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No Ones POV

Kelly walked into Matt and Gabby's house after leaving Kat's to retrieve a change of clothes. When he entered Gabby and Matt were curled up on the couch and watching TV.

"Hey Kelly."

"Hey guys."

"So I take it last night went well?" Matt raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

Kelly's cheeks start to turn a light pink and his face lite up with a smile. "I don't think I've ever seen Kelly Severide blush before." Gabby places a hand over her heart in shock.

"Kat is amazing and the time we spend together is wonderful and I never want it to end." Both Matt and Gabby break out into an awe.

"That's awesome Kelly. Congratulations."

"Thanks." Kelly runs a hand through his hair a little worried about Kat being on squad.

"What is it Kelly?" Gabby picked up on Kelly's mood.

Kelly sighed. "Kat has just been placed on squad 3." Both Matt and Gabby's eyes become huge. "We literally got the phone calls less than 20 minutes ago."

"What are you guys going to do?"

"I can't not date her. I would be so heartbroken every time I see her at the firehouse. We have to give us a shot."

Both Matt and Gabby exchange a look. "It won't be easy Kelly. But it can be done. Look at Matt and I, we struggled but once we were able to leave our relationship outside the firehouse it worked so much better."

"Gabby is right Kelly. Just remember at the firehouse you are her lieutenant. Then at home you guys are a couple. She's done it before with her late husband. I'm sure you two can work it out."

Kelly didn't know how he had such amazing friends who were always supportive of him. "Thanks you guys."

"You're welcome Kelly. We've got your back."

Kelly nodded his head. "I gotta go change. I am taking her out to dinner."

"Well get going Romeo!" Gabby loved teasing Kelly and she was happy he finally found someone he was serious about.

Kelly laughed and then headed to his room to get changed.


Kat's POV

I was just finishing my makeup when I heard my front door open and footsteps coming up the stairs. Kelly entered my bedroom looking extremely handsome. He was in a red button down, black slacks, and black shoes.

"Well you clean up nicely." I was looking Kelly up and down.

"Well thank you." I stand up and make my way towards Kelly. "Damn girl. We need to get going because all I want to do is rip this dress off you."

I smirk. "Later baby." I go up on my tippy toes and kiss his lips. I kept the kiss short as to tease Kelly. "I have something to show you."


I grab Kelly's hand and lead him to my closet to show him the space I cleared out for him. "I know we just started dating but I thought this would make things easier. You being able to keep some clothes here."

It took a second but a smile soon formed on Kelly's place. "I'll bring some stuff over tomorrow."

I was a bit surprised. "Really?"

"Yes really baby." Kelly rests his hands on my hips and leans down to kiss me. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. I was losing all self control but I wanted to make him wait.

I pull away and hear Kelly groan. "You are such a tease."

"You don't know the half of it." I wink and then grab a pair of black heals to wear with my black and white dress. I exit my closest and sit down on my bed.

Kelly follows me and leans against my bedroom door frame. I can feel his eyes watching every move I make as I bend over to make sure my heels are on properly.

"Oh check the dresser Kelly. I cleaned out a couple drawers for you too." Kelly went to check out the empty drawers while I walked over to my jewelry box to grab some earrings and a necklace.

"You're amazing Kat." I feel my cheeks turning red underneath my makeup. "And your cute when you blush." Kelly walked over to me and we shared one last kiss before heading to the garage.

"Want to take the super snake?" I dangle the keys out in front of me. I watch as Kelly's eyes light up like it was Christmas morning. I toss him the keys and Kelly gets into drivers seat.

I walk over to my GT and snap some photos so I can send them to the guys in Houston. I get into the passenger seat of the super snake. Kelly starts the car and presses the button for the garage door.

Kelly heads in the direction of the restaurant while I send off the photos. It didn't take long to get a response.

Mike: Wait is that your old GT?

Kat: Yes! Kelly fixed it while I was in Houston :)

Mike: I like this guy more and more.

Allen: So are you two official yet?

Kat: He asked me to be his girlfriend last night.

Mike: Annnnd???

Allen: Annnnddd???

Kat: I said yes and we are on our way to a nice dinner.

Allen: Awwweee.

Mike: Congrats Kat. We are so happy for you.

Kat: Thank you. I also accepted an offer from the CFD. I'm going to be working on squad 3.

Allen: Wait isn't that Kelly's squad?

Kat: yes...

Mike: Be careful Kat. Luke and you got lucky.

Kat: I know... But I can't not try.

Allen: Like I told you about Luke. If it is meant to be it will be.

Mike: Just remember work and your guys relationship are two separate things.

Kat: I know. I know. Now gotta go. We are at the restaurant.

Mike: Don't put out on the first date!!

Allen: Really Mike?

Kat: Too late for that one.

I shove my phone into my purse before the two of them wrap me up in another conversation. Kelly opened my car door and offered his hand to me. I graciously took it and stepped out of the car.

"Thank you." We lock arms and head inside the restaurant to enjoy a meal to ourselves. I completely ignored my phone that was constantly going off in my purse. All I cared about in this moment was Kelly.

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