Chapter 24: Life Without You

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A/N: Hey all, hope you're all enjoying this story! So sorry about the last chapter, there's tissue paper in the comment section <3 
Anyways, on with my announcement lol. Life's getting pretty busy so there's a chance this story will be updated every other Thursday until life decides to chill. I hope you guys understand and continue to enjoy the story. Ill def be doing my best to update weekly, but unfortunately, I cant make any promises! 
Love you all! 

Months had passed, both Amelia and Chris dropped any and all sort of contact with one another. Chris continued with his acting career, keeping himself busy to keep his mind off the break up. Fans were quick to notice the couple's lack of activity and pictures on social media. They also noticed how down Chris seemed at times, whether it was in pictures taken by the paparazzi or during interviews for his new acting roles. They eventually confirmed they had broken up during one of his movie premieres where he walked the red carpet alone.

Life for Amelia definitely went downhill. All of her previous dog owners had already found new walkers for their pups, except Clarice and Bandit. Clarice had trouble finding Bandit a walker since he never bonded with any of the ones they tried. Amelia was ecstatic when she found out she could resume working for them. "I do have to find a fixed job though, just walking Bandit won't be enough to keep my apartment and have enough for utilities and more." She explained to Clarice as they talked. "Why don't you apply at the firm I work at as a receptionist? The one we had just quit and they're looking for a new one. I can recommend you to my boss too!" She chirped. "Oh that would be amazing! I'll definitely apply." Amy said eagerly.

After a few weeks, Amelia was contacted by the firm, letting her know she had gotten the job. "Oh my god, thank you so much! Yes, I'll be there in the morning. Thank you!" She smiled happily as she hung up her phone. She quickly got up, heading over to her closet and began rustling through her clothes. She froze at the sight of one of Chris's hoodies. She pulled it off the hanger and stared at it for a while. Her eyes glossed as she held back tears. "You have no idea how much I miss you." She whispered to herself, folding up the hoodie and stuffing it in one of the lower drawers. She sighed and stood back up, to look through her clothes and pulled out an outfit that would be appropriate for her new job as a receptionist. She soon headed over to the kitchen to make herself some food. Another sigh escaped her mouth as she remembered the times Chris and her were bumping into each other trying to make a meal and laughing half the time as it almost always seemed like they were playing some sort of twister in the kitchen. She shook her head, shaking away the thought as she made herself some grilled chicken with rice. She walked over to her room, sitting on her bed and turned the tv on, trying her best not to think of their first night together where they fell asleep to Disney movies. She wondered how Chris was, and if he ever thought of her the same way she did of him. Little did she know, Chris did. Every little thing he did reminded him of her. Despite trying to keep himself busy most of the time, his brain always found a way to get a little reminder of her. It was like a notification banner, popping up out of nowhere.

"Cut!" A director called out. "Chris!! What the hell is going on, focus!"
"Sorry, sorry. I got distracted, I'm good now though."
The director rolled his eyes with a huff, "Action!!" Chris began his acting, walking up to his mark where he stood in front of one of his best friends, Scarlett Johansson. "Maybe we should look for Brian at the park, I can't think of anywhere else he'd be besides here." She spoke her line. Chris stared at her, desperately trying to remember his lines. "I-" he spoke softly.

Chris sighed and let his head drop slightly. "I don't know what's on your mind, but you need to revise your lines for this scene and get on top of it. Production just started and we can easily find someone else to perform the role. You were our first choice, and we don't want to look for anyone else, so please focus." The direction spoke in a firm, yet soft tone. He knew Chris was having a hard time, despite not knowing what, he tried to be as understanding as possible as this wasn't like Chris at all. "Take ten!" The director called out to everyone. The crowd dispersed, Chris sighed once again and headed over to his trailer right outside the set. Scarlett followed behind, "Are you okay?" She asked. "No." He mumbled out, entering the trailer, flopping down on the beige colored couch. She sighed softly, heading inside and sitting across from him on the other couch. "You miss her don't you? Why don't you just talk to her, try to get her back?" Chris shook his head, laying his head back against the backrest of the couch as he slouched. "I can't, we lost a baby. It's not easy going back to the happy go lucky couple we were after that."
"I never said it would be easy, Chris. But you're miserable without her, so maybe it's worth a shot."
"I don't think she wants me back, anyways. Last I heard she got a job as a receptionist and she's going out to company parties, having the best time of her life without me." Chris spoke softly. Scarlett rolled her eyes, "Just because she's going out doesn't mean she doesn't miss you. The week you guys broke up, what did you do?" She questioned. "I went out to Seb's birthday party." She mumbled out softly. "Exactly, and why'd you do it besides him being a friend and it being his birthday?" Chris sighed, knowing what she was getting at. "To distract myself from her. Scar, I know. I just, I don't know. Maybe I'm not the one that's ready to go back. I just wanna clear my head. Every time I think of her I also think of our baby and what could've been." Chris vented. "I was so excited when she told me she was pregnant and we were almost 3 months, and in a blink of an eye, the baby was gone." He paused for a second, wiping away a tear. "I hate being home now because when I am home, she's all I can think about. Her lying next to me in bed, her sitting in our living room playing with Ethan, Miles and Stella." Chris let out a sigh at his niece's name. "Oh Stella. She misses her so much too. Dodger too. He's constantly sniffing and stealing a shirt she left behind." Scarlett sighed softly and went to sit besides her friend, rubbing his arm gently as she let him vent to her.

Life was bumpy for the both of them, constantly being reminded of each other and their lost baby. They vented to friends and family, cried their hearts out at night and went out often to get their minds off one another. Although they seemed ok and happy on the outside most of the time, they were both miserable without one another. As time passed, being away from each other got easier, and reminders came less often. They felt better and continued on with their lives. 

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