Chapter 27: Plan In Motion

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Amelia lay in her bed, scrolling through her Instagram boredom as she had already shuffled through all her other apps. A banner appeared at the top of her screen, catching her attention. "Hey Shan!" She sat up chirpily, crossing her legs as she got comfy. "Hey!! How have you been? Sorry I haven't been able to talk as much lately, I've been super busy." Shanna explained, speaking the truth. "I've been pretty good, it's good to finally hear your voice. We should hang out, I miss you!" Shanna laughed softly, "That's actually why I called you. I wanted to see if you wanted to come over to the house tomorrow." Amelia bit her bottom lip pensively, "I don't know, Shan. It'll feel weird to see everyone, and more so your brother. I wouldn't want to invade his space either." Shanna looked up at her brother who was hovering over her shoulder, listening to every word that was being said on speaker. His eyes widened and shook his head, mouthing "not here" to her. "He won't be here," She invented, "He's out of state right now. I think he said he'd be back next week or later on in the week." Amy kept quiet, debating on whether to go or not. "Besides, most of the family goes out during the day, the kids have school, so the house will practically be empty, and Dodgers here and he misses you, a lot!" A smile formed on Amelia's face. "Oh my baby, I miss him so much too!" She whined softly. Chris smiled warm-heartedly, hearing how she babied his dog even when either he or Dodger were present. "Fine! Only cuz I wanna see you and my sweet boy." Shanna smiled, Chris fisted his hands, raised his arms and pulled them down in victory. "Yay! Oh my goodness, I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" Shanna called out happily, "Me too!" Amy spoke on the other end. "Ok, i gotta go now but i'll see you tomorrow. 1 pm work for you?" Amelia smiled and nodded even though she knew Shanna couldn't see her. "Yea, that works for me. I'll be at your house at 1. See ya!" "Bye!" Shanna replied as she hung up.

"Shanna youre the fucking best!!" Chris cheered, bringing her into a big bear hug. "Yea, yea, whatever." She grumbled, rolling her eyes. "Ok, you have to be out of the house from twelve to like three, i want some time with my friend too." She spoke as she was released from her brother's arms. Chris nodded softly, "Deal." He two plotted the whole day out, making sure that Amy would feel forced to stay til later in the day when Chris came home. He made a fake luggage bag and tossed it into his car to play off that he was out of town and was able to go home earlier. He made sure to set an alarm for a few minutes before twelve so that he'd be out the door in a beat. He informed his family that Amy was coming and told them that she was only coming to visit Shanna. He told them that in the case she asked about him, he had been out of town for a while now. Of course, they were confused but agreed to it, assuming they were still in that awkward 'I don't wanna see my ex' stage.

Tomorrow came in a blink of an eye, the hours going even faster. Soon enough, Chris was out the door to waste time. The clock struck 1:12 and Amy had finally arrived, knocking on the door. Shanna rushed to go open the door, hugging and greeting her friend as she welcomed her in. "It's been forever since I've seen you!" Shanna squealed. "Haha yea, a month definitely feels like forever." Amy agreed happily. They walked over to the living room, sitting on the couch as they chatted for a bit. "Dodgers at the groomers right now, but Carlys gonna bring him around three, three thirty-ish." Shanna explained, "I didn't know Chris had an appointment for him today, sorry!." She added not lying about Dodger and the groomers. "That's fine, i'll see him when he gets home, if that's fine with you that i stay that long." Shanna waved her hand dismissively, "Pssht! You know you can stay as long as you want." Amelia laughed softly, nodded to Shanna's words. "Ugh, and the kids! I've missed them so much too, how are they?" Shannas expression went from happy to sad and worrisome. "They've missed you like you can't even imagine." She began to explain, "Ethan and Miles put two and two together and figured out you two aren't together anymore, but Stella," she paused, her heart breaking for her niece. "She's been completely shattered. She'd wake up crying your name. When you first left, for months she'd go into Chris's room in the middle of the night, crying for you. She stopped, but you can tell she still misses you so much." Amelia's eyes pooled with unshed tears, "oh, I've missed her like you can't even imagine. She was like a daughter to me, and I mean that in no way disrespectful to Carly or any of you but, I love her like she's my own. I miss having my cuddle buddy with me in the middle of the night." Shanna nodded, knowing what she meant. They continued talking about the kids, Dodger and anything that came up.

