Chapter 23: The End of the Chapter

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The miscarriage finally passed a few days later, causing Amy to become extremely depressed. She mainly stayed over at her apartment, not wanting to be in the spotlight around his family, constantly being asked if she was ok. She would stay in bed most hours of the day, barely eating anything. Chris would try to come over any chance he'd get. Although the miscarriage heavily affected him, he tried his best being there for Amelia too. He'd constantly try to make her simple meals like chicken noodle soup, a sandwich and other stuff so that she could get at least something into her system. It'd often take a bit of persuasion on his end to convince her to eat at least a bite. Getting her to do other activities like take a little walk inside of her apartment to get her body in motion, or even get her to take a shower would be lots more difficult. Amelia had never been like this. It was like she had turned into her complete opposite. Not even Dodger was able to get her to smile when Chris brought him over.

Chris was patient, trying his hardest to comfort her for the first month, but things only got harder for the both of them. "Amelia, you have to eat something. You haven't eaten since yesterday morning." He spoke, sighing softly. "I'm not hungry." She responded in a mumble. Chris's patience ran thin that morning. "I know you're not hungry, but you need to eat" He said in a much more firm tone. Amelia kept quiet, pulling the covers over her head as tears began streaming down her face, getting frustrated with herself. She knew he meant well and only wanted to look out for her. She knew this whole situation affected him and hit him hard and that he was still trying to be there for her despite his own pain, but all she wanted was to be left alone. "Amelia, eat" He ordered. "I don't want any, I want to be left alone, Chris. Please." she whimpered out. Chris huffed, "I'm not leaving until you eat, so sit up, and eat some food." Amelia growled in frustration, sitting up as she pulled the covers off of herself. She got up and headed out of the room. Chris groaned and rolled his eyes, setting the food down and went after her.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "I told you I wanted to be left alone." She grumbled. "And I told you I'm not leaving you alone until you eat." Chris repeated himself. "Why?" Amelia asked, turning on the balls of her feet to look at him. "Why do you insist on being near me? Why do you insist on comforting me when I know you're dying inside?" She blurted out. She wanted to stop being a bitch, especially because it was towards the man she truly loved, but she couldn't. It was like she had no control over her body or what it did. "Don't you want to mourn? Be alone, away from me? The person who lost our baby?!" She continued. "Of course I want to mourn Amelia, of course I do!" Chris snapped, tearing automatically rolling down his cheek. "But I can't! I can't mourn knowing you're over here letting yourself die." Amelia cried, looking up at him. Despite knowing she deserved him snapping at her, it still hurt as he had never done it before. Unfortunately for her, this also fueled her uncontrollable anger and depression. "Then let me die! You go live your life, and you let me end mine." She whimpered. "I can't do that and you know it. I love you too damn much for my own good to just leave you." Chris responded. Her lips quivered, shaking her head. "How can you love me?! I lost our baby." She cried out. She knew the miscarriage wasn't her fault, but somehow, she still hated herself for it. She hated herself more than she had ever done before. Her mind constantly tricked her, telling her she didn't deserve to be loved. "It wasn't something you could have controlled, Amelia" He responded, his tone getting softer.

Amelia pulled her sleeves over her hands, wiping away her tears as she hugged herself. Chris sighed softly, approaching her slowly, embracing her into his arms. Amelia let out a few loud cries. The feeling of him hugging her made her feel safe, loved and forgiven. He cried softly with her, planting a kiss on the top of her head as she buried her face into his chest.

As the day went by, Amelia tried her best to eat despite the fact that her stomach was rejecting any food. She also went to take a shower where she took the opportunity to sit down and cry some more. The shower was the only place she could be alone at the moment. It was the only place she could let all of her emotions out. The sadness, the anger, the confusion, everything was let out. After over an hour in the shower, she got out feeling slightly better, she got dressed into some clean pjs and dried her hair, soon going over to lay with Chris. The next few days went by pretty smoothly. They made some simple meals together, did a few easy chores around her apartment and even went out on a walk around the block. Things were finally looking up for them.... Until they weren't.

After having a few good days, something began breaking them apart. The couple engaged in more verbal fights with one another. Most of the time, it was something not even worth it, but with all their mixed emotions, anger was the only one that overpowered the others and showed itself. "I can't stand you right now!" Chris growled. "Excuse me?!" Amelia asked in shock. "You're so clingy, you're always in my way" He spoke. Amelia's jaw dropped in disbelief, not knowing what she had done wrong this time. "I'm literally only trying to help you cook, what's gotten into you?" She said softly, trying to keep herself calm and level headed. "Well stop, I can do it myself. Go sit on the couch or something." Chris snapped. "I'm gonna stop you right there. To start off, you're in my apartment. You're in my space. I'm sorry that this little apartment isn't big enough for you, it's all I can afford right now. If you don't want me around you then just go home." Amelia spoke firmly. Chris kept quiet, huffing softly as he continued cooking. Amelia shook her head and swiveled on her feet and walked away to her room, closing the door behind her.

This was only the tip of the iceberg. The couple argued at least once a day after this. There wasn't a thing they didn't fight about. They both grew frustrated with one another. Sometimes Amelia started it, and other times Chris did. They began growing distant. Amelia wouldn't go over to his house, and he would rarely come visit her. The days he did come, it was argument after argument. They both grew tired of it. They were exhausted.

"I don't know what you want from me anymore. You said you wanted space, I tried to be there for you and you pushed me away. And just like you did with me, I did my best to stay. You stopped coming around and any time we're together, we're just fighting, Chris." She called out. "I really don't think this is working anymore." She added, tears impairing her vision as she didn't want to suggest what she was about to suggest. "Maybe we should break up." Chris looked over at her, his eyes widening at her words. "Is that really what you want?" He questioned her. "No, but at this point i don't know what else to do. We've tried everything. We did everything our couples counselor told us to do and nothing is working." She explained. "Fine." Chris barked out. His mind blocked out her explanation. He gathered his things and looked over at her. "Maybe it's for the best." He replied, pecking her lips. A tear strolled down Amy's cheek as she kissed him in return. Somehow, they both felt this kiss extremely passionately, knowing it would be the last. They finally parted after a few seconds, Chris grabbed his keys and walked out of the door, heading off to his car. Once he got inside, he looked over at her and sighed before driving off. They never thought this day would come, but it seemed like life had different plans for them. 

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