Chapter 29: A Dream Come True

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A/N: So if you guys have not yet realized, my life is a mess and basically pure chaos lol. Unfortunately i have no had time to write so i no longer have chapters ready to upload. I will be doing my best to write this week but there is a chance i may not be able to. Some dogs came in to the ranch where we rent a house last Sunday and unfortunately chased off a stray cat that had given birth on my porch a few days prior. The cat never came back so i was left with one week old kittens to care for, and if youve ever had to bottle raise any animal, you know how time consuming it is. I have work, my mom, my 6 dogs and my artwork to tend to and now these kittens that eat every 2 hours. So just a heads up if i go missing for a while, i will no abandon this story, but i may not be able to upload as often. Once theyre able to eat on their own and old enough, we will be giving them up for adoption so hopefully by then (fingers crossed nothing else happens *enters eye roll here cuz my lifes a disaster*, i should be able to get back into uploading weekly! Pray for me yall, ya bitch is sleep deprived xD
Anyways, back to the story you go. Sorry its a bit shorter than the others!

Days had passed and the two texted and called each other daily, mainly called for Chris's sake and his lack of technology. Finally the day of their first date came around and both were equally excited. Amy woke up that morning like a child ready to go on a school field trip. She got ready for work and went on her merry way. The day went by surprisingly fast. She rushed home and quickly hopped into the shower and began to get ready afterwards. She brushed on the lightest touch of makeup and slipped on a casual pair of jeans that were cuffed above the ankles, styling it with a plain white, short sleeve V-neck shirt. She tucked the front of the shirt loosely into her pants to show off her thin, tawny brown faux leather belt. She slipped on some no show socks and her white vans and grabbed a faux leather, crossover body bag to complete her look.

Meanwhile, Chris was at home getting ready as well. He put on a gray t-shirt with a pair of jeans and some regular ol' work boots. He tossed on a dusty blue jacket and was quickly out the door after loosely brushing his fluffy hair and beard. He texted Amy, letting her know he was on his way to pick her up. He hopped into the rented truck and drove over to her house, shooting her a text when he arrived at her apartment complex.

She leaped off the couch with glee and grabbed her keys, rushing out the door and over to the parking lot where she stood confused. Chris gave a small chuckle seeing her looking for him. He got out of the car and waved her down, opening the passenger door for her. She smiled, slightly blushed, seeing him and walked over. "Did you buy a new truck?" Chris laughed softly and shook his head. "No, I rented it for tonight." He helped her up, closing the door and walked around the car and got into the driver's seat. She buckled herself up and out of the corner of her eye, saw some blankets and a bunch of pillows in the backseat. "What's with all that? Where are we going?' She asked, obviously confused. "It's a surprise, don't worry about it" He quickly drove off, exiting the city as the clock struck 5pm. He drove on the highway for about 15 minutes, taking the ramp into a small town on the outskirts of the city. 10 minutes later, Chris pulled onto a back road, surrounded by trees on both sides.

"Where are you taking us? The middle of nowhere?" She laughed jokingly. "Yup!" Amy looked over at his confused, "For what, to murder me?" She teased. "Possibly." He chuckled softly, offering her a swift wink. A smirk formed on his lips just to tease her. "Stop asking questions, we'll be there in a few minutes." He reassured her. She nodded softly and looked out the window, seeing all the beautiful flora around her. The time was 6:13 as Chris pulled off the road and onto a gravel, dirt road that seemed like hardly anyone used by its barely noticeable look. "You really are gonna murder me, aren't you?" She continued teasing. "Is it because of that one time I helped Scott prank you? Or that time I gave the kids water guns and balloons and we cornered you as soon as you got home from work?" Chris laughed and shook his head. "You're horrible you know that?" Amelia smiled up at him, "I know, but you still love me." She chirped. "I do." He nodded with agreement.

After a few minutes, he drove off the road and into a meadow with tons of yellow and purple wildflowers as far as the eye could see. Amelia smiled seeing all the beautiful flowers, her smiled quickly turning back into confusion as she felt the car come to a stop. "Come on, we're here." Chris spoke, getting off the truck and going over to open her door. "Well, at least I'll have a beautiful resting place," She joked, "But seriously, what are we doing here?" She got out of the truck with his help, looking around at all the tiny flowers that reached her calves. Chris opened the door to the back seat and grabbed the blankets, tossing them into the bed of the truck, followed by the pillows. "You said you always wanted to see the stars in the silent night." He said, hopping up onto the bed and began laying the blankets out as well as the pillow. Amelia walked over to the end of the truck, looking at Chris. "Are you serious?" She asked. He looked over at her and smiled, seeing her sweet face, knowing he was helping her have a dream come true. He walked to the edge of the bed and hopped off, nodding softly. Tears pooled at her eyes as he pulled her into a hug. "You're the best!" She whimpered softly. Chris let out a chuckle, "I know."

They quickly parted and both got onto the truck. She sat down on the soft, cushiony blankets, grabbing a pillow and resting it over her crossed legs. The sunset looked gorgeous with its range of blues, purples, pinks and oranges. Quickly enough, the sun was gone and the big, bright moon appeared before them. Soon stars began to appear, sprinkling themselves across the sky with their shimmering glow. Chris sat besides her, smiling happily as he saw how hypnotized she was by the night sky. He soon after laid back, resting one arm behind his head and the other closest to her on his upper abdomen, crossing his outstretched legs at the ankles. She looked over at him and smiled, laying on her side next to him. He wrapped his arm around her, sighing happily. She rested her head on his shoulder and laid her hand onto his chest, "Thank you." She whispered softly. He glanced down at her, a smile appearing on his lips as he kissed the top of her head. "I love you." Amelia looked up at him after hearing his words, propping herself up on her elbow and leaned in to peck his lips. He had truly made her whole week with this date. "I love you too." She spoke as their lips finally parted. She soon laid back down as she was before, and they both stared off into the endless sky, happy to be in each other's arms once again.

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