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The drive to Houston was long and entertaining. Mike and Allen joked around the whole time, bringing up past fires and drunk nights.  I was only half paying attention to the conversations due to the fact I was texting Kelly.

Me: remind me again why I decided to ride in a truck with these two?

Kelly: that bad?

Me: If I hear one more story about Luke and me being drunk I may punch one of them.

Kelly: hahaha

"Kat you paying any attention to us?"

I look up from my phone. "Honestly no. I'm texting Kelly."  Just the thought of Kelly brought a smile to my face.

"You're really falling for this guy?" Allen says from the passenger seat.

"I don't know... maybe." I start nibbling on my bottom lip not sure what was going on between Kelly and me. I felt my phone buzz again.

Kelly: On a call. Text you when we are done.

Me: Be safe.

Suddenly I felt a bit of nerves kick in knowing Kelly was out on a call. As a firefighter I know any call could be someone's last one.

"Kat you okay?"

I hadn't noticed but I had a few tears slipping down my face. "I'm fine Allen... Kelly's just on a call."

"He'll be fine Kat. Try not to worry." I was watching out the window so I didn't notice the look Allen and Mike had exchanged. I was really falling for Kelly but I was holding back. It was too soon.

Kelly texted me back a few hours later letting me know how the call went and that he was okay. I felt like I could finally breath again.


I felt someone shaking me and saying my name. I groan and try to swat whoever it was away.

"Kat wake up. We are here."

I slowly open my eyes and see Mike standing in the open car door. "huh?"

"You fell asleep. We are in Houston."

"Oh." I rub my eyes trying to get awake. I sit up and then slide out of the truck. Allen wasn't with us so Mike must of dropped him off.

Mike grabs our bags and we head inside. Denise is up watching TV when we walk in. She immediately gets up and comes over to hug me.

"I've missed you." She squeezes me tight.

"Missed you too." We separate from our hug. "Where is Scott?"

"Sleeping. He tried so hard to stay awake to see his auntie Kat."


Denise showed me to their guest room so I could lay down and get some sleep. Their guest room even had its own privet bathroom. I lay down on the bed and slip my phone out of my pocket.

Me: Made it to Houston.

It was late so I wasn't expecting a text back from Kelly. But then my phone buzzed.

Kelly: Good. I miss you.

I stared at Kelly's text for a good minute or so. He misses me? Suddenly my brain and my heart were in a battle on what to say next. I took a deep breath and went with my heart.

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