Chapter 36: Settling In

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A/N: This chapter contains mature content suitable for readers over the age of 18. Again, this is for mature, 18+ readers, readers discretion is advised. 

Days passed as the pair began moving into their new home. Family and friends helped whenever they could. After a little over 2 weeks of their engagement, the house was fully furnished and ready for them to move in. Amelia loved every inch of the place, it was big and spacious and absolutely beautiful. Dodger enjoyed sniffing the whole place, dashing from corner to corner in his times of zoomies. Chris loved being with Amy every second possible, being able to share a bed with the person he loved. After a day of relaxing, the two began to unpack, beginning with the bedroom. While Amelia opened and put the clothes on the bed to sort and organize it, Chris grabbed whatever she put out and took it to the closet where he also organized the clothing.

"Yea, but it's not like he did that good of a job." Chris spoke from inside the closet as they discussed a random movie they had watched moments before. "As if you could do better." Amelia teased. He quickly went silent, poking his head out to look at her. She smiled and shrugged, which was a big mistake. He looked at her fiercely, one of his eyebrows cocked up as a smirk formed on his lips. His devilish and mischievous smirk didn't go unnoticed by her. "Christopher, stop looking at me like that." She warned while pointing at him. Chris's smirk only grew as he began to stalk forward, slowly, predatory-like. He was like a lion, stalking the sweet, innocent antelope in the savannah, his intentions were clear as day to her. "Don't you dare!" She giggled nervously, "Christopher, no!" The distance between them began to close slowly. She took one step back to every two steps he took forward. Amelia grew even more nervous, swiveling on her heels and opening the door in a heartbeat, dashing off into the hallway. The lion in Chris roared with adrenaline as he lunged towards her as the door opened, missing her by just an inch. A chase had started and Amy's giggles grew louder, the nervousness and adrenaline of being chased were loud and clear in her laughter. Squeals echoed through the hallways as she dashed downstairs. Her eyes darted from place to place, looking for any of the cleaning staff to aid her. Little did she know, her fiancé had dismissed the staff earlier that day, and not a single soul was there to help her escape the now very horny, Chris, not even Dodger.

Amy ran into the kitchen, the dining room and finally the living room, running around the couch for protection. Chris stood at the opposite end of the couch, his eyes locked on her. "Baby, please!" She begged with all her nervous giggles, hoping for mercy, but he was not to be bargained with. Chris began walking around the couch, Amy walked around the opposite side to keep the couch between them. She made her way to the front of the couch, Chris standing behind it. Amy glanced around, trying to find an escape route. She took a step to make a run for it, but it was too late. Chris has hopped over the couch effortlessly and swooped her into his arms. Amy squealed and laughed, continuing to beg the beast before her to go easy on her. Chris laughed and began kissing her face. Amy's laughter soon came to a halt as his lips were not pressed against hers. Her hands found their way to his cheeks, caressing his face gently. He smirked softly against her lips as he began lowering her down onto the couch, hovering over her.

"Gotcha." He growled softly, Amy giggled softly, "That you did." The couple began their steamy make out session, lips pressed against one another, his tongue finding its way into her mouth, exploring freely and playing with hers. His mouth parted from hers, he sat up onto his knees as he straddled her, grabbing her shirt and pulling it off over her head, quickly going back down to kissing her jaw. He traveled down to the base of her neck, her jaw parted, letting a soft, weak moan out as she exhaled. Chris planted a row of kisses down her midline, pausing as he reached her navel. He sat up once again, pulling her pants and underwear off, unbuckling his own jeans. He lowered himself slowly, his eyes staring deep into hers. His head was now between her legs, his jaw parted, his tongue giving a teasing lick to her genitals. She bit her lips, stifling her moans. As soon as she was wet and ready for him, Chris lowered his pants just a bit to pull his shaft out. He hovered over her once again and began kissing her while guiding himself into her. Amelia gave a soft, whimpering moan against his lips, his thrusts felt heavenly. His free hand ventured down between her legs, finding her clit and began arousing it. Her hands gripped his shoulders and back, her head pressed back against the couch as she huffed her breaths, and her back arching up against his body. Her moans back louder the harder her fucked her. He came first, continuing to go for her. He pressed lightly on her lower stomach, pressing her g spot from the outside. Amelia gave a soft scream as her body collapsed, climaxing right then and there. The orgasm felt so angelic that she begged for him to keep going. "Just a little more, please!" She begged, her eyes were closed as she tried enjoying what was one of the best orgasms she has ever had.

Once her body settled down, the two parted to catch their breaths. She had no clue what he had done to her, but she was now a horny mess. "Bedroom, right now." She ordered as she stood, grabbing his hand and rushing to their room upstairs. Once there, Amy removed her bra and tied her hand up in a loose ponytail. Chris removed his jeans, followed by his boxers. She grabbed him and pushed him onto the bed, Chris falling onto his back. She quickly straddled him and began to kiss him hungrily. He moaned as she stroked his shaft gently, her thumb circling his tip. She parted softly, scooting herself down to his dick. She gave a soft kiss to his tip before taking whatever she could into her mouth. He quickly pushed his head back, groaning softly, one of his hands grabbing her ponytail out of instinct. After a few minutes, Amelia parted for air, licking her lips as she looked at him seductively. He sat up, "lay down," he spoke. It was now his turn to give the orders. Amelia smirked softly, doing as she was told. Chris stood, grabbing her legs and flipping her so that she'd be laying on her stomach. He pulled her hips up, Amy now in a downward dog position, she looked over her shoulder at him, somewhat nervous. He stood directly behind her, holding her hips with one hand, while the other inserted his dick into her vagina. Amelia hummed softly, feeling his shaft back inside of her. He began thrusting against her, getting rougher any chance he could. His free hand wrapped around one of her thighs and in between her legs to rub her clit once more. Amelia pushed her face into the bed, stifling her moans yet again. "Nope, I wanna hear you." Chris spoke, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back. Amy gave off a soft whimper, her hands clenching the bed as everything he did felt so good to her. "Chris!" she moaned softly, whining as she felt her body coming close to an orgasm the more he played with her clit. He grunted as he pounded himself into her, getting more turned on with each moan she gave off. She eventually climaxed, moaning loudly as she pushed herself back into him. Both remained still for the rest of her orgasm, her body collapsing onto the bed. Chris chuckled softly and flopped onto the bed next to her. The two took a nap, only to wake up hours later and had another round. They repeated until day became night, where both ended up knocking out until the next day. 

A/N 2: There may or may not be a new chapter next week (or for a few weeks). There's a lot going on at the moment. I am doing my best to raise funds for my missionary trip ill be going on in a few months. That being said, ill be super busy doing fundraising events to help get the money necessary to go. I am terribly sorry for the possible hiatus, ill be doing my best to get chapters uploaded on schedule for you guys. 

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