Chapter 41: Pop Goes Momma!

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As months passed, the two grew closer and readied for their new blessing. The time had come where they had decided to find out the gender, and soon enough, their appointment came in what felt like a heartbeat. "Amelia Evans!" The nurse called out. Amy felt her heart pounding, she was nervous yet so excited. She gave Chris's hand a gentle squeeze as she got up, both walking over to the nurse who led them to a room. "So we're here for a baby check up, correct?" The nurse asked. Amelia smiled and nodded, "Yes, and we'd like to find out the gender as well if it's possible." The nurse nodded slowly as she read over her chart, "Looks like you're 6 months, it is definitely possible. Lets just hope the baby isn't shy and hides." She laughed. Chris and Amy gave a soft chuckle. She got up onto the bed after they took her weight. Amy rolled her shirt up and extended her right hand over to Chris who happily took it. The nurse poured some cold jelly onto her stomach and began spreading it around and quickly began looking and taking pictures. "Looks like this little one is active. Look at them go!" The nurse laughed wholeheartedly. Both of the new parents' smiles grew bigger. Amelia's eyes began to tear, it made her extremely happy to see the baby moving. She could not only feel it, but could now see it too. She turned over to Chris, his eyes glued on the monitor. It was like he was hypnotized. "Are we ready to know the gender or will we be putting it in an envelope for you?" Amelia shook her head, "We're ready to know, I don't think we can wait another second." She spoke as she wiped the small amounts of water from her eyes. The nurse nodded and searched for a while, "Ah, here we are!" She spoke. "Looks like you guys will be having a baby girl!" Chris let his head drop onto Amy's arm after hearing the nurse's words. Amelia quickly let her head fall back, her free hand immediately covering her face. Both of them cried for a little, Chris stood a few seconds later and rubbed his wife's arm. Amy looked up at him with a smile and tears streaming down her cheek. She sat up and opened her arms, both quickly embracing each other. "We're gonna have a girl." Chris whimpered happily. The nurse smiled as she watched them, printing out their ultrasound pictures. Once the two calmed down, she handed them their pictures and wiped the jelly off of Amy. She congratulated them and let them know they were free to go when they were ready. The two thanked her and wiped their tears and were soon on their way.

A month had passed and Amelia's baby shower went by amazingly. Both his and her families were able to come out and attend as well as some of their friends. They played various shower games, offered lots of food and everyone had a great time. Towards the end, they opened up all the gifts in front of their guests. They had received tons of clothes, diapers and wipes, as well as some binkies, shoes, socks, bows, blankets, toys and much more. They brought out 2 small boxes and asked two people to step forward. Clarice and Scott looked at them confused but did as they were asked. "Chris and I have spoken, and you both have been incredible towards us, and we would love to give you these small gifts. We hope that you will accept it with as much love as we have for you both. Amy gave the box to Clarice, and Chris to Scott. Chris wrapped his arm around Amelia and pulled her into him. She smiled and wrapped an arm around him as they watched the two open their boxes. In the boxes were greeting cards with a picture of a baby girl on it. They had little gifts like a tumbler, a corkscrew and a gift card. The two opened their own cards and began to read. Clarice immediately covered her mouth with one of her hands and nodded as she got choked up. Scott's jaw dropped as he looked up at the and nodded. All four of them smiled and exchanged hugs. Chris parted from the group and made the quick announcement. "We would like to present to you all the godparents of our lovely girl, Sophia." Their guests smiled and clapped, happy to hear the news. After a while, guests began trickling out and the event was over and done. A few people helped them load their gifts onto their car as well as 2 others who were helping them take everything to their home.

Time flew once again and Amelia was past her due date. She had quit her job a few weeks before and Chris had finished up filming a few days ago. They both sat around waiting for the day the baby came. They went on walks, even had a few dates to pass the time. Chris had a video meeting as Amelia began cooking dinner. She tried to remain as quiet as possible but the moment she thought would never come, came. Water began flowing down her legs, "C-Chris!! Baby! Baby!" She called out. Chris quickly heard and stumbled over his own feet to get to her. "Ok ok, lets go!" He spoke in a rush, grabbing a duffel bag of their things. He helped her over to the car and quickly began driving to the hospital. Her contractions came strong and fast. She groaned and moaned, whined and cried, the ride to the hospital felt eternal to her. They arrived soon enough, Chris helping her into the hospital where a wheelchair waited for her. They wheeled her over to her room. One nurse began taking her vitals, another began hooking her up to machines, and the doctor checked her dilation when she was changed. "Oh, wow. You are ready to go! Lets prep the room ladies." He spoke. The nurses quickly began scurrying around the room, preparing everything they may need. "Honey, I'm terribly sorry but it's too late to get you an epidural." Amelia's eyes widened in fear. The stories she heard of the pain were only making her more nervous. She nodded softly, tears flowing off her cheeks. Chris stood by her side, holding her hand for support. "Ok, let's get the show on the road. Your body will let you know when to push. Push hard and long. Lets get your baby girl out of there" The doctor spoke. As time passed, Amelia gave it all she could and pushed as much as she could. She cried as she felt like she couldn't do it. "I can't do it anymore. I can't!" She whimpered. Chris pressed his lips on her forehead for a second before parting to look at her. "Push love. You're one of the strongest people I know. Push. We've been waiting for our baby for ages, push. You can do it, I know you can." He said in a soft, calm tone, doing his best to reassure her. Amelia looked up at him doe eyed and nodded softly. She took a big deep breath and pushed again. "I can see her head. One last push." The doctor spoke. Amelia took in another breath and pushed as hard as she could. The loud, noisy room immediately became silent, and within the second the silence was replaced with the cry of a newborn. Both Amelia and Chris looked over, the doctor handing off the baby. "Dad, would you like to do the honor?". The doctor held some scissors, Chris smiled softly and went over to take them, and with the help of the doctor, Chris had cut the umbilical cord. Soon enough they checked on the baby's vitals and cleaned her up a little bit before handing her off to the new parents. "Congratulations to you, and welcome to the world baby Sophia." The doctor spoke, all 3 nurses taking their leave with him once everything was cleaned and in the clear. Chris and Amy cried softly, happy to meet their long awaited baby. They kissed each other briefly before giving all their attention to Sophia. They couldn't be happier now that they held her in their arms. 

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