Chapter 11: Meeting the Family

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Days passed, both confessing their feelings for one another but never really making anything official. Chris continued coming over often, most of the time bringing Dodger along to have things be a bit less awkward between them considering both of their anxieties were constantly through the roof, regardless of how they felt about each other. As time passed and they moved past the awkward phase of love confession, they didn't need Dodger as much, but Chris knew how much she loved him so he made sure the pup tagged along every so often.

"Hey, what are your plans for Christmas?" He asked, looking over at her as they ate popcorn on her bed, watching Fox and the Hound. "Oh, I just stay home for the holidays," she shrugged, "I don't have the money to go to my family and they don't have the money to come visit me." Chris stayed quiet for a few seconds, trying to find the courage to invite her over to his place. "Spend it with me then. You can come spend Christmas with my family and I." He suggested. Amelia looked up at him in shock, "I- I don't know. I don't want to intrude."

"Amelia, come on." He spoke, holding her hand. "This would be a great opportunity to meet my family anyways, and you can stay over. Dodger will be there." He tried convincing her. Amelia blushed lightly with a giggle, resting her head on his shoulder, nodding lightly in agreement, "Ok." Chris smiled, wrapping one of his arms around her. They got more comfortable with each other as the days had passed, barely showing each other any affection except for a few times.

He kept quiet and still, debating on asking her to be his. His mind ran through scenarios, most being negative with her rejecting him. He sighed softly, staring blankly at the screen. Amelia looked up hearing the sigh, "You ok?" Chris looked down, giving her a forced smile, "Yea, of course." She nodded, turning back to the TV, her arm sliding across his torso to hug him. He pondered a bit more, huffing lightly. "No, I'm not ok." He broke the silence. Amelia's head shot up, confused as to what was bothering him. "It's been days and I've been wanting to ask but I just can't and it's been killing me." He began to rant, Amelia sat up, parting from him momentarily. She kept quiet, hearing him ramble, noticing his pace was increasing. "Hey, hey!" She interrupted him, cupping his face in her hands. The soft touch of her hands on his bearded face calmed him down to a silence. "Breathe." She instructed, trying to soothe him. Chris did as he was told, he took in a deep breath and quickly blurted it out to the best of his ability.

"Be my girlfriend." He spoke quickly in a panicky mode. Amy's eyes widened, not expecting that, of all things, to be asked that night. She froze for a moment before her gaze softened, nodding softly and leaning in for a hug. "Yes, I'd love to." She cried out, parting slightly, both of them pulling each other in for a kiss.

As days became weeks, the new couple enjoyed any second they could together. Most of it consisted of staying in her place and watching movies while cuddling or competing against each other with board games. Dodger came every so often now, not being needed as a wingman anymore. Christmas week soon strolled in, Amelia becoming more and more nervous about meeting his family.

Chris came over the morning of Christmas Eve, helping her pack her bags. "Chris, are you sure your family won't mind? Especially me staying over? What if the guest rooms are taken by some surprise guests, or or-" she rambled on, the anxiety getting the best of her. Chris quickly interrupted, pressing his palm against her cheek while his other hand held one of hers. "They love having guests over, especially if it's one of their children's significant others. Besides, you're not even a guest, you're my girlfriend and I think I'm ready for you to meet them. Plus, you won't be staying in a guest bedroom, you'll be staying with me in my room." Amelia sighed softly, with a nod, feeling slightly better. "I'm just really nervous," she spoke in a much more calm tone. "I know, so am I. But we have nothing to worry about, they'll love you." Chris reassured her, kissing her lips gently. Amelia smiled against his lips, tossing her arms around his neck happily as she kissed in return.

After a few hours of packing and mainly trying to calm each other's nerves, Chris took her bag to the car, placing it in his back seat. Amelia locked up, taking a deep breath as she walked over to his car. They got in, Chris starting the car and driving off. The ride was pretty quiet, he knew she was nervous but wanted to comfort her. He reached over to her, grabbing her hand and interlocking their fingers. He brought it up to his mouth, kissing the back of her palm, immediately making her blush. "You have nothing to worry about."

Chris grabbed her bags, walking around the car as he helped her out. She smiled and thanked him, Chris nodding in return. He walked her down the little cement path to the front door, pulling out his keys and unlocking it. "You have some luck," he laughed, "no one but my mom seems to be home." Amelia looked up at him, "Yea, not really. If anything, she's the one i need to impress the most, which doesn't help my nerves." Chris laughed softly, placing his large hands on her cheeks, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "You'll do great, love." His words brought a smile to her face, giving off a gentle nod.

He led her inside, setting her bags by the door. "Mom, are you home!?" He called out, hearing a little response from the kitchen. He grabbed Amelia's hand, leading her over to the huge kitchen, her eyes observing the beautiful family home. She took in deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm as she saw the woman in the kitchen, cooking a turkey and a ham leg.

"Mom, this is Amelia." Chris spoke, catching his mothers attention as she turned to face them. "So this is the famous Amy, huh?" She offered a smile. Chris blushed lightly with embarrassment as he had already talked about Amy to his mom. Amelia looked up at him slightly confused before looking back at Lisa who was approaching her. "It's nice to finally meet you ma'am." Amelia spoke, extending her hand to her. "Lisa is just fine, sweetie." She claimed, ignoring the hand and bringing her in for a hug. Amy smiled softly, hugging back. "It's nice to finally meet you as well. This kiddo won't stop yapping about you." Lisa laughed, Amy soon followed pursuit. "Mom, god." Chris whimpered out, clearly embarrassed. Amelia smiled and hugged Chris. "Hope it's only good things" She giggled out softly. Chris shook his head at his mom who was still laughing, resisting the urge to further embarrass her son. "Yes, only good things." Lisa spoke, looking at her son who sighed in relief. She soon turned back to look at Amelia, "I'm so glad you could join us." She smiled softly, Amelia returning the smile, "Thank you guys for accepting me here."

The three chatted for a bit before Chris pulled away. "I'm gonna go show Amelia around and take her bags over to my room." Lisa smiled with a nod, "Doors open, young man." Chris quickly turned to her, red as a tomato. "Mom!" Amelia laughed softly, covering her mouth lightly as she too, turned red. Chris shook his head with a laugh, grabbing Amy's hand and leading her over to the living room to grab her bags, then over to his bedroom across the house.

"I am so sorry about that." Chris apologized profusely as she looked around his room, greeting Dodger who was lounging on the bed. "Please, your mom is such a sweetheart, I love her!" Amelia smiled, looking over at him. He smiled hearing her words knowing she'd get along well with the rest of his family. He pecked her lips happily, wrapping his arms around her waist as her arms found themselves wrapped around his neck. 

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