Chapter 22: The Drop That Shall Spill The Glass

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A/N: The following chapter(s) will involve topics that may not be suitable for some readers. Readers discretion is advised. Please understand that, although this is just a fanfiction story, this does happen daily to women who are expecting and this is a sensitive topic. Any rude or disrespectful comments will be deleted. You are free to express your emotions in the comments, but please be considerate of others and their feelings.

A few weeks had passed, Amelia was creeping up on 10 weeks. Life was great. Chris and her were finally able to show their affection towards the baby freely. They were able to go to the baby sections of stores, look at things and sometimes buy a few items like clothing or stuffed animals that were neutral. Their families were excited to finally be able to talk about the news freely. Needless to say, this baby was loved by millions who were eager for its birth. The couple continued life freely and happily, awaiting their bundle of joy.

When Amy reached 10 weeks, things began getting unsteady. She began feeling slight, yet tolerable pain in her abdomen. She thought nothing of it and said nothing about it as it would only last a few seconds. As days passed, the pain began getting stronger which only caused her to worry.

"Ah!" She whimpered out, holding onto the wall of the hallway right outside Chris's room. Chris quickly came over, checking up on her. "What happened?" He asked, confused. "I- i got a cramp" she explained, holding onto him as he walked her over to the bed. She sat down, taking in a few deep breaths as the pain settled down. "You ok? Want some water or something?" Chris asked, his face clearly showing concern. "I think I'm ok, thank you, babe" she said, forcing a smile. He nodded and sat beside her, not wanting to leave her unattended.

A few minutes had passed when Amelia rose to her feet. She smiled and kissed his forehead before heading over to the bathroom. She did her business normally, taking some toilet paper to wipe. Her eyes shot wide open at the sight of a red crimson color on the toilet paper. "Chris!!!" She screamed in terror, tears pooling her eyes as fear grew rapidly inside of her. Chris ran in, eyes widening as he was shown what had caused Amy to scream. "Come on, let's get you to the hospital" he spoke, helping her pull up her pants quickly.

The couple rushed out of the house, Amy crying and trembling in fear. "Ah!" She yelped, hunching over in her seat. "What? What is it?" Chris asked, his voice shaky. "It hurts." She whined out, clenching her legs together. "I dont know whats going on" she continued to cry. "It's ok, everything is going to be ok. We're almost there." Chris spoke, trying to reassure her but also himself. He quickly parked outside of the emergency room, a few nurses pushed out a stretcher, unaware of the severity of the situation. Chris got out, circling around the car to help them get Amy out. "She's bleeding, she's pregnant" He announced, trying to fill them in on what was going on. The nurses quickly strapped her in, and wheeled her into the building. They quickly pulled out an ultrasound machine while a doctor rushed in, beginning a series of questions.

"How long have you been bleeding?"
"How far along are you?"
"When did this pain begin?" He asked, the list of questions felt eternal to Amelia but she answered to the best of her ability. The doctor sighed softly, jotting down notes and nodding. "Ok, we're going to keep you here for observation for a few hours, I don't want to alarm you, but vaginal bleeding during a pregnancy is nothing good." He explained, preparing them for the worst. Chris and Amelia looked at each other, both doe eyed with tears in their eyes. They held each other's hands strongly as they wheeled her bed over to a private room. "Get some rest, your body has been through a lot today. I'll have someone bring you both some food."

Once the doctor had left and shut the door, Amelia let out a whimpering cry. As much as she wanted to seem strong, she couldn't help but let it out. Chris sighed, tears rolling down his cheek as well, hugging her tightly. "Everythings gonna be ok, you'll see." He spoke, his voice cracking gently. "Babe, you heard the doctor, bleeding is nothing good" She sniffled out, wiping away her tears. "I know, I know, but we have to have hope, right?" He replied softly. She nodded softly, hugging him tighter.

The day went on, Amy's cramping and bleeding persisted. The doctor came back with her blood results and other tests they had done. He asked how she was feeling, not wanting to hit them with the blow right away. He sighed softly and shook his head gently. "I'm very truly sorry, Amelia." He began, "but youre having a miscarriage. Your body is rejecting your baby and unfortunately, there's nothing we can do to stop it now." Both Amy and Chris froze, the words of the doctor shattering their hearts. "No, no. There has to be something you can do. Do something!" Chris snapped. His sadness fuelled into anger. "I'm terribly sorry, but there's nothing to do at this time besides letting her body pass the fetus." Amelia shook her head, tears streaming down her face like a river. She sat up, reaching over to take Chris's arm to stop him from approaching the doctor. Chris looked over at the sudden touch, his eyes following her arm up to her face. The inner part of his eyebrows rose, the corner of his lips pulled down and his lip quivered. He broke down, clenching his eyes shut as he walked into Amelia's arms. The couple embraced each other, crying their hearts out at the inevitable reality.

The doctor stepped out to give them a minute. After half an hour or so, a nurse returned to the room with the doctor by their side. They explained how she was discharged and was free to leave whenever she pleased and how the body would naturally push out the fetus. "Please take the next few days slow. This is a huge trauma towards your body and yourselves as well and rest is highly important. We're very sorry." The doctor spoke. The couple sighed softly and nodded. Amelia changed once the discharge papers were signed and the medical staff left. Chris gathered their things. Both were dead silent on their way out of the hospital and on the way home.

Chris's family waited for them in the living room, Chris shook his head softly as they walked past them and headed over to his room. He closed the door behind them and sighed softly. Amelia changed out of her clothes and put on a fresh pad, crawling into bed and curled up, hugging herself. He looked over at her, going into the bed with her, spooning her softly and both began to cry nearly immediately.

This wasn't the typical bump in the road, this was much bigger.

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