No Air

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The morning after getting home from Houston I wake up with a smile on my face as memories from last night are still fresh in my mind.


I stared at Kelly for just a second but probably felt like an eternity to him. He had just asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn't be happier. I feel a little guilt set in but then I remember Mike telling me I should give Kelly a chance.

So I follow my heart.

I move closer to Kelly and wrap my arms around his neck. I see he is getting ready to say something but before he does I reach up and press my lips to his. This kiss felt so right. Like this was where I was suppose to be.

One of Kelly's arms wraps around my waist pulling flesh against him. His other hand is caressing my cheek. We stayed like this for a few minutes as kisses became more passionate.

"Let's... head... inside." I say between kisses. Kelly picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, his hands holding onto my butt.

Kelly starts to walk us inside and I hit the garage door button on our way in. As we make our way upstairs to my room we begin to shed articles of clothing. For the rest of the night we explore every inch of each other's bodies.

End Flashback

I am brought out of my thoughts when I feel an arm rest across my waist and a kiss is placed to my bare shoulder. "Good morning beautiful."

His simple touch makes my heart smile. I roll over so we are face to face. "Good morning handsome." I place a kiss to his lips.

"So I hope this means your my girlfriend?" The way his eyebrows rose made me giggle.

"Yes it does."

"Good." Kelly placed another kiss to my lips. "So what do you want to do today gorgeous?"

"Stay in bed with you. All day."

Kelly smiled. "I think that could be arranged."

"Good." We kiss again and soon our bodies are entangled with one another again.

The only way I can describe how I am feeling right now is a giddy school girl. It's like you finally admitted to your virus that you liked them and they liked you back. Kelly brings light back into my world. I have been living in the darkness for so long that it took me a minute to realize what was right in front of me and it was Kelly.

Here is the start to my next chapter of my life.


Kelly and I had spent most of the day in bed. I was laying on my stomach scrolling through my phone while Kelly was taking a shower. As I was scrolling a phone call came through and it was a number I didn't recognize.

"Hello?" The person on the other end explained who they were and why they were calling. I was just ending the phone call when Kelly stepped out of the the bathroom from his shower.

"Kat you okay?"

I must of looked a little worried and with the phone call I just had I was. This may change somethings. But before I could even answer Kelly's phone started to ring.

I watched as he picked it up. "Hey Chief." There was a series of okay's and uhuh's coming from Kelly. The conversation soon ended and Kelly put his phone back down and looked at me.

I tried to read him but Kelly was a blank canvas. "So you're joining squad 3?"

"Yeah looks like it." I felt nervous. I was thinking how this changed things for us. Or was their even going to be an us anymore?

"Why didn't you tell me you applied?"

"It was late one night after the whole Josh thing happened. Denise and I were drinking and I joked about wanting to work in a firehouse. One thing led to another so I applied." I watched as Kelly stared at me. Not saying a word.

I felt my nerves take over and started playing with my hands. "If it's a problem I can call Chief back and tell him I changed my mind."

Finally Kelly's face softened. He walked over to me, still only in and towel and placed his hands on my hips. "No. I would love for you to be on squad with me."

"Really?" I was shocked.

"Yes really. We will just need to keep the part about us dating a secret. Or else Chief may transfer you." Kelly pecked my lips before starting to get dressed again.

"So you still want US?"

Kelly was slipping on his jeans. "Of course I do Kat. I like you way to much to not give this a try. If I said this ended us I would be so heartbroken every time I saw you at the firehouse. So yes I still want us."

Firehouse romances were a lot of work and I knew that. But if it meant coming home to Kelly every night I was willing to do it again.

"Now go shower. I want to take you out to dinner. You may want to wear something nice."

"Sounds wonderful."

"I have to run across the street and get a change of clothes but I'll be right back." Kelly slipped on his shirt and came over to give me another kiss.

"Alright I'll see you in a bit." Kelly exits my bedroom and heads home. I get ready to take a shower but then I make an impulsive decision.

I go clear a spot in my closet for Kelly and clear a couple drawers out so he has somewhere to keep some clothes here. once I'm done I hop in the shower and get ready to go to dinner with Kelly.

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