Chapter 10: Late Nights Movies and Sleepovers

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They both laid on the bed, watching a movie. Dodger laid in between their feet, balled up as he slept peacefully. Amelia yawned quietly, getting interrupted by a scream from the screen, causing her to jump. Chris laughed at her, Amelia smacking his arm playfully in response. Dodger looked over at them, wagging his tail and he stood and walked over to them, plopping down in between. Amelia smiled, turning on her side to face him and wrapped her arm around him, Dodger continued wagging his tail happily at the cuddles. Chris smiled at them, loving that they got along so well.

Minutes passed and the movie ended, the room dark as could be. "You can turn on the lights, I'm not getting up off this bed." Amelia announced. Saying she was a huge scaredy-cat was an understatement. Chris rolled his eyes and played another movie. "Disney to make the little scaredy-cat feel better." He said to tease her. Amelia was genuinely surprised he had played another movie. He had never stayed long enough for two movies, but she didn't protest. The Disney theme playing, causing her to smile as she loved everything Disney. Oliver and company started playing. Amelia's smile remained as she remembered this is where Chris got Dodger's name.

Dodger stood a while later, going to the front door and began pawing at it. "Oh, this calls for a potty break!" Chris called, standing up. "Want me to take him?" She asked, sitting up and fixing her hair. "No, I can do it. Unless you want to?'' Amelia nodded, standing up and going over to the living room to grab his leash, clipping it on and taking him outside to the front of the apartment's grass next to her own apartment. She shivered lightly, wrapping her thin sweater across her chest, watching the pup sniff around. Chris peeked out the window, noticing her stiff body. He laughed lightly and grabbed her coat off the couch and slipped his shoes on before taking it out to her. "Oh yes! Thank you!" She cooed, Chris tossing it onto her back, overlapping it across her chest in the front. She looked up at him with a smile. Chris soon met her eyes, smiling back. As corny as it was, they both got lost in each other's eyes. Amelia's body was tugged, but not who she had expected, snapping her attention away from Chris. Dodger had pulled the leash, finally finding a spot to do his business. Chris watched his dog, shaking his head. Leave it to his own dog to be the cock blocker.

They soon headed inside, rubbing their hands against their own bodies to warm up. Chris unleashed Dodger, both the pup and Amelia racing to the bed to get under the covers. He laughed softly, following them. Amelia left his side uncovered for him as both her and Dodger cuddled up together. Chris took his shoes off, sitting down on the bed and covering his legs, eating gummy bears. "Are you still eating!?!? It's 10 at night!" She laughed, looking up at him. Chris looked over at her and laughed. "Yea so?" Amelia shook her head in response. "How do you not have diabetes?!" They both laughed, Chris shrugging lightly as he continued eating.

After a bit, he scrunched down, laying onto the bed and covering himself. He noticed both her and Dodger had fallen fast asleep with all their cuddling. He smiled, soon turning back to watch the movie, eventually falling asleep himself.

The sun shined through the window the next morning, as usual. Dodger was now at the foot of the bed behind Amelia's legs. Amelia was now cuddled up to Chris. His muscled arms wrapped around her happily. One of them being used as a pillow by her, the other was tossed over her waist, holding her lower back.

Chris groaned quietly at the sun shining at his eyes, not a fan of her thin, nearly see thru curtains. He shifted lightly, freezing as he noticed her against his chest. He looked down, trying to process everything, seeing where Dodger was. He smiled lightly, watching her sleep. He laid his head back down, closing his eyes as he tried to go back to sleep.

Amelia shifted slightly within the next few minutes, resting her hand onto his chest. Her body recognized that it wasn't a dog but her eyes refused to open. She quickly patted around, finding her way to his arms. Her eyes shot open at the realization of who she was cuddling. "What are you doing?" Chris groaned groggily, feeling the pats. Amelia didn't respond, looking around and spotting Dodger behind her. Chris looked up at her confused at all her movements, Amelia looking back, "He ditched me" she pouted, trying to play it off as if she hadn't touched his body just now. He chuckled, removing his arm from her waist, rubbing one of his eyes. "Yea, he does that." She soon looked at him, "and how did you get all the way over here?" She questioned, not sure how they even started cuddling. "Sweetheart, you came to me. I didn't move an inch" he laughed, rolling onto his back to rub both eyes. Amelia looked around, seeing he was right. She did travel over to him. "Oh, sorry." She said softly, feeling embarrassed. "Don't be, that's the longest I've slept in a while." he responded, putting his hands down on his stomach and chest.

Amelia sat up and stretched, reaching up high above her head. "I'm sorry I fell asleep last night. You could have woken me up if you wanted to go home." She was completely oblivious to his feelings and small flirty hints he offered. She was even oblivious to her own feelings for him. "Honestly, I knocked out. I don't even remember turning off the TV." he laughed. She laughed with him shortly before yawning.

"Ugh! I should get going though. I got a video call meeting later." Chris spoke, sitting up and getting up. Dodger's head shot up looking over at him. "You ready to go bud? Come on." He called out for him, Dodger laying his head back down in protest. "Dodge, come on bud. Lets go." he continued, his dog not budging a bit. Amelia giggled softly, standing up. "Seems like someone's still sleepy" she joked, seeing he wasn't moving from her bed. Chris continued trying to get Dodger to cooperate, eventually giving up. "Clearly he's not ready to leave." he laughed, "Would it be ok if I left him here for a bit?" Amelia smiled, "Of course! I love having him as a guest." Chris nodded, putting on his shoes and walked to the living room, Amelia following pursuit. Dodger remained on the bed, happily sprawling out once they left the room.

Chris grabbed his coat from the couch, throwing it on. Amelia opened up the door for him, giving him a smile. He walked out, turning around and thanked her for watching him for the meantime. They once again caught each other's eyes, staring softly.

Chris quickly leaned in, kissing her soft lips as his body refused to let the opportunity slide. Amelia froze momentarily before allowing her eyes to close, embracing the kiss. They parted after a few seconds, both of their breaths heavy. Amelia's cheeks glowed red, hot enough to melt ice. Chris smiled softly, finding her blushing cute. "I'll uh- I'll be back later for Dodger." He announced, Amelia nodded softly in return. He smiled and walked off, got in his car and drove away with the biggest smile on his face. Amelia closed the door, pressing her back against it and smiled as well. All her feelings for him rushing through her body like a dam had just been broken and released a flood of emotion and love for him.

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