Chapter 5: The Human Body Museum

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Amelia and Chris headed into the museum, after dropping the pup off. Chris made the drop off quick, running in with him and running back out without him in a matter of a few minutes. Amelia tried purchasing the tickets, only to have her card snatched by him. "Hey!" She whimpered out, looking up to see Chris having it somewhat high in the air.

"I told you it was my treat." He repeated himself. "What?! No you didn't!" Amelia whined out. "You said the coffee was your treat, we never agreed to the museum so it's my treat." She explained quickly, trying to stop Chris from handing his own card to the cashier, sighing in defeat shortly after. Chris chuckled lightly, taking his card back and putting it away. "You can have this back at the end of the day" He spoke, stuffing her card into his wallet.

"Chris, that's not what we agreed on." She whined a bit more, feeling so guilty that he was spending money on her. "Shush, it's fine." She groaned at his words, giving a little huff in disapproval, "fine."

"Come on!" He laughed at her pout, leading her over to the entrance, handing the tickets to the workers who ripped them in half and handed part of it back to them. They headed inside, walking side by side as they looked around at the huge exhibition. Chris invited her over to the side to look at a fetus and their development in the womb. They read a few of the stages' plaques before moving on to the kid section.

"It's crazy how people can just donate their families and their own bodies to these things. Like these were real people." Amelia said in amazement. Chris nodded in agreement, both of them chit chatting as they walked through the museum, learning about the human body and its works. His hand found itself pressed behind her back, leading her over to a different exhibition. Amelia tensed lightly at the sudden touch, relaxing as they walked. His hand fell to his side, oblivious as to what he had just done, or so she thought.

Time flew by rather rapidly. After about 3 hours of walking around and looking through the museum, they exited the building, talking about what they had just learned. "Oh, my god! That was so cool! Who knew I'm taller in the morning than any other time throughout the day, even if it's just 1 centimeter" Amelia laughed, having Chris laughing as well. "And who knew our heart beats about 100,000 times a day" Chris countered. Amelia smiled and nodded looking up at him.

"Thank you for letting me tag along, it was a really interesting museum. Who knew we knew so little about ourselves." Amelia spoke, enjoying the time she had spent with him.

"No, if anyone should be thanking anyone it should be me. You kept me from looking like a complete loser all alone in there" Chris chuckled softly, glancing at her as they walked around the plaza. Amelia rolled her eyes as she smiled.

"Hungry?" He asked, pointing at a pizza place a few shops down. Amelia looked at the shop, then up at him with a smirk. "Only if i get to pay this time." Chris smiled and shook his head slowly at her expression. "And if I say no?" He questioned, challenging her. "Hmm, seems like i'm no longer hungry." She sassed back. "Woooow, were gonna play that game arent we?" He laughed, taking his wallet out and handing her the card, "here." He grumbled, turning his head away from her in a playful pout. She laughed and jumped at him, hugging him quickly. He chuckled as she parted and skipped to the pizza place.

"Such a child!" He called out.

"Such a grandpa!" She teased, turning to look at him with her tongue sticking out.

They both laughed, heading inside the shop. She ordered a pepperoni pizza, getting her number and going over to the table where Chris sat. "What kind of soda do you want?" She asked him, setting her card into her wallet and hanging her bag on the chair across from him. "I got it, you sit." He responded, standing up, taking the cups from her. She smiled and shook her head, sitting down as she knew he'd just argue back and win if she refused to let him grab the sodas. "Such a gentleman, gramps." She teased lightly, both of them chuckling. "Coke please" She said looking up at him. He nodded softly, going over to get the drinks.

Chris soon returned with the sodas, setting hers down in front of her as he passed by, taking his seat. "Thank you." Amelia said happily, taking a sip of the soda. "Mhmm." He hummed lightly in response, also taking a sip of his fizzy drink. Minutes passed and their pizza was brought over to their table, the worker putting it down in the middle of them on the stand. "Enjoy!" She smiled sweetly, walking away, trying not to impede on the celebrity's meal and possible date. Chris grabbed a slice, Amelia reaching over to grab herself one. She sprinkled a bit of parmesan cheese , handing him the shaker in case he wanted some. They both jumped into their pizza, eating joyfully.

Once 6 of the 8 slices were gone, Chris slunk back into his chair, patting his stomach after gobbling down his 4th slice. "Man that hit the spot." Amelia laughed at his words, nodding in agreement. "Definitely, it was delicious!" She responded, taking another sip of her barely touched soda. He soon sat up, noticing the time on the wall clock behind her. "Wow, time went by fast today. It's already 7;40." he announced to her. "Oh my god, really?" She asked, spinning her body lightly to turn and look at the clock. "Oh wow, it really did go by fast. I was expecting it to be like 4 or something." She said, swiveling back around to face him. Her eyes wandered to the window panes behind Chris, noticing the sky being a nice orange, fading red, gradient as the sun began to set behind the tall buildings. Chris noticed her attention being completely focused behind him. He looked over his shoulder seeing what had stolen her awareness. He noticed the sunsetting and the beautiful colors it created in the sky above. He smiled lightly, soon turning back and packing the 2 slices for her to take home.

"Ready to go?" He asked softly, snapping her out of her daze. "Yea." She chirped, standing up and grabbing her drink. She began walking out, Chris following shortly behind. She stopped at the sidewalk, looking up at the sky. Chris immediately saw, realizing she loved sunsets. "Come on, there's a park where there's a better view of the sunset." He said, bobbing his head to the direction of the little park. She looked over at him with a happy smile plastered on her face at the sounds of his words, nodding and quickly following him. 

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