Chapter 38: Honeymoon

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A/N: IM BAAACK!!! Sorta. I am working on getting back into writing. Loads has happened since i left on hiatus but, im trying lol. I cant guarantee a chapter a week, but ill hopefully get you guys some new content to read as soon as i can! In the meantime, enjoy this chapter!

A week had passed and the newlyweds had their bags packed and ready to go for their honeymoon. Chris had rented a cabin with its own private beach in the Maldives. Amelia couldn't have been more excited as she loaded her luggage into the car. Scott sat in the driver's seat once all the bags were loaded, Chris and Amy said their goodbyes to Dodger and were soon in the car and on their way to the airport. After the annoyance of checking in and waiting, they boarded the plane. The stewardesses did everything in their power to make their trip on the plane as private as could be, and soon enough, they were in the air. Amelia smiled happily, looking out the window as the plane parted with the ground and began traveling into the clouds. "This is so romantic, flying into the sunset with the love of my life." Amelia giggled out. Chris glanced over at her and gave a soft smile. "I wouldn't want it any other way." He replied.

They landed after almost 24 hours and got off first, rushing over to the pick up spot where a car waited for them. They sat in the SUV while their luggage arrived. Once a few of the airport workers brought everything over and loaded the luggage, they were taking the road and on their way to their cabin. Chris had rented a chauffeur for them that week, wanting to give himself and Amelia the best experience they could get for this special week. Amelia stared out the window, like a child seeing Disneyland for the first time ever. Everything was so beautiful. They soon arrived at their cabin driveway. The chauffeur hopped out of the car and opened the door for them, soon heading to the back of the SUV and opening the trunk to unload their baggage. The three of them took the bags down the walkway and into the cabin's living room. The chauffeur took his leave and the couple quickly took a look around. 2 bedrooms with king sized beds, a bathroom per each bedroom and a third out in the hallway, all with their own rainfall showerheads. An indoor pool and jacuzzi, and the big kitchen with marble countertops. The cabin was divine. The two settled in after they had a shower, flopping onto the bed in exhaustion. "We have a reservation at 7 today. We got about 3 hours." Chris spoke sluggishly. "Sleeeeep!" Amelia managed to whine out. Chris gave a chuckle and nodded, "Good choice", and faster than a blink of an eye, the two were knocked out, cuddled up to each other.

An alarm blared through the room at 6 pm, waking the pair up. "Ugh, is it six already?" Chris groaned out groggily as he reached blindly at the nightstand, trying to silence the alarm. Amelia whined, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. She peeked over at him and laughed softly, seeing him struggling to find the phone. She made her way onto his torso, pushing the stop button on his phone. Chris's eyes quickly opened as he felt his wife on him. She smiled softly and leaned down to peck his lips, "Up and at 'em, sleepy head." Chris gave off a chuckle which quickly turned into a whine as Amelia got off. She ventured into the bathroom, brushing her hair. She styled it in some curls and did her make up. Meanwhile, Chris was in the room ironing both of their outfits. Once Amelia finished her light makeup, she headed into the bedroom. "Aww, you're such a sweetheart, thank you!" She spoke, referring to her clothes, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing her lips gently against his. Chris smile and pecked back, "anything for you, my love." Amelia's cheeks immediately reddened. They soon parted and began getting dressed. Chris quickly went into the bathroom and combed his hair and went back into the bedroom to put his shoes on. Soon enough the couple was ready and out the door. The chauffeur opened their doors and both hopped in. He quickly drove them over to the 5 star restaurant. The newlyweds were led to a booth once they checked in with the hostess. The menu was extraordinary with a wide selection of fancy food. The two ordered the surf and turf platter that came with a 8 oz steak for each of them, a large lobster and some shrimp, accompanied by mashed potatoes, sauteed zucchinis and bell peppers as well as some other vegetables. A wine was ordered and a while later, their food arrived. The couple dug in, asked for their check and eventually headed back to their cabin. After resting for a bit, the two went for a swim in the pool. Amelia wore a two piece, the top a solid green, and the bottom was white with a green monstera plant print. Chris wore some swim trunks, both chatting happily. Amy swam over to the step and sat down, relaxing as she watched him swim around. Chris eventually swam over to her, parking himself between her legs, causing Amy to wrap them around his hips. Her hands were quickly tossed around his neck and the two began to make out. His hands traveled around her body, a small moan escaping Amelia's mouth. A smirk played on his lips, his fingers hooked onto her bikini bottom, pulling them down slowly. "Here? Now?" She asked, a bit nervous. "Why not? No one can see us." Chris chuckled. "Are you sure?" She questioned, looking out the two glass walls that contained the indoor pool. "I got the farthest one out, trust me." Amelia looked down at him and shook her head, "You're a bad influence, if we get caught, i'll kill you" She laughed. Chris chuckled and went back to kissing her and removing her bottom. Chris thrusted into her after a few minutes of toying with her and preparing her. she moaned softly, her back arched at the feeling of his member inside of her. "C-chris!" she mumbled out. He paid no mind, loving the sound of her voice when she called out his name. "Faster," she panted, and like a good boy, he did as he was told. Amelia clawed at his back, trying to hold herself steady for him. Her eyes refused to open as she enjoyed every second of their intimacy. He came into her shortly after, his grunts sounded so sexy in Amy's ears. He kept up his pace, reaching down and began rubbing her clit with his index and middle finger, wanting to make sure she was taken care of. Amelia pressed her forehead against his chest, moaning loudly as she climaxed. Once their arousal came to a stop, the two climbed out of the pool. Chris swept her off her feet and carried her to the bedroom. He tossed her onto the bed and pulled her top off, quickly climbing over her and began foreplaying once again, leading to a night full of fun. 

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