Super Snake

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3 hours later I was pulling into the dealership parking lot. Excited to already be picking up my new mustang but still sad about my old one. Looking in the rearview mirror is going to be so weird knowing Nicholas won't have been in the back seat of this one.

I try to shake the feeling off as we exit my jeep and head into the dealership. I walk up to the young red head girl at the receptionist desk.

"Hello! How can I help you?"

"Can you tell Andrew that Katherine Lane is here to see him?"

"Yes ma'am." She picks up her phone and makes a quick call. "Andrew said your car is almost done in detail. He will be right up."

"Thank you." We walk over towards a little seating area to wait. I could see a few of office girls talking with the receptionist and pointing in Kelly's general direction. "You've got a fan club Kelly."

He raised an eyebrow and I nod my head back towards where the receptionist was siting. He turned around and all the girls scurry away. Kelly laughs and does a little wave.

What was this that I was feeling? Jealousy? Oh get a grip Kat you two aren't even together. A young sales man came walking over towards us.

"Mrs. Lane?"

"Yes that's me." I stood up and shook his hand.

"Your mustang will be pulled around front here soon. We just need you to come sign a few papers."

"Alright sure." I turn to look at Kelly, Gabby, and Matt. "Guys I'll be right back." They all nodded.

"Won't Mr. Land be joining us?" Andrew was eyeing Kelly.

"No. Mr. Lane passed away." The shear look of panic that flashed across Andrew's face almost made me laugh.

"Forgive me Mrs. Lane."

"That's quite alright Andrew. Shall we?" I follow Andrew back towards the offices to sign paperwork.

Kelly's POV

I heard Andrew refer to me as Kat's husband and I felt almost panicked. But she handled it with such confidence that it made my heart hurt that she has to answer those types of questions.

I watched her follow Andrew to an office and then I turned back to Gabby and Matt. Both of them staring at me. "What?"

"I'm pretty sure you just turned as white as that car over there when he mentioned Kat's husband and was looking at you ." 

"Gabby's right man. And then she got jealous when she noticed those girls pointing and talking about you."

"So what?" I didn't see the problem they were trying to point out.

I watched both of them sigh. "Don't get too attached Kelly. She's been through a lot. She just lost her husband and son. Her feelings may be a bit confused."

"Look Casey I am just being there for a fellow firefighter and squad lieutenant. And don't tell me what she's lost. You haven't sat there and listened to her talk about that night." I was trying to control my anger but I felt myself boiling over. "Her house is the one that responded to the call. She had to stand outside and watch her home burn knowing Luke and Nicholas were still inside. Her squad had to hold her back from running in there."

I then heard someone clear their throat and looked to my right to see the receptionist standing there. "Can I get you all something to drink?"


Kat's POV

I finished signing all of the paperwork for my new mustang and Andrew handed me the keys. "It's been a pleasure Mrs. Lane. Please if you need anything please don't hesitate to call."

We both stood up from his desk and shook hands. "Thank You Andrew."

"Let me walk you out."

I followed Andrew back out of his office and to the front of the dealership. We were heading to the chairs were everyone was seated when I noticed the receptionist standing right next to Kelly. It also looked like her hand hand was on his back.

Andrew must of sensed something because he called out to her. "Monica." The girl turned around and saw Andrew and me.

"Yes Mr. Murray?"

"The phone is ringing."

She nodded and headed back to her desk. I had to pass right by her when joining the rest of our group. She purposely shoulder bumped me and smirked.

"Monica! My office now!"

I turned around to watch her sulk back towards Andrew's office. I then head back to Matt, Gabby and Kelly.

"Heads up Matt." I toss him the keys to my SUV. "Need you to drive the jeep back for me."

"Sure Kat."

I smiled and then headed out the front door to go look over my super snake. I was walking around the back when I saw Kelly, Matt, and Gabby staring at my car. "She's gorgeous isn't she?"

 "She's gorgeous isn't she?"

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They all nodded their heads.

"We should get going. Kelly you riding back with me?"


I unlocked the car and got into the drivers seat. I was running my hands around the steering wheel when Kelly got in on the passenger side.

I started the engine and listened to her roar before putting her in drive to head back to Chicago. Matt and Gabby followed us out of the parking lot and onto the highway.

The first 20 minutes of the drive was silent and was almost awkward. Once I was out of the city and I let her stretch her legs and put all 825 horse to work. 

I could see out of the corner of my eye that Kelly was all smiles. "She sounds amazing doesn't she?"

"yeah she does." Kelly was running his hands over the passenger side dash.

"So what was that back there?" Might as well get the elephant out of the room.


Oh so he's going to play dumb. Great.

"Monica. She was standing right next to where you were sitting and her hand was on your back."

"She asked if we wanted something to drink. And her hand wasn't on my back."

"Really? Cause that's how it looked from my perspective." I didn't even give him the chance to defend himself. "Is that how it always is for you? Girls throwing themselves at you?"


"No Kelly it's fine."

"Clearly it's not fine if you are getting this upset over it! We are not even together Kat!"

I felt my jaw clinch as the words not even together came out of his mouth. "Yeah you're right Kelly."


"No Kelly. You are right we are not together. I appreciate everything you've done for me but you should probably go home tonight. I'll be fine."

"Kat your still healing and tomorrow is probably going to be the worse. Your gonna be stiff and sore."

"I'll be fine Kelly. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself." I turned up the radio to signal our conversation was over. The rest of the drive back to Chicago was done in silence.

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