Chapter 16: A Special Treat

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A/N: The following chapter contains mature 18+ content. If you are not above the age of 18, please do not continue. Readers discretion is advised. 

A/N 2: Chapters may take longer to upload. I'm going through writers block and I'm running out of chapters to give you all and I don't want to force myself and make sloppy work. I'm also dealing with real life so I appreciate your patience and hope you all continue to read. 

The couple checked into the resort, a bellboy bringing their bags up to their room. Chris and Amelia followed after him to their room. He had let her go into the room first. The flowers he had ordered earlier that day sat on the bed with the teddy bear. "Aww, baby! You shouldn't have!" Amelia cried out, quickly going over to smell the roses and sunflowers. He smiled softly, after she had expressed how much she loved them while hugging the bear. "You're the absolute best." she said softly, pressing her hand up against his cheek. Chris kissed her hand and pulled her in, pressing his lips against hers. Amelia wrapped her arms around his neck, happily, holding her presents tightly. His hands found themselves on her waist and lower back, her new height with heels helping.

They parted momentarily, looking at each other's eyes with love. "I should go change, I'm definitely not used to wearing heels." Amelia giggled softly. Chris held back a sigh and nodded, letting her go. He understood she wasn't ready to get naughty with him. The last thing he wanted was to pressure her. He shook it off, starting to undress himself with a yawn. Midnight rolled around in a matter of a few minutes. "You ok in there, sweetheart?" Chris called out, noticing she had been in there for a few minutes now. He sat on the bed, still in his suit with only his shoes off at the moment. "Just a minute!!!" Amelia yelled back. Chris sighed, scratching the back of her head, wondering if she was struggling with the zipper.

Before he could ask, Amelia walked out of the bathroom, standing at the doorway, "happy anniversary, my love.". Chris looked up, noticing she was still wearing the heels. His eyes traveled up, seeing she wore a Captain America themed lingerie. He burst out laughing as he had never thought to expect this, his hand smacking his left boob. "I love it." He smirked lightly, both approaching each other until their bodies were right in front of the other. Chris brushed her hair back, licking his lips. Amelia blushed lightly, looking up at him. Her hands latched onto his belt buckle, undoing it slowly as she stared up at him with doe eyes. He allowed it, his hand creeping up behind her neck, pulling her in closer to kiss her. His kisses were hungry, lustful, a way in which they never were before. Amelia tossed his belt off to the side, quickly undoing his pants. Chris began undoing his shirt, sliding it off and dropping it onto the floor.

Amelia had undressed him, leaving just his tie and boxers on for the moment. She turned softly, grabbing his tie and walking him over to the chair. Chris followed her lead, not even thinking about hesitating. She sat him down on the chair, her grip on the tie tightened. He looked up at her, his shaft hardening at her dominant side. As shy as she was, he would've never expected for her to have a dominant side, which only turned him on even more. Amelia sat on his lap, kissing him hungrily. Chris slid his tongue into play, the couple kissing each other like starving animals. She quickly reached down, sliding her free hand into her panties. Two of her fingers sliding between his lips, she smirked as she discovered her body was ready for him. She moaned lightly against his lips as she began to finger herself, wanting to tease him just a little longer. He parted to look at her, seeing what she was up to. "Oh, baby girl." He moaned out softly, reaching down to touch. She moved her hand out of the way, looking down at his large hand. He smirked softly, reaching into her panties and slid his fingers between her soaked labia. He bit his bottom lip, inserting two of his fingers. She gasped quickly at the size difference between their fingers. Her hands pressed up against his shoulders, gripping them tightly. Her eyes quickly closed and threw her head back, biting her lip tightly as he thrusted his fingers into her.

He began kissing her neck, his free hand positioned on her back. Her body quivered as chills traveled down her spine. She gave off a muffled moan, pressing her head down onto his chest, her legs spreading involuntarily. He let go of her back, gripping her jaw as he brought her face up to kiss him. She bucked her hips a bit as she returned the kisses, huffing lightly. Chris removed his fingers, sending Amelia in a whiny tantrum. "No, don't stop! I was close." She complained, looking at him. Chris gripped her waist and stood up, carrying her over his shoulder. She quickly yelped as she was tossed on the shoulder, smiling lightly as she reached down and squeezed his butt. "America's ass!" She teased. He quickly chuckled and shook his head, laying her down on the bed and began to remove the top of the lingerie set.

Once he had undressed her, she lay shyly on the bed, staring up at him. He admired the view. The faint stretch marks on her stomach, her perfect, clear, peachy skin, her thick thighs and big breasts. He had finally gotten a chance to see her, all of her. He quickly climbed on top of her, her legs flinging around her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Chris kissed her neck hungrily, kicking off his boxers as he reached down again, rubbing her clit somewhat roughly. "C-chris!" Amelia moaned out, pressing her head back against the mattress while her back arched. He smirked softly hearing his name coming from her mouth. "I want to hear you moan my name louder, baby girl." He whispered in her ear. Amelia let out a whimper, her body quivering once again, but this time it was from the stimulation she was receiving. "Fuck me." She begged, her breath heavy with lust. He slid in two of his fingers, Amelia biting his lip in return. "What was that? Couldn't hear you." He teased. "Please daddy." she continued. Chris smiled softly, inserting his dick into her. She gasped loudly with the way her walls stretched, trying to adapt to his large, girthy size.

He gave her a second to adjust, starting them off with slow thrusts. Her nails clawed at his back, trying to find a comfortable place to sit. Her legs spread apart, trying to take him all in. He grunted lightly as he began picking up the pace. Amelia's mouth parted, breathing heavily with soft moans escaping from time to time. "Faster. Harder." He cried out. She had waited what felt like ages for this moment. Chris followed her instructions, getting rougher with his thrusts as he got faster. Amelia yipped as he pounded against her. His fists clenched the sheets under them, his jaw clenched and muscles tensed. Amelia quickly grabbed a pillow, smacking it over her face to muffle the moans, wanting to be as loud as she could but also not wanting others to hear their business. He grabbed the pillow, tossing it off to the side. "I want to hear you moaning." He growled out as she looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, nodding softly. "That's a good girl." He spoke, kissing her mouth quickly before moving down to her neck. She held his shoulders firmly, trying her best to hold back her moans, some managing to escape.

"Chris," she quickly moaned out, "oh my god, don't stop. Keep doing what you're doing." She moaned out, huffing between words as her body tensed up slightly as she felt her body prepared itself to come. Chris obeyed, only changing his speed to go a little faster. Amelia quickly moaned loudly, her pussy pulsing against his shaft. He groaned softly, clenching his jaw and the sheets once again at the amazing feeling he was receiving. Soon after, he released his load, filling her up to the brim. He moaned in response, his body naturally slowing down as he let his body relax, his head dropping to a hang above her chest. Amelia's eyes remained shut, her bent legs sliding down to lay flat on the bed as he slowed down. Her breath hitched as he pulled out, flopping down beside her. Their chest rose and fell rapidly, both completely out of breath. Amelia smiled happily, her eyes remaining closed as she took in the moment, letting her process everything that had just happened.

She looked over at him, caressing his face gently as they lay still. Chris smiled, kissing her hand. She leaned over and pecked his lips before going over to the bathroom. She soon did her thing and returned to the bed. He was already under the covers, the dirty blanket on the floor. She smiled and slipped under the covers with him, pressing her naked body against his. She placed her back up to her chest, being the little spoon as he threw his hand over her body. He placed a few kisses on her shoulder, later laying his head down. They closed their eyes and began dozing off, their adrenaline wearing out. Soon enough, both of them were completely knocked out. 

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