Chapter 34: The Big Surprise

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"Hey! Dress casually but nice, get your hair and nails done if you want. I have a surprise for you." Chris texted Amelia, a notification of $200 received right under the first. She looked at her phone when it pinged, growing confused as to why he sent her money to get dolled up. "Why? Where are we going?" She replied. Minutes later a ping sounded, "It's a surprise, I'm not telling. Be ready by 2pm. If you need more money let me know." Ugh! Fine." She replied, getting off her bed and headed over to shower. She got dressed shortly after and called her favorite nail place, hoping they had a spot for her. Luckily they did, little did she know, Chris had already made her the appointment and had the salon play along with his plan. Once finished with that call, she called her hair stylist, and just like the nails, they had a spot for her thanks to Chris. "Hmm... I'm surprised they both had an opening." She spoke to herself and she grabbed her keys and headed over to her first appointment.

Her nail tech recommended a few looks. Amelia smiled, picking the short length set. The nails were squovaled with a nude pink gel. A fine glitter gel was applied to her ring finger for that 1 in 5 look. A small gem stone was placed on the top corner of the ring nail. "Oh my god, I love them!!!" She chirped, admiring her nails. She was a simple girl, she loved the most simple and plain designs. "Thank you!" She spoke, soon going to pay. She was quickly on her way to her hair stylist.

"Hey!" She squeaked when she walked into the salon. "Mi vida!!!" Her stylist called out. He was a tall, slim figured man, who had been treating Amy's hair since she had moved to Boston a few years ago. "Sooo, my boyfriend said he has a surprise for me and I need my hair done. I don't know what I want but I trust you to do what you need to" Amy laughed softly, taking a seat in the chair. "Mi amor, I got you. Don't you worry!" He stated, his voice was high pitched, a clear give away to his gay sexuality. Soon enough, Jean Paulo was playing with her hair. About an hour later, he was done. He held up a mirror for her to look at her hair, her jaw dropping at the sight. Her hair was a nice light brown to blonde ombre, with natural looking highlights. He had given her beautiful, loose curls. "Ugh, you always know how to make my hair look so pretty, I love it!" She got up, dusted herself up and hugged and thanked him once again, she paid and gossiped for a few minutes and was soon on her way back home.

It was 1pm when she got home and quickly got ready. She put on some light blue jeans, a white top and her light brown booties. She did the simplest makeup, and finished up a few minutes before 2. Her phone rang and she quickly ran to pick it up. "Hi baby!" She chirped happily. "Hey love, you ready? I'm outside." Chris spoke, "oh ok, coming!" She replied. They exchanged a few more words and later hung up. She gathered her keys and wallet and was out the door. Chris stood by his car wearing some khaki pants with a leather belt around his waist. His light blue, buttoned shirt tucked into his pants. His shoes were light brown Chukka boots. He looked handsome as ever, and to her surprise, held a bouquet of roses. "Baby, this isn't casual, you're semi-formal!" She whined with a laugh. "You look perfect to me." He replied, pecking her lips as her arms wrapped around his body. She smiled at his words. Every action this man did and every word he spoke made her fall more and more in love with him. "Here, I got you flowers." He parted, handing her the bouquet. Amelia sniffed them with a smile, looking up at him shortly after. "I love them, thank you, my love."

They soon went on their way, Chris driving around the streets of the neighborhood. Amelia as usual, trying to pry information from him. "Alright, let's go on a walk, you got too much energy in you." Chris laughed, parking the car and getting out. He rushed to her side and opened the door for her, helping her out. They walked side by side, their hands clasped together and their fingers entwined. She began looking around after a few minutes of walking, the place growing extremely familiar. She eventually spotted familiar faces. First it was Clarice and her husband, then Shanna. The Evans family slowly began popping up, some with their phones out recording. Bandit and Dodger barked happily from across the street with Scott and Steve and Amelia's parents. She looked around, letting go of Chris's hand, now extremely confused. "Chris what's going o-..." she spoke as she turned to face Chris. Her jaw dropped at an alarming pace and her hands quickly covered her mouth. Tears immediately pooled her eyes.

Chris had kneeled in front of her, a beautiful ring in a box. "5 years ago, you fell to the ground crying in this exact spot, thanks to Bandit, this is where we first met and exchanged words. The day I met you, my life changed forever. You were the ray of sunshine I needed in my life. You showed me what love is, you showed me how I wanted to be loved, you taught me what it was like to live, not just survive. I lost you once before, and I'll never forgive myself for not going back to you, but we found our way back to each other, with a little help from Dodger." He spoke. "And me!!" Shanna yelled from across the street. Amelia was now balling her eyes out quietly, her body frozen in shock as she had not moved an inch. "Yes, and Shanna ," Chris added, their little audience laughed. "We have been dating for nearly 2 years now, and I want to start over again, but this time, as husband and wife. Amelia Beckett, will you marry me?" Chris finally asked, his eyes tearing up as well. Amelia remained quiet for a few seconds before her body reacted, nodding her head, "yes!" She said weakly, his voice cracking. Their families cheered, making a big commotion. Chris sighed happily and slipped the ring onto her hand. He kissed her hand as he stood and soon embraced her in a hug, both of them kissing each other with loads of passion.

The pair's lips parted, exchanging some I love yous. Amelia smiled, seeing the beautiful, gold banded ring with 3 diamonds. One in the middle and 2 smaller ones on either side. Their families soon rushed over, congratulating the couple. Hugs were exchanged and tears from nearly every woman, and Amy's dad, were shed. Some fans were even cheering from afar as they had stumbled upon the sweet engagement.

Once the commotion settled down, the families headed over to the Evans household to celebrate some more where more friends and family were waiting. The party ended after midnight, Chris and Amelia were in his room, cuddled up happily. "Did you fly my parents out?" She asked. "Yes, and Emma too." Chris responded. "Ugh, you truly are the best. I'm so happy you want to marry me!" She chirped, holding her hand up to see her sparkling ring again. Chris smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'd be insane not to. You're the one person I love the most. The one and only person who I want to spend the rest of my life with." He spoke softly. "I love you." She smiled, looking over at him. "I love you too." He replied, pecking her lips. Minutes later the couple cuddled up and fell fast asleep. 

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