Chapter 40: Bun In The Oven

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To say that the couple was ecstatic about the new addition was an understatement. Chris and Amelia spoke and decided that Amy would take it easy, wanting to give her less stress and avoid another miscarriage. She spoke to her boss who understood and allowed her to work part time. Although Chris wanted her to quit her job and stay home, she couldn't bring herself to do it. She felt she would go insane at home doing nothing. He eventually agreed after some convincing for her to work part time on the condition that if her or the baby's health decreases, she quits immediately. The two spent hours online looking at baby stuff in their free time. Their text messages were no longer about them, but the baby. They would send each other links to cribs, blankets, clothes, toys, and everything a baby could ever want or need. Their whole world was changing right before their eyes. Dodger became extremely clingy to her. Any chance he could, he was laying right beside her with his head on her lap. Chris had also become clingy, but with her stomach. He baby talked to it, rubbed it gently, gave it kisses and often laid his head on her stomach, hoping he'd hear or feel something.

As time passed, the couple moved onto their second trimester. They kept up with every doctor's appointment. "Your baby looks like it's growing well and it seems to be incredibly healthy. There is nothing abnormal." Their doctor spoke. Chris held Amy's hand, sighing in relief. "So are we in the clear?" Chris asked. One could say he is paranoid, but who wouldn't be when they lost something they dearly wanted? "From what I can tell, yes. You're in the clear. Both baby and momma are in excellent health. There's nothing in any of the ultrasounds or tests that have said otherwise, but there's always a slim chance in the second trimester. I advise you to continue taking things easy. Whatever it is you're doing, keep it up." He explained. Chris and Amy smiled with a gentle nod. Once they finished up, they walked over to his car. With a smirk on his face, Chris turned to look at his wife. "Wanna go to BuyBuy Baby?" He asked. "Are you serious?" She responded, her eyes wide and full of excitement. He nodded and chuckled, "Let's go!" The two quickly got into the car and Chris began driving to the store to see what they could find.

They walked into the store and both their jaws dropped. Everything they could imagine was there. Both quickly went over to the crib section and began inspecting each and every one of them. "Oooh this white one is so pretty!" Amy began, Chris soon followed by also pointing out a few of them. "Hey look at this one! It's a crib that turns into a bed when the kids are old enough AND! It's a nice walnut color." Amelia walked over to him, wrapped her arms around one of his and rested her head on his shoulder. She looked at the crib and smiled, "I like it. I can see our baby sleeping in there." He looked down at her with a sweet, genuine smile. "Let's take it then." And just like that he became a golden retriever. "We can start setting up a room for the baby. We can have everything we buy today delivered and it'll give me time to clean out the room!" Amy laughed softly as she watched him talk so enthusiastically. "Slow down, you're gonna lose your breath, babe." Chris stopped and laughed. "How much exactly are we spending?" She asked. "Don't worry about it, I've had money saved up for this sole purpose." She always knew he wanted kids, but she never expected him to have a savings account specifically for a baby. "You're so adorable. I love you." She smiled, going on her tippy toes and pecking his lips. Chris smiled against her lips and gave her a gentle hug. "We can get the basic needs like cribs, blankets, binkies, bottles and stuff like that. We can get clothes once we know the gender." Chris nodded in agreement to her words. "Deal!" She laughed once again and nodded, "Deal."

The two spent hours going up and down each and every aisle. They stacked a whole cart full of supplies, including a few gender neutral clothes. Chris paid, gave the info on where to send the crib, diaper changing station, play pen and bassinets to and both of them went on their merry way. Once home, he lost no time in going up to the room they had chosen and began cleaning it out, vacuuming the carpet and dusting off the walls, ceiling fan, blinds and doors along with any other spot cleaning that had to be done. While he did the room cleaning, Amelia began washing everything they had bought and stored it in its respective place. A few days soon passed and their baby furniture finally arrived. Chris carried up the boxes with the help of some of the house keepers. Amelia leaned against the doorway with her hand over her belly which had barely started to show as she watched him opening up the boxes and emptying out their contents. "I got you a rocking chair." He spoke. "Did you really?!" She asked in excitement. He gave a soft chuckle, "Yea, I remember you saying you dreamed of having one so you could sit and read books to the kids when you put them to bed." Amelia's eyes watered lightly, "You remembered that?" Chris looked up at her and quickly got up, going over to embrace her in his arms. "Of course I do." He smiled, kissing the top of her head. She peeked up from his chest to look at him, her hormones getting the best of her. "But I only said it once, and that was before we broke up, when we first found out about our first baby." Chris nodded softly, "Babe, ever since we became friends and our feelings started to develop, i imagined it all with you. The home, the kids, waking up every morning to you besides me, everything." He explained. "So when you mentioned you wanted a rocking chair, I could never forget that moment." Amelia weeped, burying her face into his chest, "You're the best."

Once she had calmed down, Chris got to building. He finished up the chair and gave it a little test run, making sure it was sturdy enough before she tried it. "Yup, it's good." He chuckled. He added the cushions and let her have a seat. "Oh my god, I love it!" She chirped. She began rocking gently, giving a slow nod. "I can definitely see myself reading books to the kids in this." They both chuckled and began on the next project. Amelia read Chris the instructions and pointed out the pieces while he put everything together. Before they knew it, it was one in the morning. "Done!" Chris exclaimed as he stood up to admire his work. Amy stood as well, going over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist as she stood besides him. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her. "It's beautiful, they're going to love it." She spoke, Chris nodding in agreement. "I don't know how much my patience will last," he chuckled, "I kinda want you to pop it out now." She laughed at his remark, "I wish it worked that way, I don't think I can wait any longer either, but we have no choice." She said as she looked up at him, and him down at her. "Come on, let's head to bed." She added, grabbing his hand and leading him over to their room to catch some shut eye.

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