Chapter 3: Recurring Events

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They both eventually called it a day and went their separate ways. Chris went back home and Amelia went over to Bandits house, nearly a walking wreck as her nerves and anxiety shot through the roof at the thought of having to explain what happened. Her knuckles knocked on the white wooden door, Clarice soon opening it. She quickly noticed Amy's nervous look, asking her what happened. "I- Bandit, he I-" she stuttered, tears impairing her vision.

Clarice brought her inside, sat her at the table and fetched her a cup of water, letting her calm down. Amelia took a sip, then took a deep breath and began to explain what had happened earlier. "I'm so sorry, i understand if you don't want me to walk Bandit anymore" She whimpered out. "Oh sweetheart, no! That wasn't your fault. How could you have known that would happen? Don't blame yourself." She comforted Amy, rubbing her back lightly. "I'll make sure to send James out to buy a better quality leash, and if you want, if it makes you feel better, we can get him a harness instead," She added. Amy nodded lightly. After a while, she calmed down, thanked Clarice for being so understanding and said her goodbyes before heading home.

She unlocked her door, heading inside and began opening up the windows, feeling like she was in an oven. Her breath stuttered a bit, the last of the cries coming out. She shook it off, heading to her kitchen to make herself some food, eating and soon washing her plates. Her body felt drained from all the adrenaline leaving her body, deciding to treat herself to a bath. She ran the warm water, filling the tub and throwing a bathbomb, followed by some essential oils and flower petals, accompanied with a book and a glass of wine just the way she liked it.

Once her fingers became pruned, she drained the tub and took a normal shower. She stepped out, dried her body, wrapped her hair in a towel and headed out to the bedroom to put on her shorts and baggy shirt.

She flopped onto her bed, noticing a text from an unknown number. "Hey, it's Chris. Just wanted to see if you talked to Bandit's owners and if they agreed to letting Dodger have more play dates with him." she read, a smile forming on her lips. She quickly texted back, "Yea, i spoke to her and she's fine with it. She's actually super glad that Bandit has a friend. She said most dogs don't like him because of his energy lol"

It was finally hitting her. She met a celebrity, and it wasn't just any celebrity, she had met one of her favorite actors and the owner of Dodger. She was more excited to have met Dodger than anything else. She fell in love with the pup more and more, each time Chris posted him on his Instagram. She squealed happily, dreaming of this day, despite it not being the way she had dreamed of it. The chime of an incoming notification snapped her out of it. She looked down at her phone seeing Chris had replied. "Perfect! When is the next time you walk him?" the text read. She quickly replied, letting him know the next day she had him. They continued texting, eventually setting up the next playdate for the dogs.

She smiled, flopping down on her back and sighed happily. She couldn't believe everything that had happened today. It felt like it was a whole dream. She eventually dozed off, falling into a light sleep, cuddled up to her pillow.

The next day came and went, and then the next. Finally, it was a day to walk Bandit. She realized she had not heard back from Chris since the first day, not sure if he was still meeting them at the park. She shrugged, not wanting to pester him with texts, knowing he was probably busy. She went on with her day, picking Bandit up, sporting his brand new harness and leash, this time, the leash had a thick clasp to it. She smiled watching him walk, sniffing at the trees, the grass and anything he could stick his nose into. They eventually reached the dog park. Bandit barking happily at the sight of Dodger waiting inside the fenced area. Amelia's heart warmed seeing how excited they were, Bandit pulling her to the park. She brought him into the leashing area, taking the harness off all together as he still had his collar on. She soon opened up the gate to the actual park, Bandit running in to greet Dodger, both sniffing each other. Bandit quickly initiated the play, bowing down and then dashing off, Dodger chasing after him as they were once again, the only ones there.

Amy waved over at Chris after watching the dogs for a bit. He waved back, Amelia soon began walking over to him. "Hey. Thought you weren't gonna make it" She laughed. "Why?" He asked curiously. "Oh, I figured since I haven't heard from you since the day we met. Just thought you were busy or something" She explained, feeling embarrassed for bringing it up.

"Oh, yea, I'm not the best texter. These phones are too advanced for me. I can barely answer a call" He joked, although it wasn't much of a joke. Amelia laughed, "Wow, what a grandpa!" she teased. He chuckled, shaking his head. "It's true, as far as technology goes, I could be considered a grandpa. I suck at it. It's just so hard to grasp the concept of it, I can't keep up." He explained himself. They both laughed it off, Amelia turning to look at the dogs playing.

After an hour or so, they wrapped it up, said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

A few more play dates were organized over a matter of weeks, most of the time it was pretty much the same as usual. Just them, having a conversation as both the dogs got all their energy out. Once in a while another dog would come into the park to play but those days tended to be cut short by the owners fanning over Chris and being in the same dog park as him and Dodger.

"Hey, I'm sorry I had to cut the dog's playdate short. I really couldn't stay with the girl blabbing about how she was a huge fan" he spoke on the phone, feeling bad Bandit didn't get to play as much as they were used to and how he left all of a sudden, leaving her alone. "After she got a picture and my autograph and still continued, I just had to get out of there." Amelia laughed on the other side of the line. "It's ok, I completely understand. You don't have to explain yourself. I probably would've left too if I were you." She responded, feeling unnecessary guilt at the fact that he was explaining himself to her, a nobody. At least that's how she saw it.

"I just feel like I had to because I basically left you and Bandit hanging." He added, "let me make it up to you, let me take you out for a coffee during the week. Don't think of it as an apology, just a casual get together with a friend." He stated, wanting to hang out with her in a setting besides the dog park, but also because he felt like he owed her for just leaving her.

"Ok, sure. We can do that" She responded with a soft smile, spread across her face.

"Great! I'll try to text you the info in a bit"

"Sounds good," She said. Soon both of them gave a short goodbye and hung up. Doing their own thing. 

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