Chapter 1: The Life Changing Day

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Author's Note:  Hello! Author here! Before I send you off on your journey with Amy, I wanted to make a quick note of things. 
First off, I wanted to thank you all for showing interest in this story, I hope you enjoy it. This will be a slow paced story at first. I know most fanfics like jumping right into the sex scenes and all, so sorry you'll have to wait. I want you guys to experience a semi-realistic POV with this story. Secondly, please keep in mind that I'm NOT a writer. I did this for fun. I have read a handful of other fanfics and have read most comments you all leave. With that in mind, I did do my best to incorporate most of your feelings into Amelia so that we can all share her life and enjoy it as much as possible. 
This is my first ever story so please, if you must comment criticism, keep in mind that I'm not a writer and this is the first I've ever done involving an actual human being, nonetheless, an actor. 
And last but not least, i do apologize ahead of time if there's any typos or incorrect facts about Chris and the Evans family. This is a 3 step process, I write on my notes the general ideas, take those and write the whole chapter on google docs and then lastly bring them over here with any last detail edits I may have. As far as the Evans family goes, I'm not a fan of digging deep to find information about an actual person, so i will be adding details that could and most likely will be wrong so sorry in advanced. 
Ok, that's all, have fun! Hope you all enjoy!


Amelia awoke to the infuriating, repetitive sounds of her phone alarm going off at 6am. She groaned softly, pulling her soft, thick comforter over her head in an attempt to drown out the noise. Once she was annoyed enough, she threw the covers off of her head with a huff and stretched out her hand to whack the stop button on her phone, trying to get it to go quiet. Failing to do so, she groaned in frustration and sat up, grabbing her phone and turning the alarm off.

She huffed once again and rubbed her hands down her face after setting the phone back onto her night stand. She stretched herself out, pulled the covers over her body and stood to her feet. She glided her feet into her slippers and sluggishly walked over to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, grimacing at the sight. Amelia was a 5'4 tall, pudgy, but not too chubby, bodied, 28 year old. She had light, sun-kissed skin and long, light brown hair that reached her lower back. Her eyes were a hazel green, with a brown concentrate towards the pupil and a nice silver outline of her iris, giving her eyes a unique appearance. Amelia struggled to love herself, but the one thing she didn't dislike about herself was her eyes, in fact, she loved them. Although she had lost a great amount of weight with her job as a dog walker, she still wasn't quite happy with herself.

She grumbled to herself lightly, looking away from the mirror and went over to pull the shower curtains to the side. She turned the faucet on, yawning lightly as she adjusted the temperature. Once right, she slipped out of her shorts and baggy t-shirt she called a pajama and hopped into the shower. She smiled as the warm water hit her face, pouring down her body. She quickly showered, hopping out, wrapping a towel around herself and headed over to the bathroom sink to apply her creams. She soon moved on to dry her hair, brushing it out as she did so. She skipped over to her bedroom, looking through her closet for comfy clothes to wear, seeing as she had one of her favorite clients, Bandit, on her list for walking today. She looked over at her pile of dirty clothes, noticing most of her clothes there. She sighed and grabbed a pair of jeans from her drawers and a plain pink, V-neck shirt. She tossed on some socks and her walking shoes and headed out, down the short hall of her apartment, to the kitchen. She popped in a single airpod into her ear and began her playlist as she filled her hydro flask of cold, fresh water. She ate an apple quickly and went on her way, locking her house behind her as she walked down the path to the sidewalk.

Her smile remained on her face as she walked in the sunny day. She was like a little ray of sunshine, or so she told herself, trying to keep her depression and anxiety at bay most of the time. After about 15 minutes, she reached Bandits house. Bandit was a red Australian Shepherd mix, with his medium stature, docked tail, and trimmed fur and his crazy fun energy that almost always got himself into some sorts of trouble, but somehow, he was Amy's favorite dog to walk. Something about his positive mood, happy go lucky vibes, sat well with her. She loved him almost as if he were her own. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Within seconds, Bandit was barking and jumping at the door like a wild animal, knowing he would be taken to the dog park. A soft laughter was heard from the inside of the house, his owner trying to hook the leash onto Bandit.

The door opened up in less than a minute later, Bandit sat at the door, his little nub wagging so hard his whole butt nearly shook. "Hey Amy!" Clarice said happily, greeting Amelia. "Hello Clarice, hello good boy!" She greeted back with a genuine smile on her face, always happy to see them. Amy and Clarice had been good friends for over 2 years now, which is how long she had been walking Bandit for her and her husband. "You ready to go, buddy?" Amelia asked as she bent over just a tad, resting her hands on her knees as she looked at the dog. Bandit looked at Clarice for his command, barely able to sit still. Clarice giggled lightly, handing Amy the leash and said a simple "ok", sending Bandit in a short dash to Amy, jumping on her happily. "We'll be back in a few hours!" Amelia said with a wave as she walked down the cement path on their front lawn, Bandit sniffing anything he could. Clarice nodded, waving goodbye and went back inside to continue her work.

Cars rushed by as they walked down the street to the dog park, both enjoying the occasional breeze the vehicles brought with them. Bandit tugged on his leash from time to time, sniffing and marking his territory on nearly every tree they passed by. Bandit's head shot up at the sight of a tall man walking his dog on the other side of the street. Amelia tugged lightly on the leash, trying to redirect him, which for some reason, wasn't working. Bandit was a well trained pup, but this time it seemed like he had absolutely no training as he pulled her down the sidewalk. "Bandit!" She spoke firmly, trying to correct him, but with a quick tug, Bandit's leash clasp snapped off, letting Bandit on the loose. He quickly dashed off the sidewalk, onto the grass and then onto the asphalt in a matter of seconds. "Bandit!" Amy screamed out, tires screeching loudly. "No!!!" Amelia quickly screamed, stopping herself from running into the street after him. Her eyes shut tight, tears already filling her eyes. She peeked them open, seeing the car at a stop, her hands shaking with fear. She managed to walk a few steps as a parked car obstructed her view of the front of the driver's car. One of her brows raised, noticing Bandit was nowhere to be found.

"He's ok!" The man across the street announced. She quickly shot her eyes at him, seeing Bandit playing with his dog. She sighed in relief, tears still rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably. The tall, 6'0 man with light skin, muscular toned body and brown hair grabbed Bandit by the collar after he had allowed him to sniff his hand, walking him back across the street to Amy. She quickly fell to her knees, hugging Bandit tightly. "You don't do that, dummy!" She cried out, kissing his temple. She parted from Bandit, looking over up at the man, his blue eyes looking back down at her. "Are you ok?" he asked her. She nodded softly, her body still shaky and tears still on her cheeks. She stood slowly, the man helping her up as she kept a hold on Bandits collar. "Thank you." She told him, looking down at both dogs sniffing each other. "No need to thank, glad your dog is ok, though." he replied to her. She looked up at him once again, smiling and nodded. "I don't know how i'll explain this to his owners. They're gonna think I'm a horrible dog walker" she sighed. She knew this wasn't true, but her insecurities got the best of her. "I'm sure they'll understand." She gave a weak smile as he spoke, "thank you, i do really appreciate it mister" she expressed.

"My name is Chris." He smiled, extending his hand for a shake. "Amelia, you can call me Amy if you'd like." She reciprocated as they shook hands, the tears on her face drying up slowly. Amelia failed to recognize the famous actor. Little did she know, her life would change drastically from this moment forward.

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