Chapter 13: Christmas Day

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Amelia awoke the next morning, stretching lightly. She looked over at Chris sleeping, smiling softly before reaching over to pet Dodger who had migrated between them. Dodger's tail wagged lightly, his tongue lapping at her hand and arm. She quickly placed a kiss onto his head, gently. She sat up lightly, leaning back against the headboard and scrolled through her phone, replying to any "Merry Christmas" messages she had received as well as sending some to other people.

A soft knock sounded at the door, confusing her considering it was only 7 in the morning. Chris shifted lightly, remaining in his sleep. Amelia stood and went to the door and peeked the door open. Seeing Scott on the other side she opened it a bit more. "Hey." She whispered, Dodger quickly rushing out between the gaps in their legs. "Morning. We just wanted to let you guys know that we're eating breakfast in about 10 minutes if you cared to join. The kids plan on opening presents after too." He explained. Amelia smiled and nodded. "Thank you! I'll wake up sleeping beauty in a bit." She responded, Scott gave off a soft chuckle, nodded and walked off. Amelia noticed Dodger return, stopping at the other end of the hallway, staring at her. "You gotta go potty?" She asked softly, Dodger wagging his tail a few times in response. "Ok, give me a sec." She smiled softly, going back into the room, not bothering to change out of her plaid pants and long sleeve pj set. She shook Chris gently, trying to wake him up. "Babe, time to wake up." She spoke, the pet name rolling off her tongue easily and effortlessly. Chris grunted lightly as he woke up slowly. "Morning" he greeted groggily. Amy smiled, leaning down to peck his lips, "Morning sleepy head. Merry Christmas." Chris smiled softly, still struggling to remain awake. "Merry Christmas, beautiful." She blushed lightly, "It's time to wake up, everyone's having breakfast in a few minutes." She explained, Chris nodded in response.

She slipped on some shoes, leaving on her fuzzy socks, threw on a coat and grabbed Dodgers leash. She walked the pup outside to the front yard, shivering lightly as she wasn't expecting the cold to get in through her coat. She walked around lightly, following Dodger's lead as he sniffed around for his spot. Meanwhile, Chris has slipped into some sweatpants and a regular t-shirt and joined the rest of the family in the dining room. "Where's Amelia?" He asked, not seeing her there. "I think she took Dodger out to go to the bathroom." Carly answered. Chris nodded and went to the living room, looking out the window and spotting her. He noticed her tense body and how she hugged herself in an attempt to stop the shivering. He laughed softly, putting on his coat and heading outside with her. Amelia smiled seeing him, not saying anything. "Cold?" She shook her head, "Hot." she said, responding sarcastically but in a playful tone. "Sassy today are we?" He laughed, opening up his coat and wrapping it around her after unclasping the leash. She quickly turned and hugged him as she stood beside him. "Mmm warmth!" She cooed, both laughing.

"Oh my god! Come look at them. They look like little parents!" Scott squawked softly in excitement. Lisa, Carly and Shanna rushed to the window, all awestruck at the cute couple watching their 'son' out in the yard. Amy and Chris looked at each other from time to time, laughed and smiled. All of them were wondering what they were talking about. "Chris is so in love! Look at him!" Shanna noted. "I know! I've never seen him like this!" Scott added on. "No, he hasn't." His mom, Lisa, confirmed, "He has never looked at someone the way he looks at her." They all smiled once again, watching them quietly like they were some animals in a zoo. "Oh! Go, go go!" Shanna called, nudging everyone over as they were coming back inside. They all ran to the dining room and took their places at the table, acting as if nothing had happened.

The pair soon came indoors, hanging the snowy coats in the coat closet by the entrance. Dodger quickly ran in and headed to the dining room, grubbing on his food which was already served for him. Amy and Chris soon went to the dining room, sitting down in the same spots they sat in the night before. They all greeted each other, said Merry Christmas and began to eat leftovers. They began finishing up, rinsing their plates in the sink and placing it in the dishwasher as they finished. They all headed over to the living room since the 3 kids were already so eager to open up their presents. Chris leaded on a door frame in front of the living room, watching them with a smile. Amelia took her place beside him and wrapped her arms around his body, one of his own arms wrapping around her body.

Once everyone was settled in, Carly allowed the kids to open up their presents. Wrapping paper was sent flying across the living room floor as the kids shredded their way into the gifts. "Legos!!!" Miles cheered. "A car!!" Ethan squealed seeing the remote controlled car he had wanted. "The kitchen i wanted!!" Stella cried out excitedly, looking at the huge box with the kitchen toy set pictured on the box. As the kids opened up the rest of their gifts, the adults began opening theirs. Amelia grabbed a box from under the tree, handing it to Chris sheepishly since she was nervous he wouldn't like it. Chris smiled, unwrapping the small box, opening it to find a black, Emporio Armani watch. "It's not much but I couldn't think of anything else you may have liked. I kept the receipt in case you don't like it." She spoke anxiously. "I love it, sweetheart." he said softly, pecking her lips in gratitude. "Here, I got you this. I hope you like it." He said softly, handing her a box about the same size. She unwrapped it, opened the box and smiled seeing the small, gold heart locket necklace. "Open it." He instructed. Amelia took it out of the box, opened the locket and saw a small picture of Chris on one side and Dodger on the other. She let out a soft giggle, "I love it!" Chris smiled as Amelia wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed him lovingly. The others stared in awe as the 2 love birds showed affection.

After a few minutes, all the presents under the tree were opened. Toys from all 3 kids were scattered around the floor as they played. Stella's dad quickly got to work, building her wooden kitchen playset while Chris helped. Stella smiled and quickly began to play once they finished up, seeing Amelia a few feet away, inviting her to play. Amelia smiled and nodded, sitting down on the floor beside her. Both of them played with the fake food, making orders for everyone in the house.

Scott went up to Chris who was leaning against the wall once again. "You picked a good one." He teased, seeing how Amelia instantly hit it off with the entire family, including the kids. "Yes, I sure did." He smiled proudly, his eyes soft as he watched her play with his niece. "You think she's the one?" Scott questioned. Chris turned his head to look at him, "Yea. She's the one and only one I want now. I can see a future with her." Chris spewed out the words with love. Scott laughed softly, "Wow, you really fell hard with this one." He teased once again, Chris nudging him in response. They both laughed and continued their chatter, watching Amelia playing with Stella.

Stella instantly fell in love with Amy. "Here's your order." She smiled, handing Amelia the plastic burger. "Ooh yum! How much will this be?" Amelia responded, playing along with the kid. "$1!" Stella said proudly. Amelia patted her pockets, "oh, I think I left my wallet at home." she sighed. "Can uncle Chris pay this one?" Stella thought about it and then nodded in acceptance. Amelia smiled and stood, going over to Chris. "Uncle Chris, do you have a dollar to pay for the food?" Amelia and Stella asked. Chris looked at them both, smiling softly and nodded, going to his room to grab the dollar, bringing it back and handing it to Stella. Stella smiled and ran back to the kitchen set as Amy pretended to eat the fake food. "Want a bite?" She asked with a laugh. Chris laughed and took a fake bite, soon kissing Amy on the lips. Stella quickly came to separate them, stealing Amelia from him to play. They chuckled as Amelia continued playing with her. Chris watched them in awe, and his family watched his reaction in awe. 

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