Only One

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Kelly's POV

I watched Kat walk out of the master bedroom to head back to the hospital. I could sense how much this was affecting her. She was scared and so far we have nothing to go after Alyssa.

I tried to not let the fact that Kat pushed me away when all I wanted to do was help her. But I know where her head is at. I remember when Shay died.

The sound of Lewis voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Kelly what do you make of this?"

I turn around and see Lewis and Sam looking at the back of the heater. I walked over to see what they were seeing. Lewis hands me the heater and I see the electrical cord had been damaged.

"No fire did that. You can see where the protective plastic was stripped off the wires. There is also a wire cut."

"How can you be sure?"

"The coating around the wires would be melted not cut. The cut on the wire is also clean." Sam and Lewis both looked at what I was seeing.

"Damnit. Kat was right we missed something Lewis." I could tell Sam was frustrated that they missed something. Something as simple as a space heater. Which is bit odd since they are both arson investigators.

"I'll call HPD and get a crew down here to go through this house top to bottom." Lewis headed downstairs to go make the phone calls.

I looked at Sam who was just studying the room trying to figure out what else they could have missed. "Don't beat yourself up Sam. Fire can be tricky and stuff gets missed."

I heard her groan. "This case is so important though. It was one of our own that was killed."

"I get it. I've been there and sometimes in these situations we are so focused that we miss something. It's why doctors are not allowed to work on family."

"Yeah thanks Kelly."

"Anytime." We headed downstairs to wait for HPD and crime techs to arrive.

I was standing at the back of Lewis and Sam's car waiting when another car pulled up with the lights flashing. Which I thought was odd till I saw who stepped out of the car. It was uncle Tony.

The look on his face made me feel sick to my stomach. "Tony?"

"Is Kat here?"

"No. She should be at the hospital. Why?" I felt myself panic a little. Was something wrong with Kat?

"It's Mike. He... he committed suicide."

My heart stopped and I closed my eyes. Kat was already struggling with Denise and Allen but now Mike. I heard Lewis and Sam both cursing at the sky. "Are we sure it was suicide?"

"We just found him a couple hours ago. Corner said that's what it appears to be but we don't have the full autopsy yet."

"Tony can you take me to the hospital?" I made up my mind in this moment that I wasn't going to let Kat be by herself. Alyssa wasn't going to stop.

"yeah I was headed there to tell Kat."

I say goodbye to Sam and Lewis and tell them to call me if they need my help. I climbed into Tony's car and we headed for the hospital. I don't know how much more bad news Kat could take.


Kat's POV

I was sitting in Scotty's room watching him sleep like has been since the fire. My phone started to ring and I saw it was Matt calling. I had almost forgotten about the inspection.

"Hey Matt. How's it going?"

"Everything went perfect. This house is amazing. I think Kelly and you will love it."

"That's great to hear Matt. How up to date is the Kitchen and bathrooms?"

"Kitchen probably hasn't been updated in about 10 years and bathrooms are about the same."

"Alright can you make notes of anything you think I should fix?"


"Thanks Matt. When I get back we can go over the items and see what I can have you fix."

"You got it Kat. How are things going down there? Kelly find anything?"

I had to compose myself so I didn't break out into hysterics on the phone with Matt. "I found a space heater. Denise hated them so it should not be there."

"What does Kelly think?"

"I don't know. I sort of blew up on everyone and they sent me back to the hospital to sit with Scotty."

"That may be for the best Kat. If there is something to be found, Kelly will find it."

"Thanks Matt."

"Anytime. Keep us updated."

"I will."

We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. Was buying a house in Chicago a good idea? Should I move Scotty away from everything he knows? I know it did me good but I am an adult and he's just a kid.


I couldn't of been in Scotty's room for more than an hour when Tony and Kelly came walking in. I looked at them both confused. "Hey guys."

"Hey Kat." Tony stood at the end of Scotty's bed and Kelly came to stand behind me. "No change?"

"No. Still the same." I noticed Tony and Kelly kept exchanging looks. "Everything okay?"

I watched as Tony shifted his weight and got his serious face on. I felt a lump forming in my throat as I waited for him to speak.

"It hasn't been confirmed but it appears Mike... that he.... he committed suicide."

"What? No. Mike would never." I didn't want to believe what I was hearing.

"I'm afraid so Kat... I was on scene when they found him. It was him."

The group of guys who I considered family were all gone. I was the only one left. I felt myself starting to have a panic attack. I got up and started pacing around the small hospital room.

"I'm next then. She's not going to stop."

"Kat we won't let her get to you."

"And how do you plan to do that Kelly!?She clearly is out smarting all of us. She got to Allen and Denise. And now possibly Mike!"

I felt myself starting to hyperventilate and Kelly walked over and took me into a hug. He held onto me tight as I started to freak out and cry hysterically.

"Shhh. I've got you Kat. I'm not going anywhere." I couldn't respond all I could do was sob into Kelly's chest.

Then I heard that sweet little voice that I so dearly missed. "Aunty Kat?"

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