Will You?

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After we retrieved my bags from baggage claim, Kelly and I headed out of the airport. As we were walking Kelly intertwined our fingers together. We had this ability to walk in silence and it not feel awkward. It was a comfortable silence.

Kelly led the way and that's when I spotted my Jeep. "Didn't want to drive your mustang?" I say teasingly.

Kelly chuckled. "The opportunity presented its self so I decided to drive the track hawk. Not everyday I get to do that."

I glance over and see Kelly has this amazing smile on his face. We make it to my Jeep, I climb into the passenger seat while Kelly put my bags in the trunk.

Kelly climbed into the drivers seat and started to head towards my home. I was watching out the window as Chicago passed us by. Then a thought crosses my mind so I asked Kelly.

"Don't take this the wrong way because I'm happy you were able to pick me up but shouldn't you be working today?" I knew how a firefighters schedule worked and Kelly had been off for the last couple days.

"I took some furlough."

"You didn't have too."

Kelly reaches over and grabs my hand. "I wanted too."  A smile came across my face. "Now it's my turn to ask you a question."

"Oh and what's that?" I felt the nerves in my stomach starting to bubble up. Was he going to officially ask me out?

"How do you afford all these nice cars?"

I felt my face fall a little, thankfully Kelly didn't notice. "My parents owned a big successful accounting firm in Houston. I had a trust fund plus all the money I inherited when they died."

"What happened to them?"

"Boat accident. The coast guard was too late and couldn't find them. I was 18 at the time." Thinking back to that day still brought a pain to my heart. I waited in the house for hours, waiting for the coast guard to call but they never did. Instead one of them showed up to give me the news.

"I'm so sorry Kat."

"It's okay Kelly. They're always with me." Kelly lifted my hand up to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of my hand. I couldn't help but giggle and start to blush. I know Kelly noticed because he started to smile even more.

A few minutes later, Kelly was pulling into my driveway and hit the button for the garage door.

As the door came up I noticed that there was something else in the Jeep's spot. As the door rose higher I instantly felt my heart flutter and tears forming in my eyes.

I hopped out of the Jeep and walked into the garage. I turn to look at Kelly who was standing just inside the garage door. "Is this..." My voice trails off as I can't find the words.

Kelly just smiles. "Yes it is."

I couldn't help but to start crying. I ran my hands over the body of my GT Mustang. "But how? My insurance agent said it was crushed by accident."

"Yeah that was my doing. I wanted to surprise you."

Kelly was seriously the second most sweetest guy I had ever met. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this car means to me."

"You're welcome." Kelly gives me another one of his mesmerizing smiles. "Open the drivers door. The whole interior is all the same."

I walk over to the driver's side and open the door, my mouth drops in awe. There on the driver's seat was a bouquet of roses, a little teddy bear and a card.

"Ready the card."

I pick up the card and opened it, it had a really cute saying on the front but then on the inside was a hand written message. I started to read it out loud.

"Kat, Ever since the night we met in Molly's I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I then found out our new neighbor was you. When You opened the door that day I felt alive. I felt like we were meant to be in each other's lives. That night you shared with me what happened to your late husband and son. I couldn't stop think about how strong you are too keep moving forward. I got to see you in action when you pulled that teenage girl from the car. You didn't think twice you just jumped right in." I took in a shaky breath trying to hold my tears back.

"When I saw your car wrapped around that pole I felt so lost. I didn't think you were going to make it but then you did. I know you said you were still healing from losing Luke and Nick but I couldn't wait any longer. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I look up from the card with tears in my eyes. Kelly moved closer to the drivers side to be closer to me. "So will you?"

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