Chapter 12: Christmas Eve Dinner

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A/N: So for the few of you actually reading this, please note that I don't have specific uploading days. I can and will upload at random. Most of the time, i will upload a chapter a week, mainly on Thursdays. I may surprise you all with an extra chapter on a random day but for the most part, that will be the upload schedule. I am constantly working on chapters on my phone but don't always have time to upload. 
If you're skipping chapters, please don't. You can and will miss important details in the story if you skip. I may not be a writer but I do find joy and pride in making these stories. Seeing people skip honestly just bums me out. 

The couple returned to the kitchen after the quick house tour, offering their help to his mom. She gave them a few things to help her with, although most of it was ready. "Just set the table for me, dear." She instructed Chris, who went over to do as she had asked. "Is there anything I can do?" Amelia asked, not wanting to just stand around and not help. "No, you're a guest. Sit down, relax, having this man bring you water or wine or some food. Put him to work." Lisa smiled, knowing exactly what she was doing. "Mom, you gotta stop. I'm 40 years old, come on." He whined, causing Amy to giggle. His mom laughed softly, shooing them off. "Go relax in your room, everything's ready and everyone should be arriving soon. I need to go shower." Lisa smiled, taking her apron off. Chris nodded softly, leading Amelia back over to his room.

They both chilled in his room and watched a movie for the time being while chatting. "We should start getting ready." Chris called out as he saw the time being 5pm. "We usually start dinner at 6:30 to 7 so everyone should be here in the next half hour." Amelia nodded and got up off the bed. "Do you have an iron?" She asked, wanting to iron out her clothes before getting ready. Chris got up, going into the small closet in the bathroom and bringing out his board and iron, setting it up for her. "Do you have anything you want me to iron?" She asked, watching him get his towel, assuming he was going to shower. "Oh, yes please." He responded, going over to his closet and bringing out some black jeans and a blue, henley long sleeve shirt. Chris soon pecked her lips and headed into his bathroom to go shower.

Amelia smiled, ironing his clothes and laying them flat onto the bed for him, soon working on her own clothes. She lay a peach cream V-neck batwing shirt onto the bed next to his clothes along with some light blue jeans. She smiled excitedly, searching through her bags, picking out a small box with a minimalistic layered chain necklace, placing it over her clothes. Chris soon got out of the shower a few minutes later, changing into some gym shorts before exiting the bathroom bare chested. She looked up at the movement detected from the corner of her eye as she laid on the bed. Her eyes ran up and down his body with a soft smirk while standing from the bed. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Chris sassed. Amelia smiled, smacking his arm lightly and got onto his tippy toes to peck his lips. "Mind if I use the shower?" She asked. "Yeah go ahead, just wish you would've told me before, we could have saved water and showered together." Amelia's jaw dropped with a smile, nudged him softly and headed to the bathroom. Chris chuckled softly and sat on the bed.

She soon finished showering, getting out and putting her bra and lace, cheeky underwear on and the towel wrapped around her body. She came out, noticing Chris already dressed in his clothing, a pair of Chukka boots sat by the bed. He smiled, noticing her, a faint devilish smirk appeared on his lips. She smiled back, grabbing her clothes and going back into the bathroom after sticking his tongue out at him. She changed quickly, soon heading back out into the bedroom. "Mmm, beautiful!" Chris hummed out, making her blush immediately, butterflies swarming her stomach. He quickly stood, going over to her and pressed his lips against hers, Amelia receiving them happily. Chris slipped his tongue into the mix after a few seconds, not knowing what was coming over him. He parted softly, looking down at her. His hand pressed itself up against her cheek while his thumb ran across her cheekbone, admiring her beauty.

They soon parted to finish getting ready, Chris slipping on his boots and later grabbing out a red, white and green patterned bandana. He tied it snuggly around Dodgers neck. "Alright, 2 out of 3 of us are ready." He laughed. "I'm going, I'm going." She laughed, grabbing her necklace, "Can you?" Chris took her necklace as she turned around to have her back to him, moving her hair out of the way. He placed the necklace around her neck, latching the clasp shut. He leaned down, kissing her neck gently. Amelia gasped lightly at the unexpected touch, involuntarily tilting her head to the side as she reached back to touch his head lovingly. "What's gotten into you lately?" She laughed softly. Chris chuckled and parted, "I don't know, you're just so irresistible." He responded, Amelia turning to face him and hugging him, pursing her lips for him. They pecked each other's lips before she parted and put on some flats, then went back into the bathroom to apply some quick mascara.

