calling Kat a few times but she never answered. His text messages went unread and the air around him felt cold. The drive home he was quiet when usually he wanted to talk about the calls they had.

Matt parks his truck in the driveway and the trio head inside. Kelly heads to his room with his duffel bag in hand. Matt headed to bed but Gabby decided to stay up for a bit and clean.

When Gabby walked into the Kitchen she saw the note on the counter, she picked it up and saw Kelly's name.

"Kelly!" Gabby shouted for him.

Both Matt and Kelly came out to see what Gabby needed. "What is it Gabby?"

Gabby turned around to face Kelly and Matt, still holding the letter in hand. "This note is addressed to you."

Gabby holds out the note and Kelly took it from her. His name was on the front of the folded up paper, he opened it and began to read

I'm guessing by the time you read this that you know I have left. I'm sorry for doing it this way but I need answers. I am going back to Houston to figure out who is after me. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would insist on coming and I couldn't let you. I figured if I am in Houston then you will be safe in Chicago. I care so much about you Kelly and it would kill me if something happened to you. I don't know how long I'll be gone but know I will be back someday. I'll call or text you once I am in Houston. Please try and understand why I did this.


Kelly had silent tears rolling down his cheeks as he read Kats note.

"Kelly?" Gabby took a step towards him.

Kelly quickly folded up the paper and wiped his tears away. "I'm fine. She went back to Houston to look for whoever is after her."

"Did she say when she would be back?"

Kelly shook his head no. "I'm going to go lay down." Kelly didn't wait for either of them to respond before heading to his room. He wanted to be alone and hoped Kat would call him soon.

Kelly laid down his bed and stared up at his ceiling. His room felt cool but yet had a sense of warmth and love in it. Kelly closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep.


Kat's POV

I pull into Denise and Mike's driveway and park my mustang. I kill the engine and lean back into my seat and try to relax. I know this trip was going to be exhausting but I needed to do this.

I get out of my car and grabbed my bags out of the trunk and make my way up to the door. I ring the doorbell and I hear little feet running and yelling that he got it.

The door came open and their was Scotty. My heart melted. "Auntie Kat!"

"Scotty!" I pick him up and squeeze him tight. Denise and Mike soon appear by the front door. "Hey Guys."

"Hey Kat." I give both of them a hug. I had call them on my way down informing them on why I was coming back to Houston. Mike didn't exactly agree with me leaving Kelly in Chicago but part of him understood.

I was exhausted from the drive so Mike helps me carry my bags to the guest room. "I appreciate you letting me stay here Mike."

"Happy too Kat. Plus Scotty has missed you." Mike set my bags inside the door. "Now call Kelly and let him know you made it."

"I will. Thanks Mike." Mike left the room and closed the door. I collapsed onto the bed with my phone in hand. I found Kelly's contact and was getting ready to call but then I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk to him.

I hit the message button instead.

Kat: Made it to Houston. Currently laying in Mike's guest room.

Kelly: Glad you are safe. Let me know what is going on and if you need me I am only a phone call or plane ride away.

Kat: Thanks Kelly. I'm going to try and get some sleep been up since yesterday.

Kelly: Alright. Goodnight Beautiful.

Kat: Goodnight Kelly.

I lay my phone down on the night stand table and close my eyes. Trying to get my brain to calm down. Was I making the right choice? Or should I of stayed in Chicago?

Only time will tell.

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