Chapter 28: Friendship

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Amy sat on the couch with her body made small, clearly uncomfortable as she felt out of place. She twiddled with her thumbs, eventually being snapped out of her anxious mind thanks to Dodger who was nudging her arm with his nuzzle. Amy gave a soft smile as she looked down at the pup, beginning to pet side right behind his elbow. Chris parted his mouth to speak but it was quick to close itself as he wasn't sure what to say. He still couldn't believe his plan had worked and she was sitting across from him.

"I... I'm sorry for the way I acted before we broke up." Chris finally spoke. Amy's eyes shot over to Chris, her eyes big with dilated pupils like a deer in headlights. "I know you were having a hard time and I didn't help," he continued. "I feel like shit for-" Amy quickly interrupted, "Stop! Chris please, stop." She responded, shaking her head. "You don't have to apologize for the past, what happened, happened." Part of her felt relieved they were talking about their past, but the other part of her felt like her heart was shattering once again, reliving their past with this conversation. Tears jerked at her eyes, fighting the urge to flow out, and her throat felt like it had the biggest lump.

"Amelia, please let me apologize. I need to do this." Chris spoke. She looked up at her, her tears winning the battle, beginning to pool her eyes and blur her vision. "I can't, I can't do this. You don't have to apologize." He quickly sighed seeing her reaction and hearing how her voice cracked with her words. He stood up and walked over to her, squatting in front of her. "Amelia, I'm truly sorry for how I behaved. I know talking about us hurts, trust me, I know." He said, his eyes pooling and voice cracking as well. "I avoided this conversation for nearly over a year, but I can't avoid it anymore." Amelia's tears flowed down her cheek as she stared at the gorgeous man before her. "I shouldn't have taken my frustrations out on you. What happened was not your fault. I truly am sorry and if I could take it back and change how I behaved, I would do it in a heartbeat."

Amelia placed a hand on his cheek hesitantly. She quickly felt better as she felt Chris lean into her touch. "I'm sorry too," She began. "It wasn't your fault either. It was wrong of me to push you away when all you wanted to do was help and comfort me. I know we can't go back in time and change it, but I am so sorry for how I treated you and I hope you can forgive me." Chris nodded softly, "Of course. Can you forgive me?" He asked. His eyes were big, giving a 'guilty puppy who did something they weren't supposed to' look. "Yes, of course I do." She replied. The pair felt like a heavy weight was lifted from their shoulders, they felt like their chest was no longer being squeezed and they were finally able to breathe.

"I'm also sorry for not really saying anything at the park the other day." Chris began. "I was just in such a shock to see you again, and so suddenly." Amy let out a soft giggle. "It's ok, I thought you didn't want to talk so I just took my leave before things got even more awkward." Chris laughed lightly and nodded, "Yea, i probably would've done the same if my body wouldn't have frozen." The two laughed once again and quickly hugged each other. Meanwhile, Lisa, Shanna and Carly were around the corner spying on them. They're heads stacked one over the other to stay as hidden as possible while they smiled happily to see them both getting along once again.

After a bit more chatting, Chris was sitting on the same couch as Amy, Dodger in the middle hogging all of Amy's love and pampering. Chris looked down at his hands, sighing softly. "Look, i know we haven't talked in well over a year, and we just got things flowing again, but, I-" he spoke, not sure how to word it with his lack of courage. Amy looked at him with a bit of a head tilt, not sure what he was trying to say. Chris took a deep breath and looked at her, "Amy, our relationship was unique to me. It was like no other and despite how we ended, I'm still madly in love with you. There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about you. You're the one and only person I've wanted to spend the rest of my life with since the day I met you." Her eyes widened in shock, she was quiet as can be as she was completely shocked. "I know it's sudden, but please, I'm begging you, I'll get on my knees and beg if I have to, but please, give me another chance. Give us another chance." Amy's mouth parted lightly, unsure of what to say. "Chris, I," She managed to get out. Chris quickly panicked, anxiety quickly taking over his mind, "We can start from the bottom. We can go on dates, we ca-" Amy placed her hands over his mouth to shut him up. "Let me speak." She laughed light-heartedly. "I'd love to give us another chance. I think starting from the bottom with texting or calling and a date or two a week would be a good start." She spoke. Chris's eyes crinkled, a smile formed under her hands. She giggled softly and slowly removed her hands from his mouth. "Really? Just like that?" He asked. "Chris," Amy laughed, "You're the only person I've loved this much. What we went through, what broke us apart, was something so traumatic, something we didn't have any control over. Neither of us had ever experienced anything like that and clearly, we didn't know how to cope. We finally cleared the air and honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about you either. I even tried to date others to get you out of my mind but it was no use. So yes, just like that. If you want a second chance at us too, then I'm not hesitating on taking the opportunity to give us another go." Chris nodded happily, cradling her cheek in his palm. His thumb caressed her cheek bone softly as they stared each other in the eyes, hazel green to icy blue. Their heads leaned in slowly, their eyes finally closed and their lips met. They kissed each other deeply, and passionately. Both of them thought they'd never have a moment like this again, before today at least.

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