Once they were both ready, they walked out of the room, walking down the hallway. "CHRIS!!!" Scott yelled out as they reached the end of the hall, unaware he had company. Amelia screamed in terror and hid behind Chris. Chris flinched lightly while his body tensed up. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Scott called out seeing her. Amelia laughed softly, shaking her hand dismissively. "No, you're fine. I just wasn't expecting that at all. I don't know about him but you definitely got me" she said referring to Chris who was laughing too. "I'm so sorry" Scott repeated himself, feeling guilty for scaring her. "I'm Scott by the way." Amelia smiled softly, "Amelia, it's good to meet you." Scott smiled and shook her hand, soon bringing her into a hug. "It's nice to finally meet you too. I was wondering when this guy would bring you around." Amelia smiled and hugged back, both parting after a bit. She turned to look at Chris, "Wow, your mom wasn't lying. You really have been talking about me" she giggled, Chris turning red.

After a bit of chatter, they all headed to the dining room where their mom, sisters, brother in law, nephews and niece sat. Scott sat down, leaving the two seats closer to the head of the table where his mom sat open for them. Chris cleared his throat, catching everyone but the kid's attention. "Guys, this is Amelia, my girlfriend." He introduced. Amelia waved shyly as her cheeks flushed red. They all greeted and welcomed her, making her feel loads better. He led her over to the seats, letting her sit between him and Scott before he took the chair closest to his mom. The family talked for a while and soon dug into the variety of food choices they had in front of them.

An hour and some passed when they all finished up with their plates, Chris and his brother in law finished up their seconds. The kids were already playing in the living room. The family soon shifted over to the living room, Amelia staying by Chris shyly. "Have you guys said hi to Amelia?" Carly asked the kids, knowing they haven't greeted Amy. "Hi!" They all harmonized together. "You guys want to play heads up?" She asked, everyone agreeing. As time passed, they all began to get louder, including Amy. "Wai! Wait! Everyone shut up!" Scott called out, trying to describe the movie. Everyone laughed as Scott grew frustrated, using his brother as a prop from time to time. Chris accepted it, standing confused most of the time.

Any warmed up the family, including the kids. She primarily bonded with 5 year old Stella, playing with her and her Barbies on the living room floor. "Ok kids, it's 11:15, bed time!" The kids complained, Stella and Ethan were already fighting their sleep. "But we want to see Santa!" They whined softly. "You guys already know he doesn't come if you guys are awake. Now come on, it's way past bedtime." She repeated, shooing them off to their rooms. The kids said goodnight to everyone and dismissed themselves to their rooms to go to sleep. Shannon, Chris' sister, had already gone to bed minutes prior. "I think I'll be going to bed too." Lisa said softly, kissing everyone, including Amy, on the cheek goodnight. Amelia yawned softly, stretching herself out as she stood from the floor. "You ready to hit the hay too?" Chris asked, helping her up. "It's up to you." She said softly, not wanting to be a party pooper. "I think I'm ready, everyone's going to bed too." He said softly as they all had trickled away except for Scott. She nodded, ready to sleep as she was drained. They said goodnight to Scott and headed back over to his room. "Dodge, come on bud" Chris called. Dodger quickly followed with his lion toy hanging from his mouth.

Chris closed the door, soon slipping out of his clothes until he was just in boxers. Amelia smiled softly, pecking his lips. "Thank you for inviting me. I had a bunch of fun today." She said softly, hugging him. "I'm glad you came and had fun too." He responded, kissing her in return. She soon parted, grabbing her pjs and went into the bathroom to change. She soon came out, Chris already laying on the bed with Dodger at his feet. She smiled softly, crawling into the bed with them, cuddling up to Chris. "Goodnight" she chirped. "Goodnight, sweetheart." He said softly, in a calm, loving tone. 

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