Lisa came into the house, cheering happily to see Amelia in her home. They shed some tears as they greeted each other, not seeing one another since Chris and her broke it off. Later, Scott and Steve who were over for a week visit wandered in, greeting the long lost Amy. "Oh I've missed you all so much!" She called out as everyone talked for a while. The clock soon struck three, and like an eager child, he walked through the doors. Amy and Shanna were over in the living room chatting once again. He dragged his luggage through the house over to his room, Chris acting as if he didn't notice his sister and ex in the living room. Amy froze in shock, quickly turning to Shanna. "I thought you said he wasn't gonna be here." She whispered, her tone nervous with a hint of anger. "I didn't know he'd be back, sorry!" Amy stood up, sighing softly, "It's fine, I should go though, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable." Chris turned the corner, stopping as he saw Amy, playing it off as if he never knew she'd be there.

Their eyes met, locking instantly. "Hey."Chris spoke softly, giving her a soft smile. "Hi." Amy responded softly, her smile was more shy and nervous. "I didn't know you'd be here." She waved her hand softly, "I was just leaving." She swiveled on her heels and grabbed her bag and keys. Chris's face quickly showed concern, "wait you don't have to lea-," he spoke before being interrupted by the front door opening with commotion. Dodger rushed in, sniffing around and quickly ran to Amy. His loud, excited whimpers were able to be heard throughout the whole house as he jumped with joy. Amelia smiled greatly seeing her very missed friend. She quickly fell to her knees, hugging him but Dodger was too excited. He leaped, pounced, zoomed and barked though the whole living room, running into her arms again. He knocked her down onto her back, licking her face only for Amy to dodge any incoming mouth kisses. She laughed and covered her mouth with one hand as she tried petting and calming Dodger down with the other. He eventually zoomed out of the living room back outside where the kids were grabbing their backpacks and other things. Chris, Shanna and Amy laughed at the event that Dodger had just caused. Chris smiled, extending a hand to Amy who took it and helped herself up. "Thank you," she spoke shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her face flushed red while she looked at the floor, standing in front of her ex.

The kids ran inside with Dodger right beside them, dropping their things at the door to get to Amy as quickly as possible, saving her from the embarrassment with Chris. He stood back, letting the kids have her first, knowing how much they missed her. He grabbed Dodger by the collar as Amy kneeled down once again to hug the kids tightly. Tears flooded her eyes once again as all three kids hugged her, nearly knocking her down as well. "Oh I've missed you all so much. You guys have grown so big." She whimpered softly, wiping away her tears. Carly walked in seconds later, her eyes quickly pooling as she saw how happy her kids were seeing Amy again. She sat the groceries on the table and went over to greet Amy as well. Her moment with Amelia was quickly cut short as the kids interrupted, wanting Amy's attention back. Amy quickly got nervous, seeing everyone in the living room, observing her with the kids. All the women had tears in their eyes with the sweet, heartwarming moment she had with not only Dodger, but with the children as well.

After a few minutes, Carly gathered the kids' attention. "Come on, you guys need to do homework and I believe Uncle Chris and Amy need to have a chat." The kids were quick to complain and beg to be left with Amy for a while longer. "You guys can bug her again once you finish homework, go, hurry." She said, shooing them away. She gave Amelia a hug once again, then parting and headed over to the dining room with the kids to do homework. "Shanna, can we have a moment?" Chris asked as the three of them were the last ones in the living room along with Dodger who was glued to Amy's side. Shanna looked at her friend to see what she wanted. Amy took a deep breath and nodded. Shanna nodded as well and left the living room. "Please, sit." Chris spoke. Amy nodded nervously, sitting back on the couch, the spot next to her quickly being filled by Dodger. Chris sat on the other couch, and the pair began to talk.

A/N: So i may not be able to update next week as I don't have any new chapters for you guys. I don't have to explain myself, but my mothers eye has been having problems so wave been going from doctor to doctor, which has given me no time to write. I am also a hobbyist artists that does take commissions which are my priority as that brings in income. That being said, i will be doing my best to get you guys a new chapter (hopefully by next week) but in the case that i cant finish a new chapter, i will do my best to post the week after. 

I do apologize, but my mom is my priority and commissions are the next in line. 

I should also mention that you're free to follow my tiktok, Marvels_lil_bish
If i have enough people from wattpad there, i will offer updates on when the next chapter will appear! 

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