Chapter 26: The Plan

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"I fucked up. I just let her walk away!" Chris growled at himself to his friends. "I'm an idiot! I didn't even bother stopping her. I just froze, I probably made her feel like shit cuz I couldn't get my mind to form sentences!" Scar and Seb glanced at each other as they sat on the couch, watching Chris pace around Seb's apartment living room. "Chris, if you love her then go get her." Scarlett spoke. "I really don't know what you're waiting for. You wanted a sign, I'm pretty sure Dodger dragging your ass to her in the middle of the park is a big flashing billboard of a sign." Seb nodded in agreement to Scar's words. "I agree with Scar, that does sound like a pretty huge sign." Chris signed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. He processed the words on his friends, finally agreeing. "You guys are right, but she seemed so happy and relaxed, like she moved on. How do I know she wants to get back together?" His anxiety coursed through his body. "What if she found someone else?!" His eyes widened at his own question, quickly looking up at them. Scarlett huffed, "what do you want? Confirmation that she's still single?" Chris's mouth parted lightly, his head nodding rapidly, almost in desperation. Scar and Seb looked at each other once again. "Ok, well me and Seb are out, we only met her maybe once? And that's not exactly enough to reach out to her and act all friendly. Who did she have a close connection with?" Chris thought for a second, his face lighting up like a light bulb in his mind switched on, "Shanna!"

A day had passed and Chris had returned home. He quickly entered the house, greeted everyone and questioned his mom as to where his sister was. "I believe she's in her room." His mom replied, suspicious of him. "Thank you!" He smiled, pressed a kiss onto her head and rushed to Shanna's bedroom, frantically knocking on the door. "Hey, it's me, Chris. You got a sec? I need some help." A faint reply came from the other side of the door, letting him know the door was open. Chris stormed in, closing the door behind her. "Do you still communicate with Amy?" He asked, getting straight to the point. "Uh... yea?" Shanna replied hesitantly, not sure what her brother was up to. "Why?" She asked. "I'm not gonna break our friendship just cuz she's your ex, just so you know." Shanna spoke, making sure Chris understood that her friendship with Amy was a strong one. "That's not what I'm asking you to do. Does she tell you things?" He asked. Shanna raised a brow quizzically at him. Chris grumbled to himself in annoyance, "Does she have a boyfriend or someone she's talking to?" Shanna's eyes widened slightly at her brother's boldness. She bit her lip, a sorrowful look formed on her face, feeling sympathy for him. Chris quickly reciprocated the sorrowful look, assuming Amy had someone in her life now. "Fuck, I really am an idiot." He mumbled to himself. Shanna sighed, "I shouldn't be telling you this, but she did have someone she was talking to." Chris winced lightly, feeling a dagger being pressed into his chest. His head dropped, looking to the floor quietly. "But she stopped talking to him." His eyes shot up at Shanna's words. Shanna rolled her eyes, giving in to her brother's puppy dog eyes. "If you're asking if she still loves you, she does."

Chris's face lit up with joy, Shanna quickly snapping at him. "Chris, if you tell her I told you," She threatened. "She's one of my good friends. I don't want you ruining our friendship." He shook his head quickly, "I wont say a thing, i pinky promise." "Why did you want to know? Are you gonna try to get her back?" Chris nodded at his sister's question. Shanna smiled, nodding back. "Bring her back, we all miss her." Shanna spoke. The smile on his face grew by 10 as he rushed out of her room, venturing the halls as he headed to his own room. He quickly pulled his phone out, dialing Scar and Seb on video call, both answering within a few seconds. He closed the door to his room, "She's single and she still fucking has feelings for me!!" He exclaimed happily. "Hey, congrats man!" Seb spoke, cheering for him. "Oh Chris, I'm so happy for you pal. Go get her!" Scarlett smiled. "How do I win her back?" He asked his friends. The call went silent as they all thought. "Dodger!!" Scarlett called out, breaking the long silence. Both men looked at her puzzled. Scarlett rolled her eyes, "men." She mumbled out. "Use Dodger. He clearly misses her. You can text her or have Shanna text her." Scar began explaining. "You guys meet up, talk, and eventually become friends again and then winning her over would be a breeze. If you don't want to text her, have Shanna text her. You can get everyone out of the house or just have them give you both privacy when she comes to visit Dodger." Seb gave a nod with a 'yea, that'll work' expression. Chris nodded as well. "Thank you, oh my god, thank you both. It's a good plan." He spoke.

Moments later, Chris reentered Shanna's room. "Ok, I need your help again. We came up with a plan and you're gonna play a big part of it." Shanna looked at him in disapproval. "Chris, I don't want to be part of this whole trick you have up your sleeve. You're an adult, not a 12 year old, lovestruck teen. You can face her without me." Chris whined softly, "Shanna come on, at least hear me out." She rolled her eyes at him, "fine." she grumbled. "Make it quick." Chris nodded excitedly and began explaining the plan to her.

She sighed once he was finished explaining. "I don't know about this. I still think you should do it. You've been in relationships before, you should know the ins and outs of getting someone to fall in love with you. It should be even easier for you considering she still has feelings for you." She responded in a motherly, yet concerned sister tone. "Shanna please, it benefits you too. You'll get to see your friend and you won't even have to go out. Plus if this all works out, it means you'll see her more often!" Chris begged his little sister, giving her the one thing she couldn't say no to, his puppy dog eyes. Shanna pressed her lips together, resisting the urge to give in. She let out a soft growl, "Fine, fine!" she replied, giving in as Chris knew she would. "Thank you, you're the best!" He cheered, beginning to leave her room. "You owe me, Christopher!" Shanna shouted out to him. "Yup!" Chris responded, heading back to his room. Things were finally looking up for him. He was excited and determined to get the person he loves back into his life. 

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