Home Sweet Home

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Today was finally the day. The day I would be moving into my new house in Chicago. I had been staying at the Elms for 5 days and everyone here has been wonderful. I rolled out of my hotel bed and grab a quick shower before packing my bags.

I was gathering my things when I heard a knock at my hotel door. I was confused as I hadn't ordered anything. I look through the peephole and see Jeffery standing there.

I quickly open the door and smile. "Good morning Jeffrey."

"Good morning Ms. Lane. I heard you were checking out early this morning and wanted to see if I could you with anything?"

"You are actually right on time. I was just heading down. Can you take my bags? I just need to leave Nancy a note for when she comes to clean the room."

"Of course Ms. Lane."

Jeffery stepped into my hotel room to gather my bags. I grabbed a quick piece of paper and wrote Nancy a note:


Thank you so much for everything you did for me this week. Keeping my room clean and putting extra towels in my bathroom. You have been wonderful.

-Katherine Lane

I folded the note and left her a tip before heading downstairs with Jeffrey. We exited the elevator.

"I'll have Levi bring up your car and load your bags."

"Thank you." Jeffrey headed outside and I walked up to the front desk to checkout. "Good morning Allison."

"Good morning Ms. Lane. Checking out today?"

"Yes I am. My moving truck is arriving this morning with all my belongings."

"Wonderful. We will miss you." Allison started the check out process. A paper bag and coffee was set down next to me. I look to my right and see Philip who usually brings me breakfast.

"Ms. Lane, your morning coffee and bagel before you head out."

"Thank you Philip. I greatly appreciate it."

If I didn't enjoy having my own space I may of just stayed at the Elms but I wanted my things and places to put my vehicles.

"Alright Ms. Lane. You are all checked out. I hope you enjoyed your stay."

"I did Allison thank you." I picked up my coffee and my breakfast before heading out to the front of the hotel. Levi was standing there with my mustang. "Thank You Levi."

"It was my pleasure. Thank you for always treating everyone with respect."

"Of course Levi. Treat people how you want to be treated."

"Yes ma'am." Levi opened my car door. "Come back and see us."

"Maybe I will." I slipped into the drivers seat and Levi closed my door. I left the hotel driveway and headed to my new house. It was simple but cute.

I pull into my driveway and open up the garage and park my mustang. I head inside to wait for the movers. I plan to do Zzz some renovations at some point. The kitchen and bathrooms were definitely both outdated.

The movers arrive and start to unload the truck bringing my boxes inside. I direct them where to put each box and piece of furniture.

By the end of the day everything is unloaded and unpacked. The movers have left and I collapsed onto the couch. It was finally done. The movers were even so kind as to help me hang my pictures.

I make my way upstairs to head to bed but before I do I stop at a picture hanging just outside my bedroom door. "I miss you guys." I place a kiss to my finger tips and then touch the faces of Luke my late husband and our son Nicholas.

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