Chapter 4: The Coffee Shop

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Chris texted her later that day, asking if she was available tomorrow morning. "Yea, I'm technically available but I don't have Bandit that day.'' Amelia soon replied, assuming he wanted it to be like any other day, with the dogs.

"That's fine, I can leave Dodger at home tomorrow."

Amelia's eyes widened lightly, 'He doesn't want to go with the dogs?' she thought to herself quietly as she stared at her phone. "No, please bring him!" She texted back, knowing she'd be less awkward if a dog were present, despite knowing and spending time with him for about 2 months now. Plus, she just wanted to see the cutie. Chris agreed to bring him minutes after, both texting each other for a while longer after he sent over the address and all, both calling it a night and headed to bed.

The next morning Amelia awoke, groaning as she stretched out across her bed happily. She sat up, headed over to the bathroom and showered like she usually did. She soon skipped over the closet, looking at her selection of clothes now that she had finally done laundry. She scanned her wardrobe for a second before landing her eyes on her baby blue blouse with white daisies, grabbing it and taking it over to the bed. She picked out some light colored jeans, some no show socks and white shoes. She tossed her hair up into a ponytail after drying it and got dressed. She smiled seeing her small chain necklace with a single sunflower and placed it around her neck after struggling to open the lobster claw clasp. She soon rushed out of the house, locking it behind her and headed over to the nearest bus station to catch a ride to the coffee shop.

After 2 short bus trips, she got off, thanking the bus driver as always. She looked around, seeing the small shop sign a few doors down and began walking over. She smiled lightly seeing Chris and Dodger already seated at an outdoor table. Chris wore his skin tight, maroon "Bucky" shirt, accompanied with some light jeans and some boots. Dodger sporting his cute little red collar and leash. She headed over to them, Chris standing to greet her as he noticed her. Dodger quickly stood, looking around a bit as to why his owner had stood, soon spotting Amy, sending his tail in a full happy wag.

"Hey!" Amelia smiled, giving Chris a friendly hug, who had also gone in for the hug. "Hey!" He greeted back, seeing Amelia immediately go to Dodger after they had parted. "Hi sweet boy" She babied Dodger, planting a little kiss on the top of his head. Dodgers mouth parted, tongue slipping slightly out, giving off, what seemed to them as, a smile. They both laughed lightly, Chris soon welcoming her to sit. Amelia nodded in a thankful way as she took a seat across from him. "What do you want so i can go order?" He asked. She bit her lip pensively, Chris noticing and smiling lightly. "Oh! I'll take a white vanilla bean frap, please!" She exclaimed, realizing she hadn't had one of those in forever. "Muffin, bread, bagel?" Chris asked, not sure if she wanted a pastry to go with it. "Chocolate chip muffin, please" She smiled, Chris nodded and headed inside to order.

After a few minutes went by, Chris came back out with the order, only to find Dodger hogging the girl as usual. He already had his front paws on her lap as he stood, trying to lick her face. Amelia dodging it and playfully kissing his temple. Noticing Chris approach the table, Dodger got off of her and trotted to him, sitting at his feet. "Yes, yes. I got it" Chris laughed, handing her her order and putting his on the table. He handed Dodger a small pet friendly, frosted bone cookie as he sat down, Dodger happily taking it, laying on the floor and began to eat.

"How much was it for my stuff?" She asked, looking at him as she took a sip.
"No, don't worry about it. It's my treat"

"Chris, please. How much was it?" She questioned as she wasn't much of a fan of accepting things for free.

"Amelia, I said it was my treat" He replied, shaking his head. "Yesterday I told you I was going to treat you to coffee for ditching you at the dog park. Read the texts, it's there" He chuckled out, getting sassy as he grew more comfortable with her the more they hung out.

"Ugh fine, next ones on me though." She replied with a smile, offering him some of her muffin. Chris declined, following it with a thank you.

"Ok, we've had like, what? More than 10 playdates? And I still hardly know anything about you. I probably know everything there is to know about Bandit, but not you. So tell me about yourself." Chris said, looking at her. Amelia looked up, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed red. Her anxiety rising just at the thought of having to tell someone about herself, much less a celebrity. "Umm, well... " She started softly, parting from her drink. "I'm 28 years old, I'm a dog sitter... that's about it. Welcome to my boring life" She laughed softly.

Chris laughed softly. "Ok Amelia the dog sitter, what career path do you want to follow? Or will you continue to walk dogs 'til you're my 40 year old crippling grandpa age?" He joked, remembering her calling him a grandpa. She laughed and shook her head. "No! I don't really know, I guess something I'd want to be would be a dog groomer? But I don't exactly have the money to afford schooling just yet." She explained Chris nodded softly, interested in what else she had to say.

The two continued the conversation way past finishing their drinks, growing more comfortable with each other the more they learned about one another. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" He asked her. His curiosity getting the better of him.

"Oh, nothing much really. I usually just spend the day at home reading when I'm not working. Not much else for me to do" She said, standing and collecting their trash to throw it away.

"Let's do something" Chris spoke, catching her attention, noticing her body tensing like deer in headlight. "I have no plans for the rest of the day and i don't wanna spend the day cooped up indoors doing nothing but watching tv" He explained, hoping to ease her tension.

:Oh, sure. What is there to do?"

"Well..." He thought. "There's a museum about the human body open right now. I've actually been meaning to check it out." Amelia agreed, thinking it was a fun idea. "Awesome! I can drop Dodge off and meet you there" He announced.

They both agreed, gathering their things and hugged goodbye. Amelia gave Dodger a kiss on the cheek and waved goodbye. She soon began to walk over to the bus stop, taking a spot on the bench. Chris got into his car, noticing her sitting down on the bench. He drove up to her, lowering his passenger side window. "You're taking the bus? No, come on. Get in" He said, reaching over and popped the door open.

"You really don't have to. It's ok." She spoke, waving her hand dismissively as she didn't want to be both to him. "Don't be silly, get in the car." He spoke, smiling as she noticed her standing and approaching the car, quickly getting in. "You want me to drop you off at your place or you ok with tagging along while I drop this guy off?" He asked. "I don't mind." She smiled, Chris nodding and driving over to his house.

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