Chapter 32: Sunday Football

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A/N: Hey all! So I'm uploading this from my phone as I didn't have my usual Thursday off this week, or any day for that matter, and I'll be busy this weekend as well. I didn't want to leave you all with nothing so I'm hoping this uploads well. If theres any glitch with this chapter, please let me know. It should all be good but just in case!

As days and weeks went on, the pair was seen in public less often. It was for no bad reason, only the fact that they were like horny rabbits, banging on any piece of furniture and anywhere they could. On the table, the counters, on the couch, on a chair, even on the living room floor, any place they could. Amelia was often left sore, but Chris was always caring for her, making sure she had everything she needed to recover. He would bring her a hot pack to place on her thighs and groin after he'd finish massaging soothing cream on her body. She was treated like a queen, as she was extremely grateful for it.

As the couple calmed their horny needs, they began going out more. They often go on dates, usually to restaurants to eat, sometimes it was the movies and other times it was just a quick picnic in the park or a stroll around the neighborhood with Dodger. They were constantly in new articles, pictures of them displaying what their date consisted of.  Chris would often pick random flowers from bushes and hand them to Amelia. She adored this. It showed how much he truly cared for her. She wasn't one to care for expensive flower bouquets, she'd receive them open armed, but the ones he picked off bushes for her were her favorite. She'd sometimes beat him to the punch and pick a wild flower and handed it to him where he'd tuck it behind his ear because he knew it made her giggle. At times, the two had flowers tucked behind their ears. The two enjoyed each other's company any chance they could.

Amelia visited the Evans household after a while, taking the time to catch up with Shanna only to be stolen away by Chris after a while. The family loved having her over, she was always such a joy to be around, and Chris, he was a ray of sunshine anytime he was with her. His anxiety was always at bay, which made his family extremely happy to see. The kids and Dodger were overly excited anytime she visited, hogging most of her time, playing anything they could with her. Amy loved being around all of them, it was always such a great experience with them. She always felt welcomed and loved, and a part of the family.

"That's cheating, Christopher!!!" Amelia screamed out one sunny weekend day as they played football in his backyard. "Ouch, not the full name" Chris whined out with a laugh. "You're cheating!" She bickered.
"Am not,"
"Are to!"
"How am I cheating?!?! Have you ever watched football in your life?" He teased her. "Of course I have! It's cheating when you don't let me win." Both laughed, Amy approaching Chris and wrapping his arms around his frame. Chris pecked her lips, hugging her loosely with one arm while holding the football above his head, feeling her hand searching and reaching for the football. She failed to keep her giggles quiet, his smirk not helping her either.

"Over here!" Ethan called out as he came running outside, followed by Miles. Chris peeked up, throwing the ball to his nephew. "Wow!!! I see how it is." Amy teased Chris. "They're on my team, sweetheart." She looked at him with a smirk in return, "says who. We all know I'm the favorite and they're always on my team. Right boys?!" Amelia spoke out. "Right! Yeah!" They called out. "Traitors!!" Chris barked, followed with a laugh. "Ok fine, i'll beat all of you, try me!" And before Ethan knew it, his uncle was charging for him. A squeal was quickly given in response and like a gazelle being chased like a leopard, Ethan ran for his life. Screams and laughter filled the air as Chris chased after each of them.

He huffed, resting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Amelia laughed softly, watching him. "A little outta shape there, huh buddy?" She teased him, seeing as he couldn't keep up with the kids. "Pfft no. I'm in excellent shape." Chris responded, standing up tall, "mhmm, sure thing, grandpa." She continued. He looked over at her offended, quickly reaching and grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards him. She laughed nervously, trying to pull away. She managed to get away, only for him to tackle her to the ground gently. She screamed for the boy's help. Both Ethan and Miles ran to aid her, one trying to push Chris off and the other trying to get Amy out from under Chris. Lisa, Shanna, and Scott watched the 4 of them tussling in the yard. "If she doesnt become my sister in law, im gonna murder him." Scott spoke to his mom and sister. "Andrew!!!" Lisa scolded. "What?!?! It's not like we're all not thinking the same thing!" He spoke in his defense with a shrug. Lisa shook her head and continued watching the 4 playing outside.

"Tickle him!" Amy called out, the boys quickly going to Chris's sides and tickling his ribs. Chris quickly began to squirm, rolling off of her and onto his back on the grass. Amelia sat up and watched the kids climb their uncle and tickle him. All 4 of them laughed for a good while. The kids soon came to a stop and ran to Amelia to shield her from their evil uncle. She smiled and kissed the top of both of their heads, "you guys hungry?" She asked them, both looking up at her and nodding. "Go wash your hands and get cleaned, I'll fix you guys something to eat." Her hands brushed through the boy's hair before they ran off inside. Chris dusted himself off, walked over to her and smiled happily, wrapping his arms around her waist. Amelia smiled and tossed her arms around his neck, pecking his lips before asking, "you hungry, love?" Chris smirked softly, pecking at her lips repeatedly. "Mhmm, for you." She laughed and shook her head, "your mom and siblings are watching." Chris looked up, seeing all 3 of them staring at them. She laughed and parted from him, she took his hand and led him inside before going over to make some food for the kids.

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