Chapter 37: The Big Day

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A/N: Hey all, so sorry for not updating last week, life's been pretty hectic. Unfortunately, The One and Only will be going on a short hiatus. I'm not sure when ill be back to writing as I do have lots to do before I go on my missionary trip to Africa. I hope to reach my money goal soon so that I can end all the fundraiser events I got going on as that takes up loads of my time. But, I hope to be back soon! IF, but IF, I don't manage to find free time, i should be back no later than the end of July/beginning of August as I should be back from my trip by then. Again, I hope it doesn't take that long, but I don't want you guys worrying about the time of the hiatus, so around that time the hiatus should officially end. 

Months had passed as the couple thrived. Friends and family helped plan their wedding day, everything was coming along quite nicely. July rolled in and the pair grew more anxious. They had planned to tie the knot on their anniversary, on the 25th. Amelia worked with Shanna and Carly on the last few details while Chris was away for the week filming an episode of a show he had been casted on. Amelia felt so much love and happiness from his family, it was surreal. It blew her mind how the Evans family was so welcoming and loving towards her. She was beyond joyful to form part of this beautiful family.

"Hey, love." Amelia said softly as she spoke to her fiancé over the phone. "Hey, beautiful." Chris responded on the other end of the line. "How'd today go with the planning?" A smile formed on her face as she flopped back onto her bed. "It went amazing, everything's ready. Our rings finally came in today! Your mom picked them up from the jewelers." She spoke. "Really? Wow, everything really is ready," he gave a soft chuckle. "I guess now we just wait till the day comes." "Yea, I'm pretty nervous now." Chris laughed, "Don't go getting cold feet on me now, Amelia." She laughed alongside him and shook her head. "I would never! I love you too much to get cold feet." He nodded and smiled, "Good." The couple continued chatting about how their days went, and soon after, they said their goodnights and hung up the phone. Amelia cuddled up to Dodger on the huge bed and quickly dozed off.

July 25th had finally rolled in and everything at the venue was prepared the day before. The venue was covered in white with light blue, cream and white roses. The hints of the green leaves brought everything together. The white carpet leading to the altar sat between rows and rows of white chairs. The altar had two large columns, draped in white curtains with a small bouquet of the flowers, holding the curtains in the center. The podium was decorated the same as the columns. The altar overlooked the bay, the water was calm, soothing. Everything looked perfect. The time had finally come, all the guests arrived and took their seats. The music started playing as Chris stood at the altar. He was dressed in a navy blue suit with a white button up and black tie. The groomsmen wore gray slacks with a black belt, a white button up tucked in and to tie it all together, black suspenders with a black bow. Scott, the best man, wore the same as the other groomsmen, but his shirt was a baby blue to stand out from the rest. The bridesmaids wore a dusty blue, asymmetrical v-line, chiffon dress. The floor length dress had spaghetti straps that crossed in the back. The bottom of the dress opened up at mid leg height, revealing the bridesmaids legs and silver heels. Shanna, the maid of honor wore the same type of dress, but hers was a beautiful baby blue color to match Scott's shirt. The groomsmen and bridesmaids walked down the aisle linked in arms with their pair with Shanna and Scott leading them. They all parted at the altar and stood on their respective sides.

The music finally changed, Chris became visibly nervous. His hands were sweaty as he stared down the empty aisle. His hands fidgeted with each other, trying to maintain calm and focus. His face immediately softened when his beautiful fiancée appeared, her fathers arm linked with hers at the elbow. Her dress was an off white, creamy color with a sleeveless, sweetheart neckline. The floor length dress had a layer of floral print lace over the bottom half that flowed behind her as she walked down the aisle. The black mascara made her eye color pop. Her baby blue eyeshadow complimented the baby blue tiny flowers wrapped in her hair. She had a half up hair do, her messy beach curls flowed behind her, while strands of her hair wrapped around her head to form a sort of crown. She looked like a beautiful princess and by the expression of everyone at the venue, they all thought the same. Stella threw flowers as she walked in front of her. Stella was happy as can be, being part of her favorite person's wedding with her uncle.

Chris gulped softly, a knot formed in his throat as a tear rolled down his face. He couldn't believe his eyes. He was finally getting married, and to the person he truly loved. Half the crowd was in tears along with him. His mom, his sisters, her parents, all in tears. Amelia held back her tears, one tear managing to escape as she saw her future husband standing before her. Her dad let her go and went to take his seat. Chris and Amelia stood in front of each other, smiling. Amelia gave off a soft chuckle and wiped her tears away, trying to keep it together so that she wouldn't ruin her makeup. "You look beautiful." Chris finally spoke. "And you look handsome as ever." She whispered back as the officiant began to speak.

Time passed, the two said their vows to each other. Miles and Ethan walked down the aisle with the rings. Miles gave Amelia's ring to Chris, and Ethan gave Chris's ring to Amelia. They exchanged rings after the boys took their seats, and finally they were asked the big question. "Christopher Robert Evans, do you take Amelia Mae Beckett to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her, for so long as you both shall live?" The officiant asked. Chris and Amelia stared into each other's eyes. "I do!" Chris spoke, smiling happily. The officiant then turned to look at Amelia. "Amelia Mae Beckett, do you take Christopher Robert Evans to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better for worse, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, for so long as you both shall live?" Amelia's eyes became watery, a huge smile on her face as she said the words, "I do!" The officiant smiled, "Now that you both have committed yourselves to one another and to your Holy Union through the sacred vows that you have taken and by the giving and receiving of these rings, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" Chris gave no second thought and quickly pulled her into him, kissing her lips passionately. Amelia wrapped her arms around his neck and quickly kissed back. The crowd cheered and celebrated with the couple. Minutes passed and everyone joined the newlyweds in the reception where food was served, music played and drinks were served. The party continued through the night, joyful the whole time as it was a happy day for everyone. 

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