Ice Cold

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Intelligence had kept an eye on any incoming planes, trains, and buses to see if Alyssa popped up. But after a couple days they assumed she wasn't coming back anytime soon.

I sat at the squad table texting Erin in hopes they would find Alyssa soon. It was exhausting having to look over my shoulder constantly. Worrying that any call we went too would be a trap.

Erin: You need to try and relax Kat. We are watching for her and so is Houston PD

Kat: I know but I just have this looming fear over me constantly. Worried that Kelly might get hurt because of me.

Erin: Kelly is a big boy. He can take care of himself. He's going to protect you no matter what.

Kat: I know... just want this all over with.

Erin: I know hopefully soon.

squad 3, truck 81, ambulance 61 water rescue. Clark Street Bridge

Kat: On call text you later.

I headed to squad 3 and shoved my phone in my pocket. I pulled on my gear and hopped up into squad. Once everyone was in Tony headed for the bridge.

"Lane, you and me will go into the water so be ready to suit up."

"Copy Lieutenant!" These are the type of calls that are hard because the person was likely trying commit suicide. All we could do was hope we weren't too late.

We pulled onto the bridge and hopped out of the trucks. There was a group of people over by the railing. Kelly and I started to pull out the wet gear while Casey went to see what we were dealing with.

Casey came back over just as we had gotten the suits on. "It's a kid. She was leaning over the edge and fell." Kelly and I instantly became more concerned. This was an innocent child.

"Have they seen her since?"

"Yes but that was over a minute ago."

I felt myself starting to panic. It was an innocent child who wanted to just look at the water. I looked over at Kelly and he could see the look on my face. He knew what I was thinking.

"Lane don't even think about it."

But it was too late. I didn't bother with the rest of my gear. I took off to the edge of the bridge and dived right in. This little girl didn't deserve this.

I could feel the water hit my face and sent an instant chill through my body. I had to find this girl and quick. After a minute I felt myself needing air, so I headed for the surface. I took a quickly look up at the crowed and my firehouse, who were all watching.

I took a deep breath and dived back into the ice cold water. I don't know if it was luck or this little girl had a guardian angel but I found her. I wrapped my arm under her armpits and made my way to the surface.

I swam to shore in hopes I wasn't too late. I knew she wasn't breathing and she was ice cold. Her lips were blue and her face was so pale. I made it to the edge where Severide, Cruz, Dawson, and Brett were waiting to help me pull her out.

Severide and Cruz pulled the little girl up Brett got to doing CPR. I felt the guys grab my arms and pulled me out of the water. When I felt my back hit the ground I let out a breath of relief.

Kelly was giving me a look the whole time but I chose to ignore it right now. I sat up and saw the little girl had been intubated Brett was still doing CPR.

"I'm pushing another EPI." Dawson called out as she injected the medication into the girls IV. I held my breath for a moment and closed my eyes, then I heard it. The sound of the monitor beeping indicating the little girl had a heart beat.

"We need to get her to med now." Brett pulled out the thick blanket they had and wrapped the girl in it. We helped carry her back up to the ambulance and get her inside.

Brett hopped up in the back with the patient. "Brett keep pushing warm fluids."


Casey brought over a women he was very frantic. "This is Isabella's mother."

"Ma'am would you like to ride with?" All this pour women could do was nod her head. Casey helped inside and then we closed the door. Dawson hopped in the drivers seat and headed for Chicago med.

I made my way over to squad 3 to strip of my wetsuit. Kelly hadn't spoken to me since I dove into the water. I know it was stupid but I couldn't wait. By the time I got all my gear on it may have been too late.

We loaded up and head back to 51. The ride back is quiet and full of tension. I had wrapped myself in one of our blankets trying to warm up.

Tony pulled back onto the apparatus floor and we all hopped down out of the rig. I stripped out of my turnout gear and turned to head to the showers to warm up.

"Lane my office now." Kelly was pissed and all I wanted to do was take a shower. The rest of squad gave me a look that said good luck.

"Right behind you lieutenant."

I was a few steps behind Kelly as we headed to his office. Once we were both inside he closed the door and the blinds. "What is it Lieutenant?"

Kelly's hands rest on his hips as I watched him trying to regain control of his anger. "You disobeyed a direct order. I told you not to do whatever it was you were thinking."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "A child's life was in danger Kelly!"

"It's lieutenant! And we could of been pulling you both out! What you did was stupid and reckless!" If anyone was around I was sure they could hear Kelly yelling at me.

"I know what I'm doing Kelly! I was a lieutenant in Houston you know!"

"Well this is Chicago and you are not a lieutenant here! You are suppose to obey my orders!"

Kelly and I were both heated. Our chest were rising and falling with each breath we took. I gritted my teeth before I spoke again. "Permission to leave Lieutenant?" The words tasted like venom as they came out of my mouth. I was pissed and I wanted Kelly to know that.

Kelly looked me up and down once more and then back to my eyes. "Permission granted." His voice was so cold and disappointed. His eyes had lost their shine, but instead they were full of fire.

I quickly pushed past Kelly and left his office. I headed right for the showers to try and warm up. I needed to regain my composure and not lashed out at Kelly. Deep down I knew he was right. And if I was in his shoes I would of chewed out myself as well.

I strip of my clothes and step into the shower, letting the warm water run over my neck and down my back. I stayed in that shower for who knows how long, warming up, crying, punching the shower wall, and screaming quietly.

Why was my life like this? Am I not allowed to be happy? I slid down the shower wall and pulled my knees to my chest. The warm water still running over my body and soothing every one of my sore muscles.

Something needs to change. Something needs to get better.